The Case of T.P. Wallace

Chapter Four

I’m not like the rest.

Well, obviously this guy isn’t like the rest of the population on Station YozMa. His brain was sliced, his frontal lobe was damaged and he was experiencing seizures from left to right; of course Thad Wallace isn’t like the normal people I see everyday.

“Why is it you came only now when you've been experiencing your episodes for seven months?”

As he scratches the back of his head, he thinks about his answer. After a small pause, Thad says, “For the past five years, I've been trying to find someone who could operate on my brain. Every time I would find someone and try to explain my conditions to them, doctors would not dare to operate on me. The closest thing I’ve gotten was the ultrasound scan from Earth.” He notices me narrowing my eyes as he mentioned Earth. He lightly adds, “Some of the citizens on that planet are tolerable.” He says that like a fact.

I let his comment fly over my head once I notice he is trying to defend the planet. While looking over at the clock above Thad’s bed, I notice how late the time is and slowly stand up.

“No, don't go,” Thad pleads. He grips my arm and tugs on my sleeve. “Tell me a story before I fall asleep.”

I furrow my eyebrows together and purse my lips. After a second of staring at his fake frown, I settle back into the gray chair and adjust myself. I ask, “What story would you like me to tell you?”

“Tell me a story about Earth.”