Status: 24/26


a gift

While Sansa Stark was still betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon, she found herself a recipient of many gifts from her King. One happened to be a xanthic dress made from myrish lace, sleeveless with a modest neckline. The day he had announced the gift to her she spent much time having the material fitted in her chambers, with the dressmaker working efficiently as Joffrey commanded. As was expected of her, she wore it around court the day after it had been finished to ensure that she made it known that she appreciated the gift that was given by Joffrey.

Though she did enjoy receiving new dresses, especially made of myrish lace, Sansa always felt nauseous accepting gifts from the boy who had ordered her father's execution. Accept wasn't the right word, though, as she had no actual choice in the matter. Still, she would wear the dresses and pretend that she had been gifted them by a handsome knight who had declared his love for her but had to keep it a secret for now. It was easier to live with these fantasies in her head to help her cope with the brutality of real life.

She walked through the gardens in her new dress, clenching a coin tightly in her hand and pretending that the handmaiden that trailed behind her wasn't there. Sometimes she thought about how easy it would be to find somewhere high and throw herself off it, that way she wouldn't have to be a prisoner of the family that was behind her father's death. But she never took it past a thought, no matter how hard Joffrey got his guard to hit her or how humiliated he made her. Even when he showed her where he had put her father's head on a pike, it wasn't herself she wanted to throw off the walkway, it was him.

When Sansa reached the fountain, she dropped the coin into the water and wished to the Old Gods that one day Joffrey would pay for what he did to her father.
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this was undoubtedly the hardest one because it is so difficult to actually find a word that begins with x and have it make proper sense and i know this doesn't but hush, the colour exists~