Status: Rewrite - somewhat active


o n e

I burrowed further into my hoodie as the plane taxied to a stop. As the final announcements were made the other passengers began to reach for their luggage in the overhead compartment. I remained seated for as long as possible before finally grabbing my bag off the floor. I slung the strap over my shoulder and shuffled off the plane. The airport was large and fairly busy but it still took no time at all to spot my step brother over the crowd. Beside him was his best friend Alex.

I approached them slowly, waiting for them to notice me. When Mark finally spotted me he grinned. I let out a sigh of relief. After the way I had left things with my mom I'd been worried about what would be waiting for me on this end. The knowledge that I wouldn't be allowed to return to her house in Ohio loomed over me constantly.

"Ladybug!" Alex greeted me happily. My stomach lurched but I still faked a smile.

"Alex! Mark!" I said happily. My joy at seeing them was not something I needed to pretend. I was genuinely happy to see the pair of them. Mark swept me up in a hug, lifting my feet off the ground.

"I missed you little sister," he whispered in my ear. It took all of my willpower not to break down crying in his arms. The instant he set me down Alex pulled me into a bear hug.

"Come on, let's get you home," Mark said. He started toward the baggage claim.

"I don't have any luggage," I told him. Both of them stared at me in confusion for a few seconds.

"Well alright then, let's get out of here," Alex said. He grabbed one of my hands, Mark the other. For one brief second, I felt like everything was going to be okay. The car ride was pretty quiet as I rode in the backseat. I leaned my head against the glass and watched the scenery.

All too soon we got off the freeway and the surroundings became increasingly familiar. My heartbeat sped up as we got closer to my dad's house. By the time we pulled up the driveway I felt lightheaded. How different would my life be now?