Status: Rewrite - somewhat active


t h i r t e e n

After an awkward lunch with my stepbrothers, Alex, and Dave, I excused myself. Everyone believed Dave that we were secretly dating and I didn't know how to tell them the truth. I ran to the high school where I knew Henry had practice. When I got there I slipped into the bleachers. As soon as practice was done all the guys ran into the locker room to shower and change. I stayed where I was. I knew Henry had seen me.

When he came back out I stood up and walked down to the field to meet him. Before I could stop myself I was crying.

"What happened Abby?" He asked. I couldn't speak for a long time. I could barely breathe between sobs. Henry just held me and rubbed my back gently. Eventually I calmed down enough to talk.

"Dave made me," I started. I didn't know how to finish. Henry waited patiently. "He stuck it in my mouth," I blurted quickly. Henry's entire body tensed. "And then Chris walked in and Dave told him that we've been secretly dating all summer. Now none of them will believe me if I tell the truth."

"Oh Abby," Henry sighed. He hugged me tighter.

"You should have let me die," I whispered. I felt his breath hitch as he gasped. I kept my face buried in his chest but I knew he was watching me.

"I couldn't," he told me. He wrapped his arms more tightly around me. "You have to tell them."

"They won't believe me anyway," I reminded him. "They're going to think I'm lying to save my own butt." He exhaled slowly.

"What about your dad and Lisa? Won't they believe you?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know," I admitted. "Probably not. They love Dave and I'm just a burden in their eyes anyway."

"Are you going to hurt yourself?"

"I can't see how I'm supposed to keep going on like this," I avoided his question. ''The only place I feel safe anymore is with you, and we can't be together all the time."

"We'll think of something," he promised.