Would You Mind if I Sat Next to You and Watched You Smile?


POV of Christy

After mike and I practiced all of our covers really quietly, we talked and watched everyone screw up some songs on guitar hero.
Then, we decided that we were so bored, so then we would whoop their asses at guitar hero. Mike and I started piano when we were little, but we started guitar when we were
14 and 12.well technically he started when he was 13 and he taught me when I was 12.All of us had little tournaments with the people that had the same parts as us.
I went against Patrick, who claims to have started guitar before he was 12..... (I don’t really know this)....but I still won
Lex went against Andy and won
Mike went against...that one guy who sometimes plays the keyboards for FOB and totally beat him
Katie went against Pete...way too close....but Pete won.…
Joey went against Joe.....yea....uh...Joe won
Then we just went against who ever we wanted that made it to the second round.
It went
And I went against the loser....of one of the matches
Pete and Alex went on and on and not a single time could they beat each other it was kinda funny...
They had awesome skills but couldn't’t beat each other, were the same height, wear the same jeans, and they both dye their hair......FREAKY!
Finally they both got too tired and eventually barely got 1000 points each.
They let mike and Joe have a try....considering that Joe is a full time guitarist....it was really sad...mike totally whooped him....
Then mike went against Alex and me against Pete.....
I and Pete went first...
Pete kept trying to distract me because....well...yea...im awesome.....duh! So I started singing in the worst voice ever with the song....it was funny....and I won!
"Oh yea who’s awesome? Huh? Who's Awesome?!!! ME!!!!!!” Pete started pouting it was so cute......like puppy cute not I really like you but
I'm not supposed to because my sister like you cute .............did I really just think that? Well any ways....it was now mike and Lex’s turn....Alexis beat mike.....
"SISTER AGAINST SISTER MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!” Joey screamed....knowing its never a good thing to put us against one another....I.....I let Alex beat me so she could look good in front of Pete.
..I mean I would never talk to her again of she made me look bad in front of a crush of mine.....wait.........icky...whatever....its better that she looks good.....
Alexis’s POV

I can't believe she let me beat her.....I mean....I would have beat her any ways but still..........wow.......thanks.....so after we played guitar hero , it was time for sound check .......so um..Yea…
.how to describe sound check.........mum.....amazing.....so here’s what happened...
So I was just watching FOB....well mostly Pete.....during sound check and then right after...he said, “Hey, one of the opening bands backed out, do you guys wanna open for us?"
I was so excited that I screamed..."Hell Yea!!!!!"......

Chris's POV
So yea......
It was about 5 hours until the concert so after sound check we decided to watch a movie. We watched scream and all the sequels...I’m 22 and that movie still freaks me out. I see things everywhere after watching it....evil things....even though that movie is super cliche and everything with the most basic plot line,
Its one of the few things that scares me. Not many people know what scares me. Only Amexis, mike, Joey, and Katie knew.
So yea....