Status: 12/26


turns to death

Loras Tyrell had come to terms with the knowledge that he was being put to death. He had been tried before the Gods and found guilty of buggery, and despite being the Queen's brother, he was being executed for his crimes. What his sister did not know and perhaps never would come to find out was that the High Sparrow had offered him a lesser sentence, one that would involve him keeping his head. Though he knew it would crush his sister, he could not accept the offer.

If he'd only needed to seek forgiveness, Loras would have taken the offer. But the offer had consisted of him renouncing his ways, taking a long journey to repentance and then joining the Faith Militant, and that was something he simply could not do.

The day of his execution had arrived and unlike the executions the King would order, his would be a private affair. The High Sparrow did not believe in giving the people a spectacle of watching someone lose their head, and for that he was grateful. It meant that his sister would not be allowed to be present for his death. He knew she would be deeply affected had she been forced to watch.

He made the short walk to his place of execution and found it oddly comforting that the High Sparrow was there, overseeing his punishment. He wondered whether he would be the one to take off his head but that thought was quelled when he saw the man holding the sword. There is my executioner, he thought to himself as he stood where he was commanded.

As he bowed his head to offer out his neck, Loras remembered Renly and died with the image of his lover's face in his mind.
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he doesn't get arrested in the books, tho~