A Trip to Cleveland

His Butler, A Trip to Cleveland

One morning, Ciel felt bored as usual at the manor. He then called for Sebastian.

Ciel: "Sebastian, I want to go on a vacation to USA, but I don't know which state to go to."

Sebastian: "May I suggest Cleveland, Ohio?"

Ciel: "Fine, we'll go there. Arrange everything, Sebastian."

Sebastian: "Yes, my Lord."

Ciel: "One more thing; tell the servants they are welcome to come along if they like."

Sebastian: "Yes, Sir."

Sebastian left Ciel's office and went to tell the servants the news.

Sebastian: "Finny, Mey-rin, Bardroy, Tanaka!"

Servants: "Yes, Sebastian?"

Sebastian: "The Young Master has decided to take a vacation to America and he has asked me to tell you all that you're welcome to come alone."

Finny: "A vacation to America!!"

Mey-rin: "How exciting!!!"

Bardroy: "What state are we going to, Sebastian?"

Sebastian: "We're going to Cleveland, Ohio. Let’s start preparing shell we."

Servants: "Yes, Sir!"

Tanaka: "Ho ho ho."

Sebastian: "We'll be leaving early tomorrow morning."

The next morning, everyone got up really early and headed to the airport. 7 long hours have past riding on the plane, but everyone finally arrived to Ohio. Ciel and the servants were all tired and were all jet lagged, except for Sebastian.

Sebastian then called for a taxi to take them all to the vacation house that Ciel reserved for everyone to stay in. They arrived at the vacation house and started to make themselves comfortable. Sebastian began to look around the house and notice a small empty garden outside.

Sebastian: "Now this just won't do, I'll have to fix this garden as soon as possible."

Sebastian worked on the garden all night long, he was so quiet that Ciel and the servants didn't hear a peep out of him. The next day, Sebastian started the day as usual for Ciel.

Sebastian: "Master, I stumbled a pone a small garden outside and I managed to plant some flowers."

Ciel: “Why bother; I don’t care much for this place any way, but I will go and see it. I am quite curious.”

Sebastian: “Thank you, Young Master.”

Ciel and Sebastian went outside to see the garden.

Ciel: “Hmph, it looks nice, very welcoming I might say.”

Sebastian: “I’m glad you like it, Master.”

The servants notice Ciel and Sebastian standing outside looking at the garden; that they decided to see it too.

Servants: (amazed) “Ooh!”

Mey-rin: “It’s so beautiful, yes it is.”

Finny: “Look at all the flowers.”

Bardroy: “Wow!”

Tanaka: “Ho, ho, ho.”

Sebastian: (smiling) “I’m glad everyone liked the garden.”

Weeks have passed and everyone was packing their things to go back home. The vacation was over.

Finny: *sighs* “It’s a shame that we have to leave, I still feel like we just got here.”

Badroy: “Yeah well, a least it was fun while it lasted.”

Mey-rin: “Yes it was.”

Sebastian overheard the servants of how sad they were that they were leaving the USA to go back to England.

Sebastian: “I couldn’t help but overhear that you all don’t want to leave.”

Bardroy: “Yeah we’re pretty bummed out, but don’t worry we’ll get over it eventually.”

The servants started to sob really loudly, which Ciel heard.

Ciel: “Stop crying this instant!”

They stopped immediately.

Ciel: *sighs* “I suppose we could come back next summer.”

Mey-rin: “Really, Master!”

Ciel: “Yes.”

The servants cheered with delight, Ciel smirk a bit and left.

Sebastian: “Alright, that’s enough of that, please continue packing.”

Servants: (cheerfully) “Yes Sir!”

Everyone finished packing and they all went back home to England.