
Light and Dark

Dusky hues of the tavern, a glossy finish on the bar top, tingling senses of proximity. Your presence like a guitar string plucked to moan just safe from being out of tune. It was raw and dangerous yet tempting all the same. Then as those dawning eyes set fire to my shoulder, I couldn’t help but feel you were the sun in disguise. The moon must have broken your bond and it was now mocking from the windows. Your furious soul blazed even under that lent skin. It took vengeance on those trying to flee the magnifying glass of your curiosity.

“It’s not that hot in here,” I watched your mouth move.

The significance was lost in the haze of heat, my brain crying out so as not to melt. Soon enough, black dots would steal not only my consciousness but your lone possession. Handed over to the moon in the dark of night.

Dying vigilance, a solar flare wiping away my sweat, but a cold touch to surprise. I took notice that your hair was like a raven’s feathers, as sharp as the widow’s peak at top. The cool ebony radiating from around convinced me otherwise that the moon was not your enemy but your apprentice. It kept watch to ensure safety and wafted upon certain parts of you to assist on journeys.

If I stared long enough, would the stars and clouds be discovered in your being? Did the weather comply with your demand or did it overrule the laws to your life?

“How in the universe have I found you?” The expression on your face was amused, but make me the one truly laughing on the inside.

“You are the universe,” voiced my delusional head, “and the snap of your fingers could yank any object to be seen and then manipulated.”

“All in good sense, of course.”

I couldn’t agree more.
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Yes, that is Bono in the picture. ;)