Would You Mind if I Sat Next to You and Watched You Smile?


Chris's POV
we were laughing so hard .After all of the traps we set had worked we kept watching them over and over....and we didn't notice the noise or the size of what had just parked next to us.....until we switched web cam views and saw our van and people walking up behind our van ...looking quite angry .....Gerard was driving so he set the van in to gear and we went zooming forward....into a field in hopes of losing the people we loved and hated.We got to the next venue about an hour before the others......yeah...its called speeding in a smaller vehicle..we decided the best way for us not to get got back at was to not go to the preplanned hotel and go to a cheaper one of our choosing.Where we wouldn't be found...we found one about a half hour away from the venue.sure it was farther away than we wanted but whatever.and of course there being Frankie and joey , who were mortally terrified of my sisters wrath , made all the couples get rooms together....it was kind of obvious that Michael and Michelle and joey and Rachael were just friends.nothing more nothing less.Frank and Katie however were definitely a couple...it was obvious...And Gerard and I... well every time we argued out in public and people knew who were , they asked if we were married or related. most thought it was the former because we look nothing alike. It was like this for the next couple venues....approximately five venues..Gerard and i took turns sleeping on the bed ....until one day when both of us were so sore from sleeping floors and other furniture that we both had to sleep on the bed.So I was all snuggled up in my corner of the bed, and he was on his corner......


I woke up crying from the worst dream i had ever had.... and the scariest part was it one of the ones i just knew would come true.and what was even worse was that I didn't remember it....not one single bit .... I got up and got some water and then went back to bed.I looked over at Gerard and he was sobbing in his sleep....and without thinking i knew that he had night terrors too.I went over to his side of the bed and tried to wake him.it didn't work..so i went and got some water and poured it on him.he still didn't wake up....so i just hugged him...it worked to wake me up from most of my night terrors....so i thought it might work on him.It did.As soon as i got my arms around him he woke up still crying, not realizing it was me hugging him not someone else...when he did realize it was me and noticed the dried tear stains on my face .he asked, "whats wrong ? Did I do something in my sleep ?" "No I woke up crying." "Oh" was all he said .... then once we both were okay again we went back to our sides of the bed and tried to go back to sleep...I found that i couldn't... about five minutes after i realized that Gerard asked,"Are you still awake? " "Yeah" "Why" I'm scared to go back there.I'm scared of what happened..." "I am too" He had whispered back. I had started crying again in hopes of trying to tire myself out ..I couldn't ...." Gerard?" "Yeah Chris?" W-would y-you hold me please?" "Yeah." we scooted together and i turned to face him and i lay ed my head on the spot between his shoulder and his heart.He put his arms around my waist . and whispered sweet words hoping to make me feel better and fall asleep.Surprisingly i did within second of him whispering and singing to me...
I didn't even wake up until nine or ten....and that was late for me.