Status: In progress, slowly but surely

The Final Goal

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Skylar slowly opened her eyes to see sunlight streaming through a window. Groaning she shifted and sat up, blinking her eyes as they adjusted to the light. "Good morning, Skylar." She turned to see Downie laying next to her on the bed. At first Skylar was confused, but then the memories of last night came rushing back to her. "Oh my gosh," she said, raking her fingers through her hair. She could feel Downie's eyes on her as she wrapped a blanket around her naked self and tried to stand up. Yelping, Skylar fell to the ground and groaned. "What did you do to me last night?" She asked looking at Downie. Downie just shrugged. "We had sex... That's about it" he said, getting up and walking over to Skylar. She leaned on him as she tried to stand. "Jeez," she huffed out. "What?" Downie asked. He was supporting most of Skylar's weight because she wouldn't stand on her legs completely. "It hurts," she whispered and before Downie could say anything she continued, "You're rough when you lose a game" Downie smirked. "Isn't that a good thing?" He asked pulling her into his arms completely. Skylar looked up at him. "Not when I can't walk right, you idiot!" She yelled, exasperated. Skylar pushed away from him, grabbed her clothes, and hobbled to the bathroom. She pulled on last night's outfit and looked in the mirror. Her makeup was a mess, mascara lines running down her face. Skylar wiped it off, so it wouldn't look like she had been crying. Walking out, she passed Downie getting dressed. "I'm leaving. Bye," she said and left his apartment in a hurry. Patric's place wasn't too far so she was okay just walking. On her way there, she thought about what she would tell Patric and more importantly, what she would tell Fleury.

Skylar was sitting in Patric's living room. He was seated across from her on one of the couches. "So," Patric started. "Where were you last night?" He finished, looking at Skylar. "I went to a bar with Downie," she said not meeting his eyes. "Why would you do that?" He questioned her, looking for answers. "He said you were all going to a bar, but no one else showed up. We... We..." She trailed off and looked up to see Patric encouraging her to continue. "We had a few drinks and walked back to his place." Skylar paused for a moment then continued, "We uh, spent the night together there..." She could feel fresh tears rolling down her face and hung her head, hoping her hair would hide them. Skylar felt Patric sit down next to her on the couch. He pulled her against him and she looked up at him. "What am I going to tell him?" She asked, referring to Fleury. "Tell him the truth. He will understand," Patric said, rubbing her back to calm her down. Skylar nodded and got up, stretching. "Why don't you get a shower? The guys are going to be coming over later to watch a movie," Patric said, standing up as well. "Sure," she replied and made her way upstairs to get a nice long shower. When she finished she walked out, grabbing some clothes and throwing them on. She was wearing a Penguins shirt and black jeans. She started to walk slowly down the stairs and heard some of the team in the living room. 'Wow that was fast,' she thought moving into the living room with them. "Hey Skylar!" Beau said as she sat down in between him and Fleury. "Hey," she replied, giving a small smile. "Are you okay?" Fleury asked. "Yeah, why?" She lied, not able to meet his eyes. "You were walking kind of funny.." He said, waiting for her response. Before she could reply, Downie looked up from his place across the room and smiled. "Oh she spent the night at my place last night," he smirked seeing Fleury's confused and horrified face. "What? No, she wouldn't," Fleury said, shaking his head. He was in denial, not wanting to believe his ears. Skylar watched as Downie stood up and made his way towards them. "Oh it's true. I have proof," he smiled and held out his phone. 'Proof?' Skylar thought, confused. Then, she remembered. "You ass," she spat. Fleury reached for the phone and his muscles grew tense, seeing the picture on the small screen. "What is it?" Beau asked. "Nothi- No!" Skylar yelled as Beau grabbed for the phone. He snatched it up before she could reach it and gazed at the picture. He looked up at Downie, disgusted. "Seriously? How could you?" He said shaking his head. "What? She didn't protest," Downie said. "I was drunk! I didn't want it and you know that!" Skylar said, her voice cracking a bit. Her yelling had brought Patric and the others into the room. Before anyone could stop him, Fleury stood up and punched Downie. His fist collided with Downie's face, sending him sprawling on the couch. "What's going on here?" Patric asked. Seeing the phone in Beau's hand, Patric grabbed it. He glanced at it before looking at Downie. Throwing his phone at him he said, "Leave, Downie. Leave right now. I don't want you anywhere near my sister." Downie glanced around the room and seeing the angry faces of Fleury, Beau, and Patric he decided to leave. "It was worth it," he called over his shoulder before slamming the door. "Are you okay? I'm sorry he did that to you," Fleury said, wrapping his arm around Skylar. "No Fleury I'm so sorry I did that to you," she said as she leaned into his chest. "Don't be sorry, Skylar. He took advantage. That's definitely not your fault," Fleury said. "Hey Skylar? I'm here if you ever need to talk, okay?" Beau said. Skylar turned to look at him and smiled. "Yeah. Thank you, Beau. I appreciate it." She turned back to Fleury, who kissed her cheek. "Let's get the movie started!" Crosby said, trying to lighten the mood. No doubt everyone heard what happened, but Skylar was okay because she was in Fleury's arms. She watched as the Avengers was put in and she smiled. "I love this movie," she told Fleury. He smiled, "Me too!" Everyone sat down around them and they watched the movie. Feeling her tension fade away, Skylar was able to relax and almost forget about what Downie had done. Almost.
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I think this chapter is okay! I wanted to update so it's not that long, I'm sorry! I hope you like it :) How's everyone's week so far? Tomorrow is Wednesday yayyy