‹ Prequel: Blurred Horizons
Status: Complete! <3

Rising Shadows

Chapter Thirty-One

Francine and Nora insisted on coming in to check on Emily every now and then, still a little suspicious of Percy after how he'd treated Nora, but Emily finally managed to convince them that Percy wasn't anything they may have thought he was. And they could tell she was being truthful, too. Percy looked more like a sad puppy than a ruthless, abusive husband. He just couldn't believe anything that happened.

In retrospect, it all made sense. The darkness that had filled his heart was something his mother often talked about, but nothing he took very seriously until it happened to him. However, spirits or not, Percy had still allowed the spirit to control his body like that. He convinced Emily to sit still in bed as he cleaned up around the room, trying to get his mind off of it. She'd changed out of her form-fitting clothing to wear nothing but one of Percy's older, softer shirts. It was much more gentle on her wounds and tender skin than any of her dresses were, even if it did make her look a bit tempting. Caesar slinked into the room and curled up in Emily's lap, and she quietly pet him while Percy paced back and forth.

"Good to see you again," Emily said to Caesar, scratching under his chin as he lovingly purred. "Your father doesn't seem to want to be in bed with me, so it's nice to know that someone does."

Percy sighed and went back over to the bed, kicking off his shoes and flopping down next to her, making the whole bed shake. Emily's hand moved from Caesar's fur to Percy's hair, lightly petting him now. Caesar hopped away, having lost interested, so Emily used her good arm to pull him closer and put his head in her lap. He looked up at her, wondering why she looked so happy when he felt so miserable and ashamed.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked, finally.

"I've seen you at your best, and at your worst," she shrugged. "Percy, this wasn't even your absolute worst. It was someone else. I couldn't blame you for what someone else was doing, and no one else would have understood you like I do."

He just grunted and closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of Emily's fingers in his hair. He didn't move until she started to lightly trace her fingernails down his back, making him shudder.

"Don't get me going," he murmured, sitting up so he could kiss her. "You're already broken, and I'll hurt you more."

"I'll be fine," she protested, trying to move on top of him, only to get pushed back.

She pouted, but Percy stayed gentle with her, moving so that she was cradled in his arms with her head resting on his chest.

"I know I haven't told you lately," Percy said, "But I love you."

"I know."

She fell asleep on him, and soon after, Percy fell asleep, too. For the first time in a very long time, both of them slept soundly.


Emily was a very quick healer, and by the end of the week, she was up and moving again. She'd finally convinced Percy that she wanted to visit Spain with him, and Percy reluctantly obliged, mostly because Madrid happened to be one of the few places she suggested that Percy didn't have some sort of reputation in.

"How many other women have you been with?" Emily asked him curiously, as she took down a few notes for Finn, since he'd be watching the lab and her projects while they were away.

Percy nearly choked on the glass of wine he'd been sipping, staring at Emily in surprise. "What?!"

"Oh, don't act like you're some kind of nun," Emily laughed, rolling her eyes. "If you expect me to believe your first time was with me, and that you were that confident in what you were doing, you best take another look at who you're talking to."

"We don't need to have this discussion," Percy said, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Emily asked with a half grin. "Now you've got me curious. I won't be upset if you tell me. After all, no matter how many of them there were, you committed yourself to me in the end."

"That's right," Percy said, leaning down to give her a peck on the nose. "And that's all that matters. Say, when are we leaving for dinner tonight? I'd hate to miss Scarlett and Ben leaving. Who knows when we'll see them and Gigi again?"

"Soon," Emily shrugged, locking her golden brown eyes on him. "Percy, stop trying to change the subject. I really want to know. And what happened in Italy? You wouldn't even make I contact with me when I suggested Italy."

"I'm not going back there."

"Why, did you have a harem there?"


"Fine!" Emily giggled. "I'll ask Scarlett, then. She'll tell me the truth. Get my coat, will you? We don't want to be late."

Percy nodded and did as she asked, and much to his relief, the topic of his past "romantic" affairs were changed to the excitement of seeing Gigi one last time. Ben and Scarlett had left their ship in charge of their crew so they could spend a long period of time there, and they'd be arriving back the next morning. And the Spirit never stayed in one place for too long.

Once again, Edmund Triggs was hosting. After so many years of his home being cold and empty, ever since he was reunited with his daughter, he liked having his house full of life. The Weldons were as close as family to him, and he had a fantastic dinner spread out to say goodbye to his daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter.

As soon as Percy and Emily stepped inside, Gigi ran to them and leaped into Emily's arms. While she was still a little bruised up, she was strong enough to carry Gigi now, who showed her a miniature version of Emily's pearl bracelet around her wrist.

"Like Aunt Emmie!" she squealed.

"Oh, it's just like mine, isn't it?" Emily cooed.

"Daddy got like Aunt Emmie!”

Ben came by a moment later, looking a little exhausted. He gave Percy a tired nod, and right away, Percy could tell that the poor man had probably spent the entire afternoon bribing a jeweler to make this custom bracelet for Gigi. And while he was at it, probably a little something for Scarlett, as well. His theory was proven when they moved into the parlor and he saw Scarlett sporting a brand new glittering hair comb holding her golden curls up in a bun, matched with a new pair of diamond earrings. She was sitting by Teddy and Henry, sipping on some champagne.

“Yes, you’re both wonderful, but I think I’d rather have the more capable brother help me,” she told them.

“Of course,” Henry nodded to her. “I’ll be sure that by the time you come back, all of your and Ben’s investments will be in order.”

“Henry, she was talking to me,” Teddy corrected, a little annoyed. “Investments in machinery. That I specialize in.”

“But we both know who the more capable brother is,” Henry argued.

Scarlett watched in amusement as the brothers began to bicker, struggling to keep their voices down out of fear that their children or wives would hear them. Emily slipped into a seat next to her with Gigi in her lap, just as amused as Scarlett when she realized what Scarlett was doing.

“There is no investment, is there?” Percy mumbled to Ben.

“No,” Ben smirked. “She just likes watching them fight.”

Henry and Teddy were visibly arguing now, and Scarlett was hiding her grin behind her glass.

“I’ve always been more capable! You were always off fooling around, and meanwhile, I was already working hard.”

“Oh, and I don’t work hard? I was the first one to get a job!”

“I was born first!”

The argument was interrupted by Tessa, who sat herself right between her sons and pulled them down by the collars of their shirts.

“I’m the capable one,” she whispered sharply. “I made you two. Now stop this embarrassing behavior and act like grown men, or so help me, I will punish you like children.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Henry and Teddy mumbled.

Percy cracked a smile as Emily laughed at somethings Scarlett whispered to her, jumping slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Bartimus Weldon offering him a champagne flute. He politely declined, a sudden flashback of downing glasses of scotch coming back to him.

“I’m watching myself,” Percy said quietly. “Already had a little too much wine at home.”

“It’s not too much unless you can no longer see straight,” Bartimus chuckled, raising his glass to Edmund on the other side of the room, who gave him a knowing grin in return.

“Well, that sounds a story you two share that I might want to hear one day,” Percy chuckled.

“Over a glass of wine,” Bartimus agreed. “You know, Percy, you’re not a monster. Sometimes, things overpower us that we can’t explain. What matters is that we learn from it, and know not to do it again.”

Percy froze, and Bartimus laughed, patting his shoulder.

“I can see these things,” he told Percy. “Now, loosen your shoulders and enjoy yourself. You’re a part of a wonderful family now, boy. No one here is going to give up on you. Don’t give up on yourself.”

“Yes, sir,” Percy said.

Her gave Bartimus a half smile, then accepted the champagne that was offered to him again.