Status: Updates every Thursday. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Home, Sweet Home

Chapter Twenty-eight

Dangirl POV

OH! MY! GOD! She did not do this. I can’t believe she did this. She made them put her in their day in the life. I cannot. I can’t even…

He’s on her bed for Christ’s sake. That is so inappropriate.

Pancakes! PANCAKES!!! This must be the only reason Phil likes her. It has to be.

She is clearly flirting with my man. I have to kill her. It’s the only way to make any of this better. First I just need to find out who she is but when I do, she’s going to wish she stayed in her own country.

She’s fucking cuddling with him on the couch! How could she think that this is an okay thing to do? I hate her and Americans and America!

As if she’s just sitting there in between them like there isn’t anything wrong. I bet she has a fucking shit eating grin under that stupid fucking paper bag.

She must be really ugly to have to hide her face like that. Before I kill her I’m going to laugh at her because of how ugly she is.

There was a knock on my door so I went to answer it. It was the asshole that lived below me.

“Could you please stop screaming? My wife jut pit the baby to sleep.” He said.

I wanted to hit him, but instead I smile sweetly and apologized.

Was I really saying all of that out loud?



I woke up to being really warm and with what felt like an arm around me but I was too tired to open my eyes. I tried to remember what happened last night.

It felt like I was still in my jeans and the Dan’s sweater that I threw on because I was cold last night. Dan… I’m still on Dan’s bed. Does that mean the arm around me is attached to Dan. Of course it’s attached to Dan, you idiot. Who else would be in his bed?

I felt movement beside me. Is Dan waking up? I felt his arm move and him stretch beside me. Oh God, I could feel the muscles move beneath his skin where he was still touching me. I could have sworn that someone turned the heating up just now. It’s really hot.

Then I felt his arm snake its way back around my waist. Dan’s chest was pressed against my back and I could feel him breathing into my hair.

OH MY GOD! I have to be dreaming. That’s the only explanation for this.

I didn’t dare move because I wanted this to last forever. I was afraid that if I did move, Dan would let go of me.

If there is a God, prove it to me now by letting this last forever.

“Sam.” said Dan shaking my shoulder.

I turned my head toward Dan’s voice.

“Come on Sammie, it’s time to wake up.” He said.

I could feel his breath on my ear. I had to suppress a shiver.

“I dun wanna.” I mumbled.

I really hope that he doesn’t know I was already awake.

“It’s almost noon. If we don’t get up soon, Phil will come looking for us and honestly, I don’t want to have to go through the teasing that is bound to come from him finding us here.” said Dan.

Once again I could feel his voice brush across my ear. Okay Sammie, pull it together. Under no circumstance are you to turn over and kiss Dan.

I groaned.

Good, now just roll off the bed and get up. Come on, you can do this. Put distance between you and Dan.

I rolled. Instead of the graceful roll to standing position I envisioned, I just rolled onto the floor. I laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling.

Hey at least I’m away from Dan and now I can’t kiss him.

“Are you okay?” said Dan with a chuckle leaning over the side of the bed to look at me.

“I’m fine. I was just, ya know, checking to make sure gravity was still working.” I said.

I used to have these days where I wished that the ground would swallow me up. It usually happened after I did something particularly embarrassing or amazingly stupid. Now, I just wanted it the happen to keep me from just sitting up and kissing that beautiful smirking face above me.

I rolled over onto my stomach so I didn’t have to look at his face anymore and got to my feet.

“Well?” Dan asked.

“Well what?” I countered.

“Does gravity still work?” He asked with a smirk.

“Unfortunately.” I said shrugging my shoulders and frowning a little.

I left his room as fast as I could without making it look like I was running until I hit the stairs where I actually did run. When I got to my room I closed the door and leaned against it to catch my breath. To my surprise, I didn’t actually need to. Maybe I’m fitter than I thought I was.

I slid down my door until I was sitting on the floor. Either I need a longer break from him, or I need to never leave the country again because for some reason, I’m even more prone to accidentally kissing him that I was before I left. It’s almost happened three times now.

Okay maybe I more than just like him. Maybe I can’t beat this crush. This crush is going to beat me. Eventually I won’t be able to hold myself back and I’m going to lose my best friend and then I’ll have to go home and watch my mother gloat in my face while I take classes at a community college getting a degree in something I’ll never use and then I’ll have to work in the diner for the rest of my life and I’ll die owning money to some stupid…

Okay, stop. Breathe. No, none of that is going to happen. Phil and even Lily have said that he wouldn’t get mad. I may have to move out but I could handle that. It might be awkward for a few days but we would eventually go back to normal.

Still doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss him any time soon.

I checked the time and realized that if I didn’t leave now, I would be late for my running date with Niomi. Before running out the door, I quickly changed then grabbed my phone, Chapstick, house keys, and forty bucks that I shoved in my bra. Hey it was for an emergency and money is money. Oh well if someone has to deal with a little boob sweat.

I met Niomi in the same park that we ran in before and without a word we just started running.
I did amazingly well this time around. While I may not have been able to completely keep up with Niomi causing her to slow down a little, I did make it the whole route and then I even jogged to the spot where we laid and caught our breath. It may have been because I didn’t try to talk though.

“Did you run while you were away?” Niomi asked from her spot in the grass beside me.

“No but I did have to walk almost everywhere and we did a lot. Waterpark. Beach. Mall. Lots of walking.” I said.

Our conversation ended and not long after that, we parted ways. When I got back to the flat, I ran up all of the flights of stairs btw, I went up to my room, grabbed a pair of plain black leggings and a random black t-shirt and then ran back down to take a shower.

I checked and double checked for shower spiders. No way did I want Dan, or Phil for that matter, to have to see me naked today.

Okay, I was promised a chill day. We’re going to sit in the lounge and watch TV all day while Dan scrolls through Tumblr and I look over his shoulder when he’s not paying attention.

I will not, under any circumstances, look at Dan’s lips or his hands, or any other part of his body that I want to touch with mine. Okay that didn’t sound right. I would saw that it sounded better in my head but this kind of is my head.

Way before I was ready, the hot water ran out. I took my time drying off and getting dressed. I really just want to lay face down on my rug and contemplate why all of this is so meaningful to me when we are inevitable going to die and in a thousand years none of my petty worries with have amounted to anything.

I bet they wouldn’t notice if I just never showed up in the lounge. I could just sneak up to my room and… of course this is when my stomach growls. Why is eating a thing.

I made my way upstairs to the kitchen. Of course we don’t have anything I can grab and go and I really, really don’t want to cook anything.

I could just run to the store and get something. Ya know, postpone having to spend any actual time with Dan.

I went to the lounge where I found Phil flicking thought the channels and Dan scrolling Tumblr.

“So we don’t have anything to eat. I’m going to run to the store and pick something up. Do either of you need anything?” I asked being polite but not actually caring what they needed.

“Actually I need a few things for a video. Can I just come with you?” said Dan.

My stomach dropped. How could I say no?

“Yeah, sure.” I said.

I ran upstairs and shoved my feet into my combat boots. Of course I’m wearing socks that’s gross. I even walk around barefoot let alone no socks with shoes. That makes your shoes and your feet smell.

This is when I reached for my leather jacket only to grab air. I’m gonna kill her. I swear to God, the next time I’m in that same country, that girl is dead.

Instead I dug my other leather jacket out from the back of my closet. It was all black and it looked amazing but it just didn’t fit as well as the on Lily stole but this one would do for now. Once again I grabbed Chapstick, phone, and this time wallet and headed down to the door where Dan was waiting for me.

“So where too first?” Dan asked.

“I don’t care but I’m hungry and if I’m not fed soon it will turn into hangry.” I said fiddling with my bun making sure it wasn’t too lopsided.

“Wait, I just remembered I need a thing.” said Phil coming down the stairs at a pace that could be potentially dangerous for everyone involved.

I just wanted to run to the store, grab some yogurt and on the way back possible stop at Starbucks. Now I was going to have to do it while staying at least six feet in front of the guys. I sighed and followed both of them out the door.

Once out on the street, the guys didn’t wait for me to go ahead of them. Instead they just started walking. I waited until they got a few feet away before starting to walk myself. It was a few minutes before the guys noticed and then they walked back to me.

“Why are you so far behind?” Dan asked.

“Well the subscribers don’t know who I am. Don’t you think that it would be a little weird for them to see you with a girl that they have never seen before?” I asked.

“But they’re going to find out who you are eventually.” Dan countered.

“What happened to teasing the Phandom about who I am?” I said.

“I didn’t think about that.” He replied.

I pulled out my phone to give me a reason not to look at him. If I look at his eyes for too long, I may lose myself and… nope. I don’t want to think about it.

“I have to head to Starbucks. I just got a text from my boss.” I lied.

I started in the directing of the coffee shop but Dan stopped me before I got too far.

“What was it you wanted from the shop?” he asked.

“Just some yogurt and fruit.” I replied.

“Okay. I’ll pick it up for you. I know what you like.” He said cutting of my sentence telling him exactly what I wanted.

“Thank you.” I said.

Before he could say anything else I ran, more like quickly walked but you get the picture, in the direction of Starbucks. It didn’t take me long to get to the very familiar building. I walked in and got in line.

“Hey Sam.” I heard Emily say with a wave from behind the counter.

I waved back and gave her a genuine smile. Emily and I have been getting closer recently. Mostly because we have been working some of the same shifts. Starting tomorrow we were actually going to be working six days together. Someone asked her to work a couple days for them putting her on a seven day stretch.

She came out from behind the counter and headed towards me.

“You want your usual?” she asked.

“Of course. When do you go on break?” I questioned.

“’Bout a half hour. If you want to wait, I’ll make you a second coffee and we can talk for a bit. I have some gossip for you.” She said with a sly smirk.

For some reason the way she relayed gossip to me made it sound really interesting and made me feel less bad about gossiping about people.

Recently she and her boyfriend have been having some troubles and I figured now I would be finding out more details. I was really curious as to what was going to happen with them. That and she and I are almost positive that Eric, one of the Baristas who happens to be working today, is seeing the manager’s daughter, Kayla. I know for a fact that the manager dislikes Eric very much but he has no clue that Kayla clearly makes lovey dovey eyes at him when she’s around.

“I can’t wait to hear all about it.” I said with a mirroring smirk.

Emily made her way back behind the counter and I was able to make it one step closer to caffeinating myself. I literally was able to take one step forward. It felt like forever for me to finally make it to the front of the line.

I told Eric my order and I think I got my coffee faster than anyone else though because I’m pretty sure Emily started to do my coffee before I even ordered.. Plus, they totally spelled my name correctly. Perks of working in the Starbucks you order from.

I then made my way to my favorite corner and waited for Emily to go on break. I had finished my coffee ten minutes before Emily showed up.

“It looks like you could use a refill.” said Emily setting a cup in front of me and then sitting across from me.

“You are a mind reader.” I said grabbing the coffee and taking a sip.

“So, Kayla was here earlier.” She said sipping her drink.

“And…” I said vocally nudging her to tell me.

“I may or may not have caught Kayla and Eric in the back room feeling each other up.” She said with a smirk.

My jaw dropped and I had no words.

“Please tell me Kevin walked in.” I said.

Kevin is the manager.

“No. I guess we have to wait for the next episode of As the Coffee Shop Turns. Wait that is one of those American soaps, right?” said Emily with a laugh.

“As the World Turns is a soap. Although As the Coffee Shop Turns seem like a much more interesting show.” I said.

We giggled and people started looking at us but for some reason, instead of getting awkward and embarrassed like usual, I just didn’t seem to care.

“Okay so what’s going on with you and the boyfriend?” I asked cautiously.

“I no longer have a boyfriend. As I had assumed, he was indeed cheating on me with not just one girl but two. I’m not really sad about it. I don’t know why but I’m just done with… dating.” said Emily pausing and then speaking slowly.

Her attention was grabbed when the door to the coffee shop opened. I turned to see who had come in.

This was my sanctuary away from everything Dan and Phil related but of course who walks in when I least expect it? Dan and Phil.

“He’s cute.” I heard Emily say quietly.

Dan made eye contact with me and gave me a smirk.

“Do you know them?” Emily asked.

“Have you ever hear of AmazingPhil or danisnotonfire?” I asked.

“No…” she said confused.

“Then yes I do. They are my roommates.” I said.

“Is the cute one single?” she asked.

“Which one are you talking about?” I asked.

If she said Dan, I was totally telling her he had a girlfriend. I am not a good wing woman when it comes to Dan.

“The one with the black hair. He is so cute.” She said.

I couldn’t help but giggle.

“As far as I know he’s single.” I said.

“As far as you know? You live with him. You should know if he brings girls home.” She said her voice going a bit high pitched.

“Haha. Oh that was a good one.” I burst out in laughter.

I noticed Dan and Phil’s attention turn to us.

“Sorry, sorry. It’s just I’ve been friends with them for a while and I’ve never seen either of them go on a date or anything. Just the thought of Phil bringing a girl home is just…” I then dissolved into giggles.

Emily just looked at me.

“Phil is like a second older brother. I love him. He’s super sweet and he give amazing hugs. He really is a catch but like I said before. I’ve known him for a while and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him go on a date.” I said.

“So does that mean my chances are slim?” she asked.

“You just said you were done dating for a while.” I said

“Yeah well I’ve changed my mind.” She said with a half-smile.

I just shook my head.

“I don’t really know, but I don’t suggest just approaching him. I mean you could always come and hang out sometime. Now that you don’t have a boyfriend to take up all of your time, you and I can catch a movie or something. I’ll even invite the guys.” I said.

“Wait, did you just offer to be my rebound?” she asked with a smirk.

“Maybe…” I said wiggling my eyebrows causing the both of us to dissolve into a fit of giggles once again.

“Oh, I have to get back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Emily said getting up after recovering from the giggles.

“Bright and early. Oh by the way can you make me two drinks real quick when you get behind the counter. Here’s the money.” I said handing her a bill.

“Sure. What am I making?” she asked.

I told her and then texted Phil.

“Hey, I already ordered your coffees. Hope you don’t mind but the guy behind the counter is really slow. My friend Emily is making your drinks.” I texted

“Okay thanks. You know I only tagged along so that you didn’t have to go with Dan by yourself. I saw you sneaking out of his bedroom this morning. Care to share?” he asked

“I fell asleep while writing and Dan didn’t wake me up like I thought he would. I woke up cuddled with him in the bed. I pretended to still be asleep and Dan tried to wake me up. I had an overwhelming urge to kiss him but instead I just fell on the floor.” I explained.

I watched as Phil tried to hold in a laugh.

“It’s not funny. Dan then leaned his head over the bed and all I could think about was just sitting up and kissing him. I swear to god I’m never leaving the country again.” I sent.

Phil had to cover his mouth to hide the smile and when he made eye contact with me, he lost it.

“You should have just kissed him.” He said when he was finally calm enough to type.

Dan was just looking at him like he had gone crazy.

“We have had this conversation so many times, Phil. I don’t want to kiss him.” I sent back.

“Sam you know you want to kiss him. You just don’t want to deal with the aftermath. Please just tell him you like him. I will get on my knees right now and beg if I have to.” Phil sent back.

“Phil, please. With the way I’m going, it’ll happen soon.” I sent.

It felt like I was on the track to accidently kissing him when we both least expected it. Just then Emily came out with the two coffees. Once again, I texted Phil.

“I have your coffees so get your asses over here.”

Phil got Dan’s attention and they made their way over.

“Okay, I’ve scoped out the place and I see no fangirls atm. Here are your coffees and I’ll meet you at the flat.” I said handing the coffees to the boys. I just wanted them to leave before any actual fangirls showed up.

“You know, I think we’ll stay and hang out for a while.” said Dan.

Was he purposely trying to make me kiss him? I walked off to say goodbye to Emily. If they wouldn’t leave, I would. I said a quick goodbye and made my way to the exit.

“Where are you going?” Dan texted.

“Home.” I replied.

“Wait up, I’ll walk with you.” He sent.

“Don’t bother. I got a taxi.” I sent back.

I then turned my phone on silent and continued to walk. I was so stuck in my head that I didn’t notice the guy walking toward me. Just as I realized a collision was about to happen, it happened.

Next thing I knew, I found myself on the ground with one leg covered in coffee.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” he asked kneeling down on the ground.

This was when I took in his features. He looked… familiar, but at the same time, very cute. He had brown hair styled up into a quiff. He his green eyes were filled with concern and the accent. Irish. Oh. My. Goodness.

“I’m okay. I spend a lot of time on the ground.” I said.

Oh god, that sounded so wrong. I closed my eyes and put my hand on my forehead.

“I mean, because I’m literally the clumsiest person ever.” I said in a rush.

He laughed. Oh god, his laugh. My knees would have been weak if I wasn’t already sitting on the dirty pavement. He stood and offered me his hands. I grabbed it and he helped me up.

Once in a standing position, I brushed my butt and the back of my legs off and out of habit, turned to the closest person to me.

“Am I good?” I asked lifting my jacket and asking if all of the dirt was gone.

“Definitely good.” He said with a flirty undertone.

I turned back to face him.

“I’m James, but you can call me Jamie. Sorry about the coffee.” He said holding out his hand.

“Sam.” I said taking it in mine.

His hands were smooth and warm but I could feel the calluses on his fingertips. He played guitar. How did I know this you ask? Ian and Lily both had these calluses from playing often.

His eyes caught mine and it was like it was just the two of us. All thoughts of my crush on Dan were completely forgotten.

I have a weakness for guys with green eyes. There was a reason I had a little bit of a crush on Connor Franta before he came out. I hate to admit it, but Jamie’s eyes were the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen.

“I uh, I have to run but I’d like to see you again to make up for knocking you over. What I’m trying to say is, can I have your number?” he asked.

Never had I ever before been asked for my number by any guy let alone a very, very cute one. How could I say no?

He pulled a sharpie out of his pocket and I extended my hand. On the back of it, he wrote his number then handed me the sharpie and I did the same. We had exchanged numbers.

I watched as he walked away. He looked back once and made eye contact with me causing me to blush instantly. It seemed like I was rooted on the spot. I couldn’t move. A very cute guys just asked me for my number. The only time a cute guy had come up to me asked me for Lily’s number.
Finally I snapped out of it and finished my walk home.

What in the hell has gotten into me.

Once I was there I went straight up to my room. I had the urge to do something I haven’t wanted to do so badly since before Adam and I broke up when I decided to study abroad in London.

I grabbed my music notebook and a pen then set it on my bed and ran down to the lounge where Dan had setup him keyboard. I grabbed the keyboard and its cords and then lugged it back up to my room then sat with my back to the door. Once the keyboard was all plugged in and I started, the melody just flowed out of my fingers.

I wrote down each of the notes on the sheet music in the notebook. Then the words, just as the music had, flowed out of my mouth.

Sometimes inspiration comes to you at the weirdest times. You could be thinking about coffee and then all of a sudden a sentence runs through you mind and you can’t help but write it down which then spirals into a poem about something completely different than what you had been thinking about before.

Those green eyes made a sentence pop up into my head. I thought that the moment Jamie and I had had wiped all remembrance for my crush for Dan, but I was so wrong.

What was the sentence running thought my head you ask?

Why is it when I’m with Mr. Green Eyes, all I can think about are how I wish they were your brown ones.

I’m in way too deep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I accidentally posted half a chapter so I fixed it.