Overnight Sensation

the Morning After

Bryan had always been a very observant person - she could pinpoint certain smells down to the person with a singular whiff. So, she didn’t exactly need to open her eyes to realize she was somewhere unfamiliar. Where ever she was simply wasn’t the smell of her and her boyfriends - actually, fiance, now - room. She hadn’t even been able to smell his cologne, which was always a hint too strong in her opinion. On the contrary, whatever she was smelling right now was just the right amount.

Her head was thudding unbelievably and she thought to herself that she hadn’t ever had a headache quite this bad (though that might have been an exaggeration, as she got migraines frequently). Her pounding brain mixed with the unfamiliar scent flowing through her nose made it almost impossible for Bryan to even want to open her eyes. Not that she was a morning person to begin with.

All she had really remembered is that she had a late night, lost her friends and made new ones. But where ever she ended up - wherever she was right now - she hoped to god that it had nothing to do with the small flashes of herself and a blond-haired stranger tangled in sheets and forbidden kisses. She hoped with all her heart that it was a left over dream that hadn’t quite passed through yet.

She slowly turned herself over, trying to be mindful of her head. It was only when she had done that had she heard what sounded like a television somewhere in the near distance. She peaked a hesitant eye open and upon realizing she was naked and in a hotel which was much to expensive for her, she closed her eye, immediately bringing her palm down to cover them.

No, she thought, it couldn’t possibly be what I think it is.

It had taken another full minute for her to actually open both of her eyes and sit up in the messy bed. She pulled the thin, white sheet to cover her breasts, and from where she was she could see the sofa. And she could see the back of the person sitting on it. To her dismay, it hadn’t been Brianne, her maid of honor, but the boy sitting there had almost the same blond in his hair.

She let out a loud groan, letting herself fall back onto the bed, which caught Nialls attention.

Now Niall was never the type of boy to ‘hit it and quit it’, he would always at least made sure they had breakfast and a safe ride home. Admittedly, he had found himself in this kind of situation at least a handful of times but there was a right and wrong way to handle it. He could be a gentleman or a complete arsehole. He had always opted for the first because Niall wasn’t a mean guy. In fact, he was fairly confident that if someone where to ask any of his flings what he was like, there couldn’t be a really bad thing to say. He had never rushed them out, and he had a certain way of talking that made it seem as though they had been friends for a while.

But as Niall stared blankly at the television waiting for Bryan to get up, he couldn’t think of a single thing to say to her.

Say hi to your fiancé?

Congratulations on the engagement?

Or, the humorous route, I’ll expect and invite!

God, of all the situations he had been in, this one took the bloody cake. He had always prided himself on being jovial and respectful, and could honestly say he was never the other guy. He was usually very careful about that, and he scolded himself for the thousandth time for not noticing the huge rock on her finger. How could he have possibly not noticed? This was absolutely ridiculous. He had never intended to get in-between a couple. He just wasn’t the type.

As he heard Bryan groan, he froze. He wasn’t really sure if he should go over to her or just wait for her to get up and dressed. After a small pep talk, he stood up and walked into the room with some water and a pill for her head, which he was sure was hurting, and cleared his throat to get her attention. Bryan popped her eyes open and stared at him. There was a single moment of silence between the two as Joey finally placed his face.

It had been Niall. As in, Niall Horan from One Direction. She was sure she was going insane as she stared at him, but no matter how many times she had blinked, he didn’t go away.

This was real.

And, did she mention, that it was even worse now that it had been Niall? I mean, had it been a random bloke from off the street, she might have had a fighting chance of hiding it (though she was always one for telling the truth). But, it was Niall, surely there were already pictures of their night plastered across internet tabloids.

“Oh no,” Bryan shook her head, “No, no, no.”

“Sounds about right,” he muttered, sitting himself on the bed and handing her the glass. He heard a small ‘thank you’ from her, before she took the pill from the palm of his hand and swallowed it down with the water. He took the time to stare at her then, and almost patted himself on the back. He found her pretty attractive, though he couldn’t quite place why. Honestly, Bryan looked relatively generic. Brown hair, bright hazel eyes, and a bit of extra weight. As he recalled the feel of her body in his hands, he hadn’t minded it one bit. In fact he rather enjoyed the softness of her body, the curves. And as she sat up, he remembered the feel of her breast in his hand and he flushed.

“God,” she looked at Niall, “How did this even happen?”

“Well…” He started, and Bryan actually laughed at the sarcasm in his voice.

“Shut up, I know how I got here,” she rolled her eyes, “but really, of all people, you? What are you, like, 5’5’’?” She hoped her tone was joking enough, because she had only meant it in that way. Thankfully, Niall let out that laugh of his and she found herself thinking yeah, that makes sense. Because, as she had said the night before, he had a very distinct laugh. It was one of the only things that had stuck with her from last night.

“I mean, could have been worse, I could’ve been engaged or something,” He chuckled. Bryan eyes widened, and, not at all missing the humor in this, fought a smile.

“Now that” - she pointed a finger - “was extremely inappropriate, Mr. Horan, and I simply won’t have it. I’m a lady.” She stuck her nose in the air, but it only took a moment for the two to burst into laughter.

At this point, Niall had noted a few things. One was that she had a great sense of humor, one that matched his quite well. Two, her laughter may have been just as loud as his was. Which somehow made her even more attractive to him. Three, she wasn’t in any rush to cover her body up and get dressed. Although he couldn’t see much of her, with the sheets draped around her figure, he appreciated the confidence she had in herself.

When Bryans laughter died down, she heaved a sigh and said, “This really is a bit of a mess, isn’t it?”

Because, all joking aside, she had a life to get back to. Right now, Niall and her were in a safe bubble where her mistake didn’t really feel like much of a mistake, which is why she was able to joke about it. When she left, she knew she would feel it ten times more.

“Maybe for you, darlin’,” Niall grinned, “I’ve not got anyone to get back to.” She gave him a look of disdain, before bringing her left hand between the two of them so that they could stare at her ring. As if they both needed a reminder of the guilt they felt.

“Look at that,” she said softly, “these things aren’t costume jewelry. they really mean something and I never thought-“ Bryan stopped. She stopped because the lump in her throat got too large to talk over and it made her eyes sting. She felt terrible. She wanted to take the ring off immediately, not because it was William who had given it to her, but because she didn’t deserve to wear it.

“It’s going to be okay.” Niall rubbed her back, trying to comfort her but he wasn’t sure that was doing much. To be honest, he wasn’t even sure if anything was going to be okay for her. He supposed he meant it in the way of she would get through it. With or without her fiancé. But she would get through it.

It was safe to say Bryan was embarrassed. Bryan had never, and I mean never cheated on any of her partners - not even that long distance one. She felt sick.

Wait, no…she felt sick.

She felt bile rising in her throat but quickly covered her mouth to stop it, staring at Niall wide-eyed. Her plan wasn’t to prance around stark naked in front of him, but there was nothing worse than vomiting anywhere that wasn’t a toilet bowl. So she stood up and thanked the heavens when Niall immediately closed his eyes.

At least he’s a proper gentleman, she thought as she sat leaned over the toilet.
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I honestly hadn't expected to come up with a follow up to the previous chapter. At least not this quickly.

Thank you to whoever subscribed, and thanks to the person who recommended this!

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