The Writer and a Convict

how hard it is

Every time I think he is gone, he comes back and full force. I walked aimlessly around thoughts filling my mind. I wish I could have had an empty head for once. I was cursed with this syndrome. Always have manic thoughts running through my head. I did smile a little when I thought of all the trouble Seth had to go through to get to me. Which is funny in a ‘paybacks a bitch’ kind of way, Shadowz was on my coattails running. He was like my husband always worrying about me. I finally sat there and just started to cry. I couldn’t help it with Seth coming back and all my nerves were shot. I heard the phone ring, so I had sprinted to the kitchen and answered the phone. I heard Marie’s voice at the other end. Ugh just what I needed. No not really, I got off the phone pretty quickly with her. I decided to go back to writing some more. It didn’t go as I wanted and I wanted to throw the computer out the window. I got up and was in a pretty pissy mood until I heard my phone ring again only this time it was Seth. I didn’t answer if fear of what to say. I was terrified of the way he makes me feel I remember back when he loved me.

I sat in my room; I was so upset about not being able to see Marie. I had been grounded, and I hated it terribly. I heard something hit the window. I looked over and Seth was standing there with roses and a teddy bear. I smiled and opened the window. He smiled after I let him in. Seth was the only balance I had that made my life complete. I could look at him and I know my day would instantly be better
I stopped remembering there. It hurt to bad to think about happier times between us. It sucks because I didn’t realize how quickly my world would turn into his hands again.
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sorry its so short
I just needed to write an get a lot of my aggressions out
comments make life better lol