Cheated Hearts


“Aw, you shouldn’t have”, Jack whispered drunkenly as Cheyenne graciously handed him a glass of water in which he had asked for. She laughed it off, thinking it was cute. This night was so perfect, she had no idea what was to come nights later on. She had no idea that he actually meant what he was saying; or maybe he didn’t. Weather he meant it or not, these words would apply greatly for things to come, regarding him, in her life.
MIT. Where everything all started in the first place. Yes, MIT, the place in Boston where all the smart, nerdy Asians go and study math and science. Well, everything has its’ own stereotypes, and MIT was no exception. The ironic thing was, Cheyenne hated math and science. She absolutely loathed those two subjects and was just as terrible at them. She often wondered how she was such good friends with Janie, who was currently enrolled at MIT on a full scholarship.
Cheyenne wasn’t completely stupid, actually was quite smart. She just did not have that whole apply yourself concept down. Her skills contained writing and philosophy; useless tools that nobody really cared for. One couldn’t go anywhere with the knowledge of philosophy. So, it was hard having Janie for a best friend; always being recognized and praised for this and that. Luckily, they weren’t in the same grade. Cheyenne was one year younger than Janie, which made it acceptable for her to be the ‘stupid one.’
However, Cheyenne’s skills and weaknesses will come into play with story; just not at the moment. At the moment, the time is about 11:00 at night, and place is, of course, MIT. It was a mixed season; the type of weather where it was a little to cold to be summer, but still too hot to call it fall. Cheyenne had a killer ear infection, tremendous cramps, and a ridiculous fever. Let it be stated; when it came to the nightlife, Cheyenne was a trooper. Pain was not going to stop her going out, just as painkillers were not going to stop her from drinking, despite the warnings on the bottles.
She was dressed in black skinny jeans, a pink tank top, and blue leopard flats-classic Cheyenne. However, she had not showered, and with her long main of hair, it looked less than attractive. But, we all know the concept of how people somehow seem more attractive with the more alcohol you consume. She headed out to hit the frat parties with Janie, and her other high school friend, Kara. Cheyenne had never been to frat party before. Neither had her other friends. She was rather excited about this; it would give her something to tell all of her friends back at home. Meek little Cheyenne had now turned into a serious party animal. The term frat party lingered on her tongue when she spoke it. If only she knew what frat parties were really about; that they weren’t as fun as they seemed.
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This is a true story. My story. It might not interest you, and I'm sorry; but it's mainly for my own benefit (writing therapy).