Status: Complete

Weight of Living

Eight - Jack.

“My acres of a land
That I've achieved
It may be hard for you to
Stop and believe…”

- Budapest, George Ezra.

When Jack realises, a dozen or so days after his blowjob in his bunk, that he has Alex under his thumb, it’s after a show. It’s in the way Alex looks at him for permission to have a shower. Jack nods minutely of course. He doesn’t want Rian or Zack to catch on to how dependent Alex is on him, though, that would be bad.

After their shower, Jack beckons Alex to sit on his lap as the tour bus rumbles to lift beneath them. His boyfriend settles comfortably on Jack’s lap and puts his head on Jack’s shoulder. Jack presses light kiss to Alex’s cheek.

“I love you Jack.” Alex says, snuggling into Jack and curling his hands around Jack’s waist.

Jack smiles. Alex truly is under his control. And that thought sends a thrill around Jack’s body.

He loves having Alex all to himself. It’s so satisfying.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that's the end of this fanfic. I'm sure I'll be back before long.

(If this feels unfinished, it's cause I lost the intial interest.)