Sons of Gotham

You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

The air is thick. A metallic smell fills my noses as the blood on the concrete mixes with the damp air of the warehouse. Eerie silences surrounds me. There is no noise; the only noise is the sound of my ragged breathing and his laugh. I was warned about that laugh. The manic, dangerous sounding laugh.

“Wow that looks like it really hurts,” his voice rings out in the warehouse as he delivers yet another blow to my abdomen with a crowbar. My cries of agony can barely drown the manic laughter, “The big guys aren’t coming to your rescue you this time Princess. It’s just you and me Annie, just how it started.”

“Didn’t think the Joker was so fucking poetic,” I’m barely audible. Every time I breath there is a pain in my lungs and words barely come out.

“Speak up Lamb Chop,” Joker kneels down in front of me as I laid, hands tied up behind my back, on the concrete flooring. “Collapsed lungs really mess with your speech.” He looks down at me, smiling the sinister smile I’m use to being on the receiving end of. The difference this time, he’s within arm’s reach of me and not handcuffed in Arkham where I can study him for a safe distance.

“Want to know what happened to the last doctor that tried to save me?” Joker asks, standing up straight; kicking me in the gut as he walks away. “She snapped. I managed to break her.”

“You’re not going to kill me,” I choke out as I try and sit up on my elbows. “It’ll be too easy for you. There would be no fun in it.”

He looks at me grinning, urging me to go on.

“You’re stalling til they get here,” I continue. “You want them to see your handy work. You want an audience.” His laughter fills the warehouse room once more, telling me my theory is right. And just as he is about to open his mouth, I catch a blur of black and red from the far end of the room. Quickly following it is a blur of black and blue. A painful laugh escapes my lips, causing the psycho in front of me look at me as if I’m the one that deserves a place in Arkham.

“What’s so funny Lamb Chop?” He questions me, glaring at me when I continue to laugh. He raises his right hand, gripping the crowbar tightly. But just as he’s about to deliver the blow, the crowbar is shot out of his hand. Turning my head I see Red Hood and Nightwing standing on the sidelines.

“The boy blunders have come to rescue you,” he laughs, “isn’t that just fucking adorable.”

“You got your audience,” I choke out. “The sons of Gotham are here...”
♠ ♠ ♠
I suck at intros but this is just a set up. Everything after this point is a flashback of sorts to the events that lead to the female character, Annie, getting captured by Joker.