Status: Rewrite - somewhat active


s i x t e e n

"Abigail," Chris called my name through the door. I didn't answer. I was still in bed despite that fact that it was well past noon. I couldn't seem to muster the energy to sit up. There was a throbbing pain in my chest and a sharp one in my side that made it difficult to breathe.

Chris didn't need a response. After a minute he opened the door and let himself in. I closed my eyes, hoping that he would just leave. Instead he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Abigail, it is really important that you take responsibility for your actions. If you and Dave want to have sex that is okay. Just don't go around later saying things that aren't true, okay?" He lectured me. I remained mute. "Sex is a beautiful thing in a relationship. Don't be ashamed."

After Chris finally left I rolled over to face the wall and opened my eyes. I stared at the wall for hours, trying not to think too hard about anything. Even when it started to get dark outside I didn't stir. I heard voices downstairs but couldn't make out the words. From the angry agitated tones I guessed that I was the topic of conversation. Eventually footsteps came up the stairs.

"Sunshine," Henry's voice was low and soft. I didn't move but I heard the door open. Weight made the bed shift. "It's time to tell the truth Sunshine. You have to speak for yourself now." I slowly rolled over and tried to sit up. I got a few inches up before a sharp pain shot through my side. "What is it?" I looked him in the face and saw his reaction to my own. "Oh my God."

He pulled back the covers to reveal my still naked body. I didn't feel any shame or embarrassment in front of him. Bruises worse than I'd had when he first rescued me speckled my whole body. The worst one was a huge dark bruise on my side. Henry covered me back up with the blanket.

"I'm taking you to the hospital again," he told me. "I can't help you get dressed like this but I'll make sure you're covered by the blanket at all times." I just stared at him.

"Mark, Alex," he yelled. They both came pretty quickly. I suspected they had been right outside listening. "I'm going to drive her to the hospital. Can you call your parents Mark?"

"Yeah man, but we're coming with you," Mark replied. "I'm the only one who can go in with her anyway."

Henry gently lifted me from the bed but despite his careful handling, the pain in my side worsened. I whimpered and then everything went black.