Disenchanted Teenagers

Car rides and ice packs

When they reached the lot there was only a few cars left. On the furthest side was a black '75 mustang with a severely bored looking Gerard sitting on the hood.

"Picked up a stray!" Frank yelled over at him. Gerard looked over, raised an eyebrow then shrugged. He jumped off the hood and leaned on the fender.

"How's the hand?" he asked her when the group reached him.

"Hey you're not an asshole!" Frank told Kiera. Gerard looked confused, and Kiera only laughed.

"Not too bad, little stiff." she replied to Gerard, lifting her hand to inspect. "Little swollen," She added.

"Holy shit!" Frank exclaimed, "More than a little! And it's all purple! How come I didn't notice that in detention? How hard did you hit the guy? Is something broken?"

"Um, I don't know why you didn't notice, I got him good and it's not that bad. Nothing's broken, I think."

"Let me see." Gerard stated.

She paused only a moment, and then let him inspect her hand.

"You should put some ice on it or you won't be able to move it in the morning."

"Yeah, that'd suck. I'd have to actually listen in English."

Gerard smirked. "We don't want that."


"Well, there's ice at your house and Mikey and I already invited her, soo…"

Gerard shrugged, "Let's go."

They piled in. Mikey and Frank sat in the back and Kiera up front with Gerard. The Way's house wasn't that far away, they were there in under ten minutes, Frank scheming his next prank the whole way.

"If we could get Kiera to help it would work!" He stated finally.

"What if Kiera doesn't want to help?" Mikey retorted.

"But she will!"

"You don't know that."

They continued like that for several minutes. Gerard looked over at Kiera, amused. She caught his eye, grinning with mirth.

"Wonder when they'll finally think to ask me?"

"Oh, it'll take a bit longer for that to cross their puny minds."

Kiera snorted.

Finally as they pulled into the Way's driveway, Mikey said, "Why don't you just ask her and see if she'll do it?"

"Oh yeah!" Frank said as Kiera snorted. "Hey Kiera, want to help us with a prank?"

"As long as it has nothing to do with me getting naked, I'm always game for a prank."

"Aw, but it'd be better if you were naked!" Frank replied.

Kiera glared at him, and then noticed Gerard giving a similar look.

"Sorry, man, I don't think you'll be getting me undressed, ever." She pointed out truthfully. Gerard hid a smile.

"Aw, is it cuz you're all gooey eyed for Gee?"

"What!?" Both Kiera and Gerard blurted.

Frank and Mikey giggled like little girls.

Kiera blushed furiously, she was completely aware that she had developed a thing for Gerard, but she didn't think she was that obvious about it. She sucked when it came to dealing with guys. Well, guys she liked.

Gerard cleared his throat. "Come on, they're being dumb. Let's get some ice for that hand."


They headed inside. Gerard led her to the kitchen and went to the freezer and made up an ice pack. He gently grabbed her hand and placed the pack on her swollen knuckles. It sent a fleeting stab of pain up her arm, making her flinch, but then the cold felt soothing. She quickly realized that Gerard was still holding her hand. She looked up at his face, making eye contact. They stood there for what seemed like forever staring at each other, Gerard holding her hand.

Then the giggling idiots had to ruin it. They stormed into the kitchen, stopped abruptly like deer caught in headlights. Then Frank said, "See, I told you!" and they started laughing again.

"Well, my hand sure does feel better." Kiera smirked. Gerard looked at her questioningly. Kiera gave him a conspiratorial wink. "Looks like I'm back in the asshole bashing business. Gerard? See any assholes?"

He gave the best evil smirk Kiera had ever seen. "Hmm..." he tapped his chin, feigning contemplation. "I think I do…" He full out smiled. Kiera felt a strange tug in her chest. Then Gerard pointed at Frankie and Mikey.

Kiera finally looked over at the other two boys. They had identical worried looks on their faces. She calmly put the icepack down on the counter. Then she just looked at the two frightened boys and smiled. She took one step toward them. They fled upstairs.

Gerard and Kiera burst out laughing. "That was just too easy!" Kiera said.

Gerard grabbed the icepack and put it back on Kiera's hand, she gave another little flinch. "Sorry," he muttered.

"S'okay. So what now?"

Gerard shrugged. "My room? We could watch a movie or something."

"Ok, lead the way" she replied.