Would You Mind if I Sat Next to You and Watched You Smile?


We decided since it was almost 2 in the morning, since Joey couldn't walk in
Broad daylight without walking into something that he would just sleep in
My room. I mean I do have one of the bigger beds....I mean besides.
Well never mind....it was bigger than Lexi's...I was so tired from talking (I know
Like talking can make you tired) that when I lay down in the bed I fell
Asleep almost immediately.

Joey's POV
The second she hit the bed she was out like a light. I just lay
There watching her sleep, for what seemed like barely a minute, but was
Truly an hour. The last thing I thought of before exhaustion took over
Was how peaceful and angelic she looked just then and there?

FF 2hours later

I woke up because I kept getting hit or bumped in to. When I finally opened
My eyes I saw Christy thrashing with the blankets all tangled around her like
A spider’s web. I quickly took hold of her. She did not’t stop thrashing but
Became a tad bit calmer. Finally when she stopped I layer down and just
Held her as she slept.

Christy's POV
I was having a horrible dream. I was running or trying to run at least
From these monsters, I did not’t know if they were good or bad I just had
To get away from them. But what was scary was that they looked like Mike, as if they were saying he was my downfall. It was scary.
All of a sudden I ran into something hard. I looked up and there he was. Mike. He said something but
I could not’t tell what’s tried to run but I couldn't’t. the came Joey or at least it seemed like
Joey and he made Mike disappear ran to him and he caught me right when I jumped into his arms
When I woke up, he was holding me just like in my dream. While he
Was still asleep, I was just staring at his face wondering if he felt the same way.
If He knew I really loved him. If he knew I was his biggest fan. Just wondering.
I was in such deep thought; I didn't even notice that Joey had woken up.
"What are you thinking bout?” I jumped, I was surprised. “Oh nothing,
Nothing important." “Ready to tour the country?" "Hell Yes! I can't wait!"
"Well then come on. We can't leave on empty stomachs." "OK" so we got up
Only to find note on the counter" Left To Buy some food for the road. Be back soon!

Well since Lex and Katie left we just sat, ate some fruity pebbles and watched the Saturday cartoons! Yet cartoons!!! Then like a half hour later Mike came stumbling
Out of his room."G'moring! "Joey and I told him from our spots on the couch
About 2 hours later we heard someone trying to get in the door. So I sent James to see who it was. It was Lex and Katie!
They were so covered in bags it was so funny. Well then James and I went in to our rooms, got dressed and went to help
The girls repack all the food in to the van along with our suitcases and our instruments. We
Started to drive to Denver. It was one hell of a long drive, 27 straight hours, and that's without stopping,
But we stopped about every 4 hours to switch drivers so no one would get too tired...
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heres number dos