The Writer and a Convict


When I awoke the next morning I felt stiff. I looked around and seen I had fallen asleep on the floor. My neck now had a kink in it and it hurt like a bitch. I stood up and Shadowz was staring at me intensely. I scratched behind his ears and opened up the sliding glass doors and out ran Vengeance, Shadowz, and Synyster. I swear if people say all three of my dogs together they would trip. I laughed to myself at that thought and walked into the kitchen looking around for something to eat. I heard loud voices and giggles entering my living room. Marie and Alex were bickering over something but they silenced when they noticed me.
“No you’re gonna tell her.”
“Why should I tell her she is still mad at me over breaking her window?”
“Well I wouldn’t have told her about the window if you hadn’t told on me first.” She smirked.
“You told on me first!” she rolled her eyes.
“What are you guys trying to tell me?” They both instantly shut up. It remained silent in my cozy little living room for what seemed like hours but was a total of five minutes. I looked around my living room; the style was set to a warm setting. The hardwood floors shone and my light brown couch really went with the beige walls and flooring. My fireplace was lit. It was cozy in here.
“Ok Alex on the count of three we say it, one…..two….three. Seth is getting out of prison.” I noticed that Alex never opened his mouth. That made me laugh until the sentence sank in. I felt my head go light and then the room went dark.
I awoke to Alex making faces at me or in general I guess. He had his finger pressed to the bottom of his nose and the right side of his lip arched up. His eyebrow was cocked. I would have laughed had he not been doing that at me. I opened my eyes and he tripped out. He jumped back and hit his head on my oak side table.
“You were making fun of me weren’t you Alex?” He chuckled lightly as if nervous then I heard Marie’s voice.
“How is it my fault she fainted? What was I supposed to do not tell her? That would have been cruel. You can’t just show up here…because I said so. Whatever goodbye Seth.” I shook my head and walked in there.
“What are you doing Marie?” She jumped. Obviously she hadn’t suspected me to be awake and alert.
“Making hot cocoa, do you want some?” I rolled my eyes.
“I heard you on the phone Marie, what was it about?” she sighed.
“Seth is coming home in a couple days, so you better be prepared because he’s coming back for you.”
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sorry it took so long to update I forgot all about having this story
so comments please