Status: Rewrite - somewhat active


t w e n t y

I flinched when the sunlight hit my eyes. I had been in the hospital for a week and now the outside world felt like too much. The instant we stepped out the sliding glass doors it was too hot, too noisy, and too bright. I shrank into Mark's side since he was the only one walking with me. My dad and Lisa had gone ahead to grab the car. Chris had refused to come. Mark put a comforting arm around my shoulders.

"It's going to get better," he promised. I didn't try to argue with him. His life had been so much easier than mine that it was easy for him to believe his own words. I knew better. When our parents pulled up the car he helped me into the backseat, then went around to the other side.

The drive home was fairly quiet. As soon as the car was parked in the driveway I pushed open my door and hobbled up to the house. I made it to the bottom of the stairs before I sank to the ground in pain. I'd been released but I was still very weak.

"Oh my God." Chris's voice startled me and I jumped. He lifted me from the floor and carried me to my room. He placed me gently on the bed before sitting down beside me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to believe you. How could he do this to you?" I stared at my stepbrother in silence. It wasn't his fault that Dave had attacked me but his behavior toward me ever since had been hurtful. He had not come to see me in the hospital once, instead choosing to stand by his friend.

"Hey," Mark said softly, letting himself into my room. "How are you feeling?" He sat beside Chris on the bed. I didn't answer him. I closed my eyes but the tears still leaked down my cheeks. "I know. I'm sorry." A hand wiped away tears as they fell. I knew it was Mark.

They both sat with me for a long time but I remained silent, as I had since the detectives had interviewed me. That had been my moment. I'd told the truth but I was just waiting for it to come back and bite me. Eventually the medication I was on made my eyelids heavy. I was asleep before I realized I was tired.