Fashion Statements Are Just Advertised Addictions

Chapter Two

"Tre, baby, come on," he pleaded, his dark eyes boring into my own, his hand grabbing my arm.

"No," I pulled my arm out of his grasp, so angry with him, "Derek, I asked you for one eensy-weensy little thing and you can't even do it!"

"It ain't cheap, Tre! You're a fucking millionaire, go buy it yourself! I'm the one keeping a roof over your head!"

Now he was angry too. However, he had no right. I did nothing wrong. I stared at his dark eyes, for a moment wishing they were a pair of less-familiar jade ones. My face softened as I thought of Kayden and I felt a strange sensation. I snapped out of my trance as the dark eyes opposite my own softened themselves. Derek pulled me close by my waist and I stiffened up. He didn't seem to notice as his hands traveled further downward. I didn't protest as his lips made their way to my jawline, but when they started toward my collar bone, my stomach started flip-flopping. I jolted backward, pushing him away, almost horrified.

"What the hell?" he asked, confusedly, "You've been so weird lately."

"It's just . . . I need to shoot."

Derek never knew when I was lying, so I slid by unnoticed. He just nodded and sat on the couch. He looked expectant for a moment, but my cell phone saved me. I read the text message Eva sent me.

"Baby I have a photoshoot in an hour. Some guy cancelled so they asked me to cover."

He sighed heavily but nodded nonetheless. I felt a tad guilty as I walked out of our penthouse apartment and to the elevator. Trying to shake it off, I pressed the main floor button and picked one of Derek's dirty blonde hairs off of my shirt. I walked onto the main floor and smiled at some ugly people in the lobby that simply glared.

Be jealous, bitches.

I opened the door to my Jaguar and began letting my guilt drift away as I drove towards the agency for my shoot.

After my shoot, I couldn't help but let my curiosity get the best of me, "Eva?"

She whipped around, her dark hair quickling spinning and falling across her chest, framing her high cheekbones and large collagen-filled lips, "Tre. Darling. Beautiful job today. These shoots are just spectacular."

"Thank you, but I was actually wondering how our donation was coming along."

"You mean the twenty-thousand you donated to that boy's wing?"

"Yes, that donation."

"Actually, Dr. Winfield sent me an e-mail just this morning. Everything is in order it seems . . . why do you ask?"

I shrugged and walked out of the agency toward my Jag. But instead of driving west where I came from, I took a right and went east. Though Derek should be the man I wanted to see, it was more of a boy I wanted to see, not a man.

"You have to call ahead and get a visitor's pass. Without the visitor's pass I can't let you up to see him," the receptionist said.

"What difference does it make if I called for the visitor's pass ahead of time or if I just get one from you now?" I asked, a little frustrated. I had to see those beautiful jade eyes before Derek freaked out that I took so long to get back home.

The redheaded receptionist narrowed her spectacled eyes at me and sighed, "Alright. Fine. But I really am breaking policy...only family is usually allowed without a scheduled visit."

She handed me a small sticker and asked me to write my name on it. I did as I was told and stuck the hideous thing to my chest. A nurse escort was called to take me into the room to see Kayden to make sure nothing happened to him or to me.

As we walked into his room, he looked a little bit confused and that was a tad stirring, but I was happy to see that his walls were re-painted and instead of a cot he had gotten an actual bed.

"You have a visitor, Kayden," the plump blonde nurse said with a smile plastered to her face.

He looked at me and then looked at her, still confused.

"I'm Tre. We didn't properly meet last time."

He said nothing.

"Is there anything you're interested in that I can bring you if I visit again? Music? Magazines? Books?"

He merely stared at me with his large jade eyes, but after a moment I realized he wasn't staring, he was glaring.

"Maybe it's best you leave," the nurse said uncomfortably.

I sighed and nodded, showing my way out of the place it took me an hour and a half to drive to. I peeled the visitor's pass off my check and got into my Jag and drove out of El Montgomery, a bit dissatisfied, but my stomach was leaping with joy from seeing those jade eyes once more.

"Where were you?" asked Derek as I entered the apartment.

"Went to the mall."

"Buy anything?"

"For once, no."

"Well I got you something."

"Oh really?"

Derek shoved a syringe in my hands and I smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek, "Thanks baby."

"You're welcome."

I inserted the needle and let it dive into my veins, flicking the syringe and rubbing the vein to allow the drug to make its way through my body. I handed the half-empty syringe to Derek and allowed him to finish it off. With a harsh kiss to my lips, he accepted the needle and put it in his own arm. After he finished, he bit my ear and dragged me to our bedroom, the place where many of our intoxicated romances took place.

I suppose not every relationship can be perfect. But even drugged and making love to a gorgeous boy, I wasn't seeing his dark eyes, but the frightened jade ones I began to crave.