Status: Rewrite - somewhat active


t w e l v e

"Ladybug what do you think?" Mark asked. I shrugged. I honestly hadn't been paying attention to the conversation. Dave was sitting on the couch beside me and his hand was resting on my thigh. I was hyper focused on that, and had no idea what was going on around me. No one else had noticed but I felt like I was going to be sick. I wished that I could text Henry but I knew that he was at work and then summer soccer practice.

"Well someone has to make a decision here," Chris snapped. "I'm getting really hungry."

"Okay grumpy," Alex said with a laugh. "Why don't Mark and I go grab a couple pizzas?"

"I'll come with you," I volunteered eagerly.

"Nah, chill here with Chris and Dave," Mark ordered. "There's no need for three of us to go." I wanted to protest but couldn't think of a plausible reason to argue. I watched the two of them leave with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I always tried to keep as many people around me as possible when Dave was there. The instant he knew no one would see he would touch me, or kiss me.

"I'm going to go lay down until the pizza gets here," I announced, jumping up from the couch. I ran upstairs to the bedroom and prayed that Alex and Mark would be fast.

A few minutes later the door opened. I leaped to my feet. Dave came in and shut the door behind him. My heartbeat instantly sped up. I whimpered as he grabbed me and threw me onto the bed.

"Don't bother screaming, Chris drove to the store to get soda," Dave growled. I kicked him in the thigh, missing my actual target. "Oh now look what you've done. Here, kiss it and make it better." He forced me onto the ground on my knees. I began to cry as he unzipped his pants and pulled himself out. He grabbed my face in one hand and squeezed my cheeks until my mouth opened. "If you bite me I'll kill you."

Tears streamed down my face as he wrapped his fingers through my hair and forced me to go back and forth along him.

"What the hell man?" Chris's voice interrupted us. I wished desperately that he would help me but Dave held me tightly in place. "Put a sock on the doorknob or something, sheesh." I realized that from his perspective it looked like I wanted to be where I was. And then he was gone. Dave continued to force me to perform oral for him until a hot liquid filled my mouth.

"Swallow it," he ordered. I did and gagged. "Now clean yourself up and come back downstairs. I'm going to tell your brothers we've been secretly dating since you came home."