Would You Mind if I Sat Next to You and Watched You Smile?


Still Gerard’s POV

Later in the day a doctor, named Dr.Singe, came by and examined Chris's head.
She said that Chris could have any number of problems, ranging from minor forgetfulness to not even remembering her name every time she ever got hit in the head. Or she would remember more. The more she got hit. It was about an 80 to 20 percent chance she would forget. Dr. Singe said it would be about a week before she could leave.
Then her parents showed up. Her Dad, Or Mr. Jeff as I called him wanted to know why she was afraid of him. I guess Ms.Suzanne, her mom, hadn’t told him or something. Everybody gave me the evil glare so I told them. Starting at the matchmaker game all the way to the present.Ms.Suzanne and Mr. Jeff decided that I wasn't a bad person or a pervert just had made a horrible mistake that they wouldn’t forgive me for until she remembered everything.
It kind of sucked because they were always so happy that me and Chris were close and that I looked after her, but now they don’t trust me. It took a long time to gain that trust and it will take twice as long to regain it. Every body kept giving me the evil glare.” You know we can’t go on tonight .So what are you going to do Gerard?" said Joey meanly......" I don’t know. I know that you need at least two other bands besides those that can still play....so I suppose My Chemical Romance could play instead of Fall Out Boy and I could get a local band to play." "I guess you should get going then and get that other band or act or whatever cause sound check's in 3 hours.” That was how it went for the rest of the week. Each time it got nastier and nastier. And I took it since it was my fault. Until Saturday when Ms.Suzanne said," That is it no body needs to make Gee-tardy feel any guiltier. He’s already being hard on himself. Everybody is tired and miserable. Go to a hotel or back to the bus and sleep. We will see you in the morning."
With that every body left except me. Because to tell you the truth every body was exhausted.
Then, Mr. Jeff said, "I think she meant you too." and she looked at me with a why are you still here expression, so I left.
Then the next day while everybody was asleep, I came back. When I got to the room, Chris said," Hey Gerard, Momma and Papa said nobody was gonna visit me cause the were tired, and exhausted?" "I think the word is exhausted.” I replied.
"Oh. Okay... so do you know when I get out of here? I kinda like it here. Its quiet and I get to think a lot."
"OH I'll ask a doctor when."
I left and as soon as I walked out, I saw a doctor and asked when and she said probably later today.
I went quickly back to the room and opened up the door and hit Chris right smack in the face. She went curled up right on to the floor. I called a nurse and she put Chris back in the bed and called the doctor and her parents.
Her parents came in and said a whole bunch of mean things and profanities I didn’t think that parents would know. They yelled at me too get out.
I sat in the waiting room because I really wanted to know how she was doing. When the finally came out after what seem like hours, the doctor told me she was lucky. Her nose was barely fractured and she got her memory back. I guess her running into something brought them back. Lexis told me she used to walking into things on accident all the time and had 2 or 3 broken noses. Her parents weren’t exactly happy with me, but then who would be? They were happy she got her memory back, but mad cause I had caused it to disappear any way. They also said that she could be released after a few more tests and would be ready tomorrow! I was so happy! then they let me see her. Chris was really angry with me. Especially for the whole walking in on her thing....She told me this. Since it was her fault she lost her memory. She knew she had to be especially careful of how she walked into things after the car crash.

I got her a macadamia chocolate chip cookie. And flowers. And balloons. And get well soon cards. And emails. And chocolate. And candy. And everything I could think of. I even made her a song. That I will not tell you about. I even sang it to her.....until she started cracking up at how third grade the lyrics were. Some of the words didn’t even rhyme or sound the same. I was very funny....and then she sort of forgave me. The two week dating game was declared over and done with and that it wouldn’t be tried again on this tour.

The next day she got out. with a blue helmet with sail boats. That she had to wear for the next two weeks and her parents left and said that if I didn’t help her I was going to die a very painful death in my sleep. Actually I think her words were," If you don’t help her we'll kill you in your sleep. Well first you'll be asleep then we'll scare you when you wake up then kill you."
Yeah....I would expect Chris to say that but not her mom.