Status: 1/26


the saviour of the north

When the whispers begun to spread, no one took him as a serious threat. Ser Kevan Lannister passed him one thought but dismissed him as a pretender, one who would never prove to be a substantial threat to the Iron Throne. Being underestimated was an advantage as he successfully captured Storm's End and seized various Northern territories before he was considered a threat. By the time the Small Council in King's Landing began to discuss him, he was already storming Winterfell.

Aegon Targaryen had indeed risen from the dead. There was no mistaking his violet eyes or silver hair, and those who knew the striking features of House Targaryen could not argue against it. Some who still loved Rhaegar Targaryen were all-too willing to join swords with Rhaegar's son to reclaim his rightful place.

Though the Boltons still held Winterfell, Aegon's men were greater numbers and having seized several Houses who remained loyal to the Starks, he held the promise to spare Sansa Stark in exchange for their help with reclaiming the North. Once that was over, he swore that he would ride South and end House Lannister like they once attempted to end House Targaryen.

It took a while for Winterfell to fall but when it did, Aegon swept into action and ensured that Ramsay Bolton was dead before he sent his men to find Sansa Stark. He'd known that Lord Roose Bolton had retreated back to the Dreadfort prior to sieging Winterfell, and had taken that as a prediction of the outcome. Of the Bolton men that had survived, most had bent the knee but few remained loyal to House Bolton and had been rewarded with a sword.

When Sansa Stark had been located, Aegon retreated to the council room to speak with her. The auburn haired girl looked beaten when she entered the room but still kept her head high. "Lady Sansa," Aegon greeted, inviting her closer to the table he stood in front. "As wife of Ramsay Bolton, you should have died alongside him when Winterfell was taken."

"And yet I am alive." Sansa knew that this was Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar, who had been a babe during the Sack of King's Landing and had been presumed dead for many years. Her father would have pleased to know that he had not been butchered along with his mother and sister.

"There are many Houses still loyal to you."

"They loved my Lord father," she corrected.

"In turn, they love you. " Aegon had deduced that House Stark would be a key player in claiming the remaining Northern territories, and since he had been presumed dead for many years, having a well-known and well loved House as an ally would help with the South. "Winterfell is now back in Stark hands and it will remain in Stark hands."

Sansa had learnt enough to know that her life had not been spared just because Northern Houses loved her father, nor had her home been finally returned to her for that reason, either. "And what would you have me do in return, my King?" she replied, deciding to use the title he had styled himself with.

"Pledge House Stark's fealty to me. After that, those in the North who still are loyal to the Starks will follow abruptly and I will have twice the number when it is time to march on King's Landing."

It was then that Sansa remembered Cersei Lannister and how she had suffered for every moment that had passed since her father had been arrested and executed. The Dowager Queen, as she was now referred to. Sansa could barely suppress her joy at the thought of Cersei's death, knowing that all she had to do was swear allegiance to this king and become Wardenness of the North.

Before Aegon could say anymore, Sansa sunk to her knees before her king and swore House Stark's loyalty from this day until the end of days.
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hate the sansa plotline the show has done but love aegon in the books so mixed them together because i can~