Status: Completed- 18/09/2016

Take Good Care of My Baby

Chapter 15- Perfect Family?

"What time are you meeting Anderia today?" Elma asked as she stood leaning against Molly's doorframe. "After lunch. She's keen to go and since Junior is the only other new born baby around" Molly sighed. "It's nice of you to go with her Molly. It's not easy for new moms. According to my sister anyway. Although she always plays things up" Elma joked. "Ya" Molly said as she folded one of Junior's babygros.

"You know Maé is sorry Molly" Elma said. "Elma I don't want to talk about it. Even your muppet of a brother gets that" Molly replied. "You haven't really being yourself the past few days" Elma said. "I know none of this is easy on you Molly. Junior and been here but not really- I'm fine Elma. I know where you are if I want to talk ok. Can you go get Junior from Dolores please? I should be getting ready to meet Andreia" Molly said. "You're going to have to speak more than two words to her eventually Molly. Ye live in the same house" Elma said. "We'll see how long that lasts" Molly mumbled but Elma didn't push her. The last thing Elma wanted was for Molly to make any rash decisions. Being in the house with Junior was the best for everyone. Even if they were all too stubborn to admit it. Well some people.

"Molly" Rodrigo shouted as he rushed into the nursery. "Hello cutie. What are you doing here?" Molly smiled bending down to give him a hug. "We came to visit" he smiled. "Who's we?" she asked. "Mama and me. And the baby" he groaned. "I'm very happy to see you Rodrigo. Let's go down stairs and find Mama" she said. "Molly can we go swimming? Oh and make cookies and play cars" he asked as they walked down the stairs. "Yes Junior we can do all of those things" Molly laughed.

"Óle Molly" Katia beamed as he waved Dinis's tiny hand at Molly. "Hello. Isn't this a lovely surprise? How long are you here for?" Molly asked giving Katia a hug. "Not sure. Zé's coming next week" she said. "And until Cris wants you out" Elma said. "He doesn't want anyone out. We are his family" Dolores said. "And he's stuck with us" Katia smiled at Molly. "Anyway Irina's coming next week. I thought it would be fun to be around" Katia smiled at Elma. "Annoy him before she comes more like" Elma said.

"How are you Dinis?" Molly asked holding out her hands to take him from his mother. "Keeping me busy. And so is Rodrigo" Katia said. "He's getting big" Molly said as she smiled at the baby. "Ya he is. Junior seems happy" Katia said looking at the baby in Dolores's arms. "Well he should just be thankful to be here" Molly muttered.

"Molly can we go swimming?" Rodrigo asked pulling on her sundress. "Rodrigo we just got here" Katia said. "Molly" he wined. Molly handed Dinis back to Katia and bent down to Rodrigo's level. "I can't go swimming today cutie but we will soon ok. I'll play cars with you I come back. Tío Cris will play love to play with you when he comes home from training I'm sure of it" Molly said.

"Where are you going?" Katia asked. "She's going with Anderia you know Fabio's wife to a baby class" Dolores said. "I'm just going to keep her company. She wants to meet other mums. It's a music class or something" Molly shrugged. "That's nice" Katia said. "Well it gets me out of the house. I should go get ready" Molly said moving towards Dolores.

"I'll take him" she said and Dolores handed her grandson over to Molly. "Rodrigo we'll get to play over the week. Don't worry" she smiled at the youngster before heading towards the stairs. "Yikes Maé's still not her favourite person so" Katia said. "She doesn't want to talk about it" Elma said. "She'll come around Maé. Heck you've seen all the things Cris has done and she's still here" Katia said.

"You ok?" Molly asked Andreia as she buckled Junior's car seat into the back of her car. "Ya" she said. "I thought that class was fun. Not as good as our Pilates play dates though" Molly smiled as she hopped into the drivers seat. It had been fun much to Molly's surprise. Although it was a little hard having to listen to some of the mothers talk about their labours and how great motherhood was.

"I don't think it's for me and Victoria" Andreia sighed. Andreia had tried to make friends with the others but she had gotten the impression they were only interested in her cos her husband played football. "Ya I think I agree with you. They all seemed too interested in Junior for my liking. I hope someone doesn't sell a story about him though. The last thing I need is to fight with Cristiano" Molly muttered.

"How do you work for him when you two don't get on?" Anderia asked. "We do get on. In fact he can be really good to talk to sometimes" Molly said. "I find that hard to imagine" Andreia said. "I understand why. But he's not that bad. Although most of things that are bothering me that I need to talk about he's responsible for so maybe he isn't" Molly said and sounded as confused as Andreia looked.

"Never mind. So how do you like your new house. I swear it must be in their contracts that the players all have to live near each other. You can't go 2 miles without bumping into one of them" Molly said. "I hadn't really noticed" Andreia said looking out the window. "The gated community is nice for a stroll though if the baby is acting up. Can get him out of the house and not be bothered by nosy people" Molly said. "I haven't gone" Andreia said. "I'll drop by on my next stroll and we can take Victoria and Junior out together. Sometimes you just have to get out of the house" Molly said as she moved the car into the left lane.

"It's easier to stay in the house" Andreia said. "But you came out today and had fun sort of" Molly said frowning when she remembered one woman in particular questions about the Madrid team. "Well today made me think that it's best to stay indoors" Andreia said. "Well it made me think that the woman I know already here in Madrid are great" Molly smiled. "Ana is right. You should have a girly night out together. Let the men babysit" Molly said. "You'd be coming too" Andreia said. "I'm not a wife or girlfriend" Molly said. "It doesn't matter. You're still one of the girls" Andreia smiled at Molly and Molly realised it was the first smile she had seen on Andreia's face in weeks.

"You and Fabio should do a tour of the city when it's his next day off. Get to know the city. It's beautiful" Molly said. "Maybe" Andreia shrugged. "Or take your family out for the day. Have the visited much?" Molly asked. "They haven't yet" Andreia said sadly. "That's a shame. It must be hard. Moving to a new city and having a new born baby to look after" Molly said shaking her head which she heard what she had said. New city and a new born. Oh Molly knew all about that she thought.

"It is if I'm honest. It's hard. And Victoria isn't even a bad baby. She sleeps and eats loads it's just" Andreia said. "Where's Fabio now?" Molly asked. "He had some club thing after training I think" Andreia said. "Good, then we can have some girly time" Molly said as she drove through the gates. "You aren't in a rush to get back?" Andreia asked. "I'll text Cris where I am. It's fine. Anyway I could use some time away from that house" Molly said as she drove past Cristiano's house towards Andreias.

"How you can do that so easily?" Andreia asked as she took a seat next to Molly on the couch. "Do what?" Molly asked as she held Junior in her arms. "Be so good with him when he's not even yours" Andreia said. "It's harder than you think" Molly said. "It's normal to feel lonely Andreia. You should talk to Fabio. Get him to help more. Ask him to watch Victoria while you do something that's just for you" Molly said. "I know I should and he would. It's just I should be able to manage" she said. "Stop thinking you should be this way or that. Take it day by day. No one knows how to do this parent thing. And if you need to talk about anything then you can talk to me, or Nagore and anyone else" Molly said.

"Thanks Molly" Andreia said. "What you need is a visit from your mother. And if you ever feel like you need a break just ask me and I'll take Victoria" Molly said. "Really" Andreia said. "Of course. Though maybe not this week. Katia is here with Dinis and Rodrigo so my hands will be kind of full. But any other time" Molly smiled. "Thanks Molly. I think you're right. Maybe I just need a visit from my family" Andreia said.

“What took you so long?” Cristiano asked as Molly shut the door after her. “Excuse me” Molly asked. “Where were you all afternoon?” he asked. “I was with Andreia like I told you. I thought I would have been back earlier but Andreia was a little upset and I didn’t want to leave her. I did text you” she said. “No you didn’t and you never told me you were going out today” Cristiano said. “Yes I did” Molly said as he took Junior from her arms.

“No you didn’t” he replied. “Jezz you spend most of your time on the phone and the one time I want you looking at it you don’t. I give up. Where’s Elma?” Molly asked. “Kitchen” he said. “Where are you going?” he asked as she started to walk. “Getting her to tell you that I did tell you where I was” she said.

“Molly wait” he said running after her. “Elma” Molly called out and a bunch of heads turned to look at her. “Molly” Rodrigo came rushing to her. “Molly I said wait” Cristiano said nearly colliding with her as she stood still in the middle of the room.

“Hello Irina. It’s nice to see you again” Molly smiled at the model who sat on the couch. “Hi” Irina smiled. She didn’t know why Cristiano had Molly around. “Irina thought she would surprise me by coming earlier” Cristiano said. “That’s sweet” Molly said as Junior began to get restless in Cristiano’s arms.

“Did you want something Molly?” Elma asked. “It was nothing” Molly said walking to the sink. “So this is Junior” Cristiano said to Irina. “The model smiled and stood as everyone watched her closely. Everyone except Molly who busied herself pouring a glass of water. “He’s adorable” Irina smiled standing in front of Cristiano. “I like to think so” Cristiano said kissing his son’s cheek.

“Do you want to come say hello to Irina? I’ve been looking forward to meeting you” Irina smiled at the baby in her boyfriend’s arms and Dolores rolled her eyes. “Hello cutie” Irina said as she took Junior from Cristiano. “Aren’t you a cutie” she said bouncing the baby in her arms.

Molly twisted her head around and bit her lip as she took in the picture in front of her. Cristiano smiling as his girlfriend hugged his son tightly. Irina grinning as she stroked Junior’s cheek. The perfect family.

“And my sister kept joking he wouldn’t like me” Irina said to Cristiano. “He adores me” Irina smiled as Junior nuzzled closer to her. “He adores everyone” Dolores frowned. “We are going to have so much fun all three of us together” Irina grinned and kissed Cristiano hard on the lips. “My boys” Irina said grinning at Dolores before turning to look straight at Molly.

“And they all thought he would be cranky since you had him out all day. But it was nice of you to finally come back so I could meet him before he went to bed” Irina said. “He has a while before it’s his bed time. Plus he had fun with all the music today. Didn’t you” Cristiano smiled at his son.

"Who wants to watch a movie?" Katia asked. "Rodrigo do you fancy some popcorn?" Elma asked as both women noticed the glare Irina was giving Molly who had her back turned to the room. Cristiano breathed a sigh of relief that his son and girlfriend were getting along.

“Are you Junior’s mama now?” Rodrigo asked and the room descended into quietness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Molly's being a good friend. Should Molly have stayed away longer? Has Rodrigo made things more complicated? How will Irina being in Madrid change things?

Thanks to ak9_sh and Jayme112234 for their comments.

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