Love and War Aren't a Game


I strode into Colonel Chester Phillips’ office, and the second his eyes flicked up I saw his inward groan.

“Catherine, I’m busy,” he stated, an indirect order for me to leave and not pester him yet again. I ignored the suggestion and instead walked straight up to his desk. He hovered his pen over the paper and glared up at me.

“Colonel, sir, I’m requesting placement on the upcoming mission to scout the Hydra base,” I requested and Phillips’ face only hardened.

“It’s a minor mission, Harper, the men don’t need your help,” he dismissed me before returning his gaze to the paper before him.

“With all due respect, sir, you need a good sniper on the team in case things go wrong. You and I both know that I can outshoot all of your men over a long distance,” I reasoned.

“And you and I both know that you are only here to help with the paperwork because your father is an influential lieutenant. And yet you haven’t done a damn thing to help with me with these letters because you’ve been too busy playing with guns,” Phillips replied.

“It’s called target practice, sir,” I muttered, wanting to emphasise that I was useful and not a waste of space and resources.

“We don’t need you on the team, Private,” he insisted and I frowned.

“But sir!”

“Catherine! Stop arguing!” Phillips shouted and I quickly pursed my lips. He gave a frustrated glance to outside the office where a few soldiers had paused to look at the commotion, and he decided to lower his voice. “Everyone has a role to play in this war, so I suggest you follow your orders and do your damn job if you want to stay here. You’re dismissed.” Sensing that I wasn’t getting through to him, I turned on my heel and stormed out.

But this wasn’t a defeat, I wasn’t going to give up. No, I was going to retreat and gather more power before I returned for another fight. Eventually I would win, I just had to.

I gave him a few days to calm down and then returned to his office, armed with an opportunity that I just couldn’t pass up.

“Hi, Lorraine,” I said as I popped my head around the corner. She was sitting at her desk in a position that looked rather uncomfortable but it showed off her thighs, a newspaper in her hands as she slacked off instead of working.

“After the Colonel again, Catherine?” she replied rather uninterestedly.

I didn’t blame her for her attitude towards me. Aside from me frustrating her boss on a regular basis, she was the complete opposite of me. Her blonde hair sat in stunning curls and her uniform was spotless, from her aligned tie to her creaseless skirt. Here I was with my mousey brown hair lazily pulled back and wearing the mens’ uniform which was so oversized on me that I had to roll my sleeves up and wear a belt. I knew Lorraine disapproved of my presence but I didn’t care. One day soon I’d be on the battlefield fighting for my country and I’d never think of her again.

“Is he available?” I questioned and Lorraine straightened in her chair. I could almost see the cogs in her brain ticking over as she tried to think up a lie about the Colonel’s whereabouts. Before she could reply, Phillips exited his office to hand a file of paperwork to Lorraine, but he caught sight of me and his jaw clenched.

“No,” he addressed me before I could even ask.

“Sir, please, I heard that Captain America was at the base and I just want the opportunity to speak with him,” I said, explaining why I was pestering him yet again. I had heard stories of how much of a good man the Captain was and I was hoping that he would be more respectful of me than the other men in the army had so far been. But even if he wasn’t, I wasn’t going to stop trying to get out on the frontline.

“You think he would have you on his specialist team? You haven’t even gone out and truly seen the war,” Phillips spat at me while tossing the file on Lorraine’s desk.

“At least I’d finally be out of your hair!” I countered and he hesitated. “Send me off on a mission with the Captain, and if I’m that much of an inadequate soldier then you’ll never hear from me again. What do you have to lose?” I turned my pleading into what I hoped was logic, then waited for his response.

“You want to meet Captain America and ask for a position on his team?” Phillips clarified.

“Yes, sir,” I nodded and then he strode forwards.

“Follow me.” I trailed after the Colonel through the base until he led me to a private locker room where a small team of men were sifting through uniforms and weapons.

“Colonel,” the largest man said and I took in his image. Blonde hair, broad shoulders, kind eyes; he strongly resembled the posters of Captain America I had seen plastered all over the place.

“Rogers, this is Private Catherine Harper. She’s volunteering for your team, but feel free to decline her if she’s not sufficiently qualified,” Phillips briefly introduced us before he spun around and left the room.

The Captain set down his gear and approached me. I kept my spine straight and my hopes high, thinking that despite the Colonel’s lack of recommendations, I would still be able to convince Rogers to take me on his next mission.
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New Bucky story! Taking a different direction from my last one (You're My Mission) and setting this one during the first Captain America movie, but there's plenty of action, conflict and romance in this story so I hope you give it a go!