Ashes to Ashes

I used to ride horses. It was my passion, actually. I had big dreams of becoming a jockey and winning the Kentucky Derby, or doing Dressage or show jumping in the Olympics and bringing back gold.
Those dreams were shattered at a young age when a horrific, accidental fire killed the 13 horses at the stable I went to.
More about the incident can be read here:
This is a vignette of what I recall of the service that the owner of the farm had for the owner's of the horses and for the riders. I honestly don't remember much; my brain has stifled a lot of it because of the ptsd from it. I ended up asking my mom about what she remembers from it to help paint a better picture for the sake of the story.
I still have the piece of charcoal I took from Callie's stall and I haven't ridden since 2006. I miss it a lot and hope that I can get back into it someday.