Status: Redo of my old story

Silence Falls

Chapter 147: Jack's Gruesome Discovery

Jack was beyond speechless at this point as he stood gaping at Otep.

His body, and spirit going completely numb, Jack couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that a young lady was being taken advantage of in the next room by some co-worker that he likely knew while he was conferring with Otep. This was a serious situation and Jack knew he had to do something about it now, or no one else will…but where the hell was he supposed to start?

Jack didn’t bother saying goodbye to Otep because he knew he wouldn’t have anything pertinent to say to her AT ALL! The way she so effortlessly dismissed the fact that a girl was getting raped in the next room while they were reviewing their plan of escape didn’t sit well in his stomach and it made him feel resentment towards her for acting like it was no big deal.

It wasn’t Otep’s fault that these patients were getting savagely raped in the first place. No, it was a hideous long-standing violation that has been cropping up off and on since he started working at the Psychiatric Hospital, and long before Otep and her friends were incarcerated here. It started off with some repugnant Orderly taking advantage of one of his own patients. No one had found out about this inhumane crime, and so he continued to do it. It only began to spread with the other Orderlies when he opened his mouth about it to some of them and soon enough, they got it into their minds to try it out too, like it was some virtuous game! By the time Jack had gotten the job and showed up for his first day of work, it was at its most prevalent and was even happening out in the open in front of staff and other patients! It was only when Dr. McCarter got involved with the board that things finally stopped. None of the Orderlies that had committed the rapes were ever held accountable or lost their jobs, but they were expected to cease the misdeeds or else!

Or else what?

Jack had no clue what the repercussions were supposed to be, because nothing was ever done about the men who committed them. The rapes would happen again for a period of time like nothing changed, then suddenly stop like it never happened in the first place. This happened over and over again throughout the years. It was always the same Orderlies who also went so far to recruit the new guys into doing it too. Jack could never bring himself to do it, and yet in his first couple of weeks he cowardly stood by and horrifically watched it happen to so many women and girls. He was a young, helpless teenager then, but now he was a man, and he wasn’t going to sit back and let it go on any further.

As if to also inspire him, as soon as Jack stepped out of Otep’s cell, the rapist next door emerged at the same time from his victim’s cell, zipping up his pants with a satisfied grin on his face. Jack stared in horror as he recognized Orderly Dorian from the Men’s ward, who he normally saw as a funny, courteous older man among his co-workers. Orderly Dorian exhaled a fulfilled sigh as he rubbed himself through his pants before noticing Jack staring in absolute horror and disgust at him.

“Oh shit, Jack! I didn’t see you there.” Orderly Dorian’s smirk turned into a full-blown grin as he waved at him. Taking a step away from his victim’s doorway, he indicated it with a nod. “Man, this girl is a tight one if you ever want to take a dip. I won’t get jealous or anything, I totally don’t mind sharing with my boys. We work hard, and play hard here, after all! You know what I mean.”

Jack didn’t say anything as Dorian ended what should’ve been his ‘lunch break’ and began his long stroll back to the Men’s ward. The second he rounded the corner, Jack took to dashing for the nurse’s station with the objective of snitching. If it made him less of a man for tattling on his fellow males for raping young girls then oh well! He didn’t want to be a real man if staying quiet was all it took.

When Jack had finally reached the nurse’s station, Orderly Rachel was filing out of the small building with the nurses, probably for their lunch breaks. After managing to deliver the group a polite greeting, he calmly turned to Orderly Rachel. “Hey, I was wondering if I could speak to you privately for a minute. I swear it won’t take long.”

With a reluctant sigh Rachel decided to obliged Jack, not noticing the frantic look in his eyes. “Oh alright, but make it quick! You know I don’t like to bother with work on my breaks. I need all the seconds I can get to decompress!”

The two Orderlies moved into the now empty station to speak while the nurses went off to lunch outside the Women’s Ward.

“What is it, Mr. White?” Rachel asked before setting her purse down and crossing her arms impatiently over her chest. With every second she was depleting off her lunch break, she was getting more provoked that she agreed to speak with him. She only accepted it because Jack was one of the nicest, logical guys around that wasn’t a pervert.

Jack tried to placate his fury down before he cleared his throat and got down to business. “Well, I don’t want to cause you any trouble…but I saw something you might want to look into.”

Rachel let out an exaggerated sigh before rolling her eyes, her hands curling into fists. “You’ve got to be kidding me!? I swear to god if Adriana is caking her feces into her hair like it’s shampoo again, I’m gonna fry the very last brain cell still swimming around in that worthless head of hers!”

Jack held up his hands to curtail Rachel’s rant before she went through with her threat. Deep inside, he was panicking like a rabbit over the information he was about to share with her, not that Rachel could tell by his calm voice. “Okay, for one thing that is too much information that I never needed to know. Two, that’s not what I’m talking about at all. Listen, I saw one of male Orderlies coming out of one of your patient’s rooms. I think he…no, I’m sure he raped one of them in there!”

Rachel didn’t respond at all to Jack’s gruesome discovery. She merely stared up at him with that same impatient look on her face she’d been sporting since he interrupted her lunch break. Then Rachel went and opened her mouth and what she said next stunned Jack to the core of his soul. “And? You do it too, Jack.”

Jack’s stomach dropped and his heart stopped beating at her forward and depraved accusation.

Never in his entire life had he ever put his hand on a woman without her consent!

After his mouth opened and closed a few times, Jack finally managed to spew out words. “E-Excuse me!? I do WHAT!?”

Rachel sighed quite overdramatically again, no longer having any more time for this trivial discussion that had nothing to do with her. Besides, she was getting hangry. “Don’t act like I don’t know what you’re doing in that cell with one of my patients, Otep. You’ve clearly been raping her, there’s no other explanation as to why you’d be in the same room with her with the door shut, am I right?”

Jack’s eyebrows shot upwards, her words finally explaining why she was branding him of being a rapist. “…oh…”

“Yeah, oh, so you probably shouldn't be going around snitching on your other friends for doing the same thing. It makes you look like a hypocrite.” Rachel tipped Jack before giving him a phony smile and brushing past him to enjoy the rest of her lunch break.

As Jack stood there in silence, his mind recycling the events that just happened, Rachel turned back around for one more word. “Oh, and Jack? As for the rapes, we don’t really care. You can rape as many of them as you want, as often as you want, just as long as you continue do your job and clean up your jizz before you go. We shouldn’t have to mop up the cum dripping down their legs nor should we be responsible for the leftovers on the sheets. So do us all a favor, and bring a rag next time.”

Jack watched her exit the Women’s Ward with a shocked look casted across his face.