Would You Mind if I Sat Next to You and Watched You Smile?


Christy's POV
Alex and I have known each other since we were 9 and 11.At the time
We did not’t yet know we were sisters but, by the time we turned 13/15
We knew that we were and that no matter what we would always be together.
It did not’t matter what we looked like or anything, we just knew. Well now we're
24 and 22. We have graduated college with honors, while maintaining a band.
Our band's name is Mouthwash. The band includes our best friends Joey, his older brother Michael, and Katie. We all share a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartments, with a kitchen, in New York.
Oh! All of us work in Alex and my store, Wolf’s Moon; it’s 2 stories with about 1000sq.ft
On each floor. On the first floor there's a small coffee shop and a book section, and
On the 2nd floor there are music and computer sections.

We all absolutely love music, but we're addicted to fall out Boy. So this year,
Since FOB has a tour, we have decided that we would leave the shop to the
Assistant managers, and we would go on tour, not with FOB but similar to them.
We all had about $2000 each so we figured we could. We also found that we
Would have to miss about 5 concerts, so we could have a few gigs and rest days.
Katie had a van so it was all good.

I had been packed for at least a week, but I was still freaking out.” Alex, did I pack everything!?"
I asked, rather loudly.” Yes, you did now stop worrying, you dumb nut and help me pack. “Lex told me.
So I sat down and helped my sister pack her medium sized suitcase. By the time we were done packing, and talking it was almost 9.
"Oh HOLY SHIT!!!! I REMEMBER WHAT I FORGOT!!!"I screamed. I dumped my suitcase and went through everything,
For the 10th time that day. So now Lex had to help me RE-PACK everything while I was running around franticly,
Just tossing stuff at Lex. Every now and then I would get bopped on the head for accidentally hitting her or something. Who knows.
Then when I finally found what I was looking for, Lex tripped me. What I had had in my hands went flying."NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
as I fell flat on my face,” ALEXIS I NEEDED THOSE!!!” And I got up and tackled her so hard the floor shook....the only problem was...I missed her.
"Damn it, I hate you and your stupid dodging skills!! “ I mumble yelled in to the carpet.

Joey came sprinting out of his room, in his PJ's
To see me right as I missed Lex and did a face plant.” What the hell did you do to her this time, Al? I'm pretty sure the whole city heard her yelling
And then she shook the whole floor when she tried to tackle you.” He said as he was walking over to me. He knelt down, “Hey Dani, you OK?” He half whispered
What I said was yea I’m fine but can you help me up? What everyone heard was” y I'm finb tanoo elpep"
"What did you just say” Joey asked Lex told him that I said” yea I’m fine but can you help me up?" "Oh yea sure” so he held out a hand and I took it
And then he half picked me up to my feet.” Thanks Joey.” I said as I almost fell again. “Whoa, don't fall over. Here." He took my hand again
And made me sit on the bed.” Al would you go get her some pain medicine or ice pack or something, her heads probably pounding” Joey asked quietly.
"Uh yea sure" and she left.

"So what happened?" "Well you know when I screamed the first time?" "Yea" "Well I had totally forgotten to pack something,
So just to be sure I dumped out my whole suitcase, and I asked Lex if she would help me re-pack since I helped her, she said yes,
So I went searching for this package .Then when I finally found it after an hour of searching, Lex tripped me or I tripped over her, and the package ripped
And everything went flying. Then I tried to tackle Lex and we all know she dodged me and I landed on my face as soon as you walked in. “Lex walked back in
With the medicine.” Here.""Thank you sissy Lexis" "Welcome" And with that she left.” So since Al finished packing for you,
Do you want me to help you pick up the stuff that was in the package?” He asked. “Um......Yea sure, just don't tell anyone what you see, k?" told I.

“OK” he replied. So we went searching around Lexi's and my room. Anything we found we put on my bed. "I don't see anything else"

"OK Let me make sure that’s all of it" There were 30 different shirts, 5 necklaces, a bunch of bracelets, chokers, wrist bands, earrings, lip rings,
hair dye, eye liner, and eye shadow in almost every color, about a hundred AA batteries, new Cd players, Cd player cases, Cd cases, headphones, games for DS and game boys, and 5 mini fans.
"Wow there was a ton of stuff in that box" Joey said. “Yea it was supposed to be a surprise” I said bitterly.” Well since you already know about it,
Wanna pick out your shirts?" "Yea sure but you have to help" "OK, only one from each band OK?" "OH I like this one! And this one! And this one!
OH!!!I love this one!!“ This continued until he picked out 6 shirts "OK, now grab a pair of my jeans and try them on!"
"Your jeans? Ew!!" "Oh Shut up you know you steal mine all the time any ways"
"Yea I guess..." "OK now go change!" "Jeez I’m going, I’m going, gosh" Joey tried on all the shirts he picked and they all looked perfect on him.
I gave him his necklace, it was a silver puzzle piece, and it said forever, but I wouldn't tell him who got the other pieces, which said, mouth, wash, together, forever, BFFs.
Then I gave him his Cd set, it was black and green, and it had some really awesome designs on it, and everything matched.
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hey its a start....