Status: Rewrite - somewhat active


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Everything was hazy. Dr. Cameron had given me something to calm me down but now I could barely feel anything. Susan had left and I was alone in the emergency room once more. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

"Abigail," Susan's voice hovered over my head. I blinked awake. She was standing with Jeremy at the foot of my bed. "I'm taking you home." I sat up quickly.

"You mean to my dad's house?" I asked hesitantly. She nodded. "I don't understand, why isn't he coming here?"

"I spoke to your father and he said that you had only just arrived yesterday. Child Protection will have to investigate when you return to Ohio but in the meantime you can spend the summer with your father," Susan explained. "He said that he was unable to pick you up as he and your stepmom have driven out of town for the day. I will be dropping you back off at their house to ensure your safe arrival. The hospital cannot release you without either a legal custodian or your parents."

I chose not to question her further and when she went to speak with Dr. Cameron I jumped up and began to dress. My sweatpants were covered in blood but I didn't have anything else. It hurt to put weight on my left foot but it was bearable if I didn't stand on it too long.

When we reached the house no one was home. The front door was unlocked though so I let myself in. I had no idea where my family was. No one had been home all day and the kitchen was still a mess of glass shards and dried blood on the floor. I quickly swept up the glass and mopped the floor before trudging up the stairs to collapse on the bed. I curled into the smallest ball possible, cold even under all the blankets. I stayed awake for hours, waiting for someone to come check on me. By the time I fell asleep a little after midnight no one had come yet.