The Bet

Bring it On

The small cracks in Alex's bedroom ceiling seem to sort of make a pattern, Jack realizes. Like little imperfect constellations in the white paint. He stares at them, unimpressed, while laying back on his friend's bed. The hum of the fan beside him lulls him into a sort of calm state, though he has some weird desire to feel restless. Everything is always too quiet and boring, because they're always just sitting around not doing much of anything. He lets go of a sigh, hoping Alex hears it and catches on to how Jack is feeling.

They're both on the bed, waiting for Alex to finish up his homework. Jack really isn't sure how he managed to collect so much of it to do, what with it still only being the first month of school. It's probably because he decided to take a couple of more advanced classes, which in turn are more involved and give more work. Jack doesn't get why his friend is so insistent on making high school so difficult from the very first year. Maybe Jack should have challenged himself too, but his brother had told him to stay away from honor's classes at least for freshman year, and for once in his life, Jack listened. It seems to be paying off in his favor, as Alex sits staring down at his paper when Jack is already finished with his single breezy worksheet from Spanish.

"Being all huffy about it won't make me finish faster." Alex sighs. "In fact, I think my hand is starting to... cramp up..."

Jack sits up so fast his head hurts a little, looking to Alex with wide eyes just in time to see him flopping back on the mattress. His fingers uncurl and Jack watches as the mechanical pencil falls dramatically from his hand and off the bed. Then he stays still, laying there stupidly with his eyes wide open and his tongue hanging out of his mouth, probably waiting for Jack to freak out. Which of course, does happen only a few seconds later.

"What are you doing?! Get up so you can finish!" Jack exasperates, shoving uselessly at Alex's leg as the boy stays unmoving. "Alex, I'm serious, I don't want to just lay in your room while you do homework forever."

"It's not like your Monday nights are usually any more exciting than this." The other boy remarks, catching Jack's gaze just in time to see him roll his eyes.

"Shut up! Here, just-," He leans off the bed a little to grab the fallen pencil, "Take this fucking thing and do your stupid homework." With a determined expression, Jack tries placing the utensil back into Alex's grasp, but the boy remains uncooperative and lets it fall again, his fingers unmoving. Jack has just about had it.

With his annoyance growing increasingly stronger by the second, Jack crawls up the bed a little ways, glaring at Alex's tongue still poking playfully out of his mouth. He drops down on top of him, smirking at the sort of strangled-groaning he emits from Alex.

"What are you doing, idiot? Get off me." Alex lifts his head to give Jack a confused and irritated expression.

"Only if you promise to finish your work so we can actually do something fun."

"I can't. I'm dead." Alex drops his head back on the pillows again, resuming his "dead" state with his blank stare and wide open mouth seemingly just to piss Jack off.

"Dude I'm serious!" Jack all but whines, pushing at the boy's chest a little for emphasis. "We should be doing something exciting, not just sitting around in your room with school work." He hits his friend a few more times with a half-glare, half-pout on his features. He hopes he's getting his point across.

Suddenly, Alex isn't as dead and unresponsive as before. There's a tight, uncomfortable pressure in the lower area of Jack's jeans, and when his wide eyes snap to Alex’s, he feels unbelievably aggravated. His friend is just smirking up at him, knowing he's got the upper hand and apparently loving it.

"What the hell, dude?! That fucking hurt, don't be gay." He says, scrambling off of the other boy and back on the bed, feeling the dull ache in his crotch. Alex just rolls his eyes in response, before telling Jack that he guesses he can do his homework later, since it isn't even due until Thursday. Jack looks at him incredulously, momentarily wondering why he's even friends with Alex at all.


They end up not doing much of anything, really. It's hardly a change from their lazing around earlier. The difference now is that they're downstairs on the couch, staring mindlessly at some rerun of an old sitcom on TV with cold pizza sitting on the coffee table in front of them. They hardly say anything to each other, mainly because Alex's parents' room is only a wall away and they’ve got to be quiet to not wake them. Also because Alex is too preoccupied with his phone to pay much of any mind to Jack.

The sound of Alex's voice makes Jack jump a little, having been drifting to sleep on the comfy couch, his head resting on the arm. He rubs at his eyes and looks to Alex a little blearily, watching the light of the TV dance across his features in the dark room.

"Dude, you know what Rian just texted me? He said that girl Katie from lunch totally likes me." He says, grinning at the screen of his phone as his fingers tap away.

Jack makes some noise that sounds as though he doesn't really believe him. He wakes up a little, and sits up straighter, looking closely at Alex on the other end of the couch. Looking for some hint of a lie on his face, maybe, though he's not sure why he even cares at all. It's not like Katie, with her short black hair and dark, heavy eye makeup, is all that attractive.

"Yeah, right. How would he know? It's not like he's best friends with her or anything."

"She knows me and Ri are friends and is trying to get to me through him. He said she’s practically just asking how to get with me. Why won’t you believe me? Are you jealous or something?"

"Jealous of what?"

"That someone likes me and not you. I probably have tons more girls that like me, when the last person you had was... what, Alexis from last year? The one that kissed you at carpool?"

Jack shrugs and sinks down into the couch, thankful for the darkness that hides his blush. He's not sure why he finds it so embarrassing that she was his first kiss. It's not like she was weird or anything. Jack thinks maybe it's not even Alexis, but the fact that he hasn't had any interaction with any girls at all since then. Pair that with the fact that Alex is always able to pull any girl he wants and has kissed and done more with countless people- it makes Jack feel inadequate. His sister always used to tell him not to stress about romance or any of that kind of stuff, but it's hard not to when he's friends with Alex Gaskarth.

Pretending not to care is also hard when his friend, still smirking and so sure of himself, lets go of a few words that make the color drain from Jack's face.

"Let's make a bet."

He tries to appear calm, he really does, because the last thing Jack needs is for Alex to make fun of him some more. It's just that when Alex makes bets or challenges or contests, he gets really into them. Naturally, he’s just a competitive boy, so no matter how high the stakes are or how hard Jack tries, Alex always seems to come out on top. And that never translates into anything good.

Jack gives Alex what he hopes is a somewhat confident-looking smirk, sort of saying, “bring it on,” though he feels anything but ready to deal with whatever crazy idea he's come up with this time. All he can do is sit there and listen and hope Alex doesn't propose to do anything like the breath-holding contest they had in the pool that summer, where Jack ended up practically drowning and Alex five bucks richer.

"I bet that I can kiss more people than you by the end of the week. You know, since apparently more girls like me than you." His grin looks so devious, and Jack feels his stomach churning already. He wants nothing more than to just shake his head and say no, protest because he feels like this won't end well. But Alex already thinks he's nothing short of a loser- the last thing he needs is to prove him right.

Jack scoffs, keeping his falsely confident demeanor up, and shakes his head. "Yeah, right. So what am I gonna get when I win?"

"Loser has to be the winner's slave for an entire day. Do everything they say and get them anything they want."

"What? No way!" Jack says in a sort of whisper-yell, feeling like he's setting himself up for hell if he agrees. He's having flashbacks to when Alex had the flu last fall, and how he ran for the whole of two weeks getting him blankets and food and the TV remote whenever Alex would whine or call. And that was when Jack was willing. He doesn’t even want to imagine what his best friend would make him do if he were under his complete control for a whole day.

“Aw, why not? Are you scared or something? It’s cause you know I’ll win, right? I don’t think you’ve even kissed anyone since Alexis.”

“Yeah I did! There was that girl, uh, Nicole. At Griffen’s birthday party in March?” Jack spits the first name that comes to mind, hoping Alex doesn’t see through his lie. He really shouldn’t even be bothering trying to cover his ass, should just give in and let Alex treat him like his bitch from the very start so there doesn’t have to be a bet at all. Something tells him there could be too many risks in that though, that Alex may get him in trouble with his parents or even suspended from school with the shit he’ll make Jack do. Plus, if somehow Jack does win, he thinks it would be pretty awesome to just order Alex around all day. It seems like a gamble either way, so what the hell does Jack have to lose? A lot, actually, probably including his dignity, but he pushes the thought to the back of his mind.

“Well, whatever. The rules are that you can’t force anyone to kiss you, like, obviously, and, uh… the deadline is seven thirty on Friday. So, are you gonna be a big baby and quit or are you in?”

Jack takes a final moment to deliberate, though his mind is basically already made up. Just a last minute check to see if he’s aware of what he’s getting himself into. He’s aware, alright, maybe even too aware- that’s why he’s as reluctant as he is to agree. But it seems like Alex is hardly giving him a choice here. Visions of dancing on his own roof in only his boxers, trying some sketchy new drug, and Alex laughing and ordering him all the while spin through his head. Right then is when nerves seem to solicit a quick answer from him easily enough.

“Alright, I’m in.” He says, noting that Alex thankfully doesn’t notice how nervous his words sound. The boys shake hands, both making eye contact dramatically, and the bet is on.


The next day at school, Jack feels nervous. He feels like Alex probably has a whole row of girls lined up in their first period, waiting to be kissed by the charming, charismatic Alex Gaskarth. And he’s just waiting for Jack to walk into their biology class to go down the line and kiss all of them, one by one, showing him who’s boss. And there will be so many, Jack will have to surrender right then and there, because he can probably only get one or two girls to kiss him in a week’s time, if he’s lucky. Why in the world did he ever think he could compete with Alex, again? So caught up in his pointless worrying, Jack nearly bumps into someone walking in the opposite direction, and blushes a little as he turns into biology, expecting the worst. Fortunately, all the girls that are already in the class are all in their seats, and not even looking at Alex at the back table, let alone making kissy faces at him or piling on lip gloss. Jack’s nerves are only eased a little bit.

“Hey, stupid.” Alex says as Jack sits in the seat next to him, not even looking up from the words he’s writing on a sheet of notebook paper. Jack doesn’t say any sort of greeting in return, because the only words that can spill out of his lips are the same ones that won’t stop buzzing around in his head.

“So, did you kiss anyone yet?” He blurts, shrugging off his backpack and pulling out his notebook and things just to keep his hands busy. It’s annoying how jittery he feels already, when the challenge has hardly even begun. Though, Jack thinks that maybe it’s better to feel so on edge, because this way he knows he’s feeling this way because of his slim possibility of winning. He’s fairly certain that by the end of the week he’ll be all calm and cool and collected, relatively at ease once he’s accepted Alex’s unbeatable win and his inescapable fate.

With an eyebrow raised, Alex’s looks to his friend, pencil stilled and expression amused.

“It’s literally first period, so no, I haven’t. But I’m working on it.” He explains, going back to his writing once Jack nods to show he’s listening. Alex doesn’t look all that competitive, does he? He’s not grinning at Jack in that way he does, when he looks all smug and cocky. He’s just doing his biology work. Maybe things won’t be as bad as Jack thought.

“I have mints in my bag and I already have Rian talking to Katie. You better be prepared to lose.”

Or maybe, they’ll be even worse.


By the end of the day, Jack almost completely forgot about everything to do with girls and and their pretty hair and the sparkly colors on their lips. He was too enveloped in classwork and grades and teachers that such petty things like bets didn’t really matter to him. Except, it’s not as easy to forget as he might have hoped, and it’s definitely not as petty a thing as it would seem, this bet. This could very well be something that directs Jack’s entire reputation for the rest of the school year, for the rest of high school. When Alex sits next to him on the bus seat for the ride home at the end of the day, Jack’s tummy is suddenly starting to get worked up again, and he wonders how in the world he ever managed to let the stupid bet slip his mind at all.

“Dude, I got one, did you see that? Katie totally just kissed me.” Alex babbles, practically bursting as he bounces a little in the seat with excitement. Or maybe that’s just the bumpy bus as they start on the ride home, going over all the old potholes. Either way, though, Alex is beaming, and Jack feels anxious.

“No, I didn’t see. Where were you?”

“Right by the light post over there, dude. She was saying that Rian had talked to her about me today, and that she wanted to hang out sometime, and then she just went for it. I didn’t even have to do anything! She wasn’t bad, either, like, I’ve definitely had worse.”

For a moment, Jack doesn’t feel as uneasy as before, because a small wave of annoyance washes over him and the nerves he was so focused on are basically gone. He rolls his eyes at the way Alex is excitedly texting on his phone, no doubt thanking Rian and telling him how it went.

“Is that even fair? She already liked you, and you got Rian to help. That’s cheating.”

"What? That's totally not cheating. I would know, I made the rules."

"I don't think the point should count."

"Because I'm already beating you and I didn't have to try, right? Don't be a sore loser."

Jack feels he has every right to be a little irked, despite the fact that he knows everything Alex says is true. He can't help the involuntary pout on his face and the feeling of envy welling inside him. With a huff and a roll of his eyes, he scoots over in the seat a little more, towards the window away from his friend. His eyes are glued to the trees blurring by outside and Alex rolls his eyes too when he realizes what's happening. Jack doesn't give him the silent treatment very often, and when he does, it's usually not very justified. And completely childish.

"Jack, seriously? Come on, don't be like this. It's just the way things work. Maybe if you actually try to win instead of being mad at me you could actually get some points too."

"Well how am I supposed to do that? Last time I checked my name isn't Alex Gaskarth and I don't have tons of girls on my dick."

"You know Jessica? Well, since I'm such a great friend I got you invited to her house tonight with me. If you're not still pissed for no reason we could walk there when we get home."

This seems to get Jack's attention, and he dares a look away from the dirty bus window to glance at his best friend. Shit, he should have known he'd look like that- all sincere and shit, looking like he actually cares about Jack and isn't only friends with him to make fun of him. Part of Jack wants to really believe that's true, and that they'll have a good time at Jessica's. But the other part of him really feels like he's just going to make himself look stupid, and that Alex will have racked up even more points by the end of the night while Jack is still at zero.

Jack looks at Alex a bit longer, at his stupid eyebrows raised in a posing question, "So? What'll it be?" It hardly even seems like he has an option. He can't imagine how irritated Alex would be with him if he tried to decline the offer.

"I guess I'll go. But I get to copy off you on the biology quiz tomorrow."

Alex laughs a little and shrugs, thinking it a fair trade. "Deal." He says, and starts up on a new topic of conversation for the rest of the ride home.


"Has anyone seen Alex?" A girl asks the small group of three that are all seated in the living room of Jessica's house. Jack isn't sure what her name is, but he actually doesn't really care. He's been wondering the same thing for the past five minutes, ever since his friend just wandered off at the same convenient time Jessica had to use the bathroom. He has a strong feeling as to where they both are and what's happening and for some reason, it's making him rather annoyed.

"I think he said he was gonna go to the bathroom." A blonde named Erin says, not looking up from her phone as she speaks.

"Jessica said that too, like, ten minutes ago." The first girl says, and Jack wants to maybe knock some sense into her for not figuring it out all out sooner. And maybe he wants to knock some sense into himself, too, for being stupid enough to not see this coming. Of course Alex would not only leave him alone with people he doesn't know in some random girl's house, but would do it to go kiss someone else and further his place in the running of the bet.

Jack is honestly considering just getting up and leaving through the front door to his left. Firstly, because he’s having a sort of awful time. For the first hour or so it was somewhat enjoyable because they all laughed together and things were fun. But since Alex has left, Jack has realized that his best friend was the life of the party, and everyone was laughing at his jokes. Without Alex (and Jessica as well), everyone has resorted to staring mindlessly at their phones, the fun ruined. Secondly, Jack feels pissed off because for whatever reason, the thought of Jessica (who isn't exactly known for being abstinent) probably trying to eat Alex's face off in her bathroom is giving him a unwanted, unpleasant feeling of something that feels like jealousy. Lastly, the no-name girl's voice is giving him a headache.

With grins on their faces and just in time to cancel Jack's plans of slipping out unnoticed, the two missing teenagers return. They're both grinning, and when Alex meets Jack's eyes, he holds up his first two fingers, smiling smugly at him because of course Jack just knows what that means.

"Where were you guys?" Erin asks, and in response Jessica throws out a half-assed lie of needing help getting something from the garage. Jack isn't listening, not really. Instead he's just glaring at the way Alex stands with his hands in his pockets looking like he's on top of the world. He's really had enough of this for one day, Jack decides.

"Alex, my mom texted and says she wants us home."

"Why can't we stay longer?"

"Because. Let's go." Jack stands and without another word, heads out the door. He begins walking back to their street before Alex is even out of the house.

"Jack! Jack, stop." Alex calls, and really, he only listens because he's more than ready to give Alex a piece of his mind.

"What is up with you, man? Don't tell me you're actually gonna get mad at me for kissing someone again."

"You really think that's why I'm mad?"

"Well, I don't know, I didn't do anything wrong and you never fuckin' talk to me when you're pissed so how am I supposed to know?"

Jack scoffs and turns away from Alex to keep walking, because he isn't sure what to say to that. He knows Alex is right, because he still feels sort of ticked off and wants to ignore him, but he isn't sure why. All Alex has done is play their stupid game and Jack feels the need to freak out about it every time. When he signed up for this, he really didn't think it'd annoy him this much to see Alex kissing girls and winning without even trying.

"Can you just tell me why you're being so bitchy?" Alex pants a little, having ran to catch up to Jack. He places a hand on his friend's shoulder, but Jack doesn't feel any better than before so he shrugs him off and continues walking.

"Okay, if I knew you'd get so worked up over some dumb fucking bet then I wouldn't have even suggested we do it. I thought we were good enough friends to not let girls get between us, but we can call this whole thing off if you really want."

Well now Jack just feels like a piece of shit. Here's Alex, being a perfectly awesome friend and actually trying to fix the problem even though Jack has been a total douche to him. He's a little surprised actually, because if he were in Alex's place, he'd probably be yelling at himself for being so whiny and upset about everything. Right then, he knows he can't make Alex feel like this when it's Jack's own fault he's acting so immature.

Quickly, he scrambles for an excuse to justify his attitude and actions, because he knows if he doesn't give Alex some sort of reason soon he'll never see him as anything more than an asshole again.

"We don't need to call off the bet." Jack sighs, finally slowing his pace so Alex doesn't have to practically run to keep up. "I just... I get mad because seeing you get so many girls to kiss you makes me feel like I can't compete with you. They all think you’re hot or whatever. I mean, every girl likes you.”

"Dude, are you kidding me? Jessica and Katie are like, the only ones. You know how many girls actually hate me?" Jack kicks a rock on the sidewalk and shrugs. His excuse is feeling less and less like an excuse the more he runs with it. Jack realizes that he may be a sore loser, but he also really is a little upset that Alex is so much better than him. In regards to the bet and almost everything else.

"I mean, you definitely aren't ugly, if that’s what you’re worried about." Alex adds after Jack remains silent. They make it a full block before there's any more conversation, both feeling awkward for whatever reason.

“Oh hey, did you kiss Erin? Jessica was telling me she thinks you’re cute.”

“I did.” Jack lies, nodding and hoping he sounds convincing. He can’t really tell if he sounds believable or not, because when he thinks back to that girl he thinks of her pretty blonde hair and nice eyes but he doesn’t think he’d want to kiss her. Regardless, he hopes he seems confident and proud of himself for having (not really) kissed a girl. He also hopes Alex doesn’t ever see Erin outside of school again and ask how it was for her.

“While you and Jessica were in the ‘bathroom’.”

Alex looks to him, a little surprised, and nearly stops walking. It’s not as though he didn’t think Jack could do it, but just that he thought he’d never actually go for it. For a minute he feels oddly like a proud mother, but then realizes that it’s kind of weird to feel that way and considers himself more like the older brother congratulating the younger, inexperienced one on his second kiss. At least he’s actually in the running now.

“Really? That’s awesome! See, you just have to actually try, and stop being such a bitch when you don’t get your way.”

Jack just shakes his head, knowing that Alex is right- again. He feels a little offended by his words but it seems too early to get ticked off at his friend again, having just been all fussy only fifteen minutes ago. He leans over and bumps his shoulder into Alex’s, effectively pushing the other boy into someone’s front lawn. As Alex tramples the plants in their garden, gets pricked by a few hedges and nearly face-plants in the dirt, Jack laughs, not feeling not all that angry anymore.


By Thursday, Alex has racked up a total of five points, leaving Jack to suffer through weird dreams at night, imagining the humiliation he’ll feel when Alex makes him do something awkward and embarrassing once he officially loses. Jack isn’t entirely sure how he’s done it, getting three kisses in two days, but he doesn’t doubt that Alex is telling the truth. He hears about a girl named Mary that makes Jack surprised Alex was able to pull her. She doesn’t talk much in any of her classes and usually sits alone at lunch- that’s when Alex made a move on Wednesday. Quiet Mary was so vulnerable to Alex’s charm that she was hardly even reluctant when he smiled sweetly and asked for a peck. And during gym by the water fountains, Alex claims he got a kiss from a girl named Harper. Jack remembers her as a girl in his history class the year before; he used to copy her answers without her knowing.

And the last one Jack can’t doubt, because he actually saw it while waiting for Alex at the bus loop at the end of the day. A girl named Jordan that used to have a crush on Jack in seventh grade approached Alex on the sidewalk, and gave a hard glare at Jack for a moment before just going for it. Alex was obviously taken aback and didn’t even close his eyes as Jordan stayed latched on for a good few seconds. When she finally let him go, she simply said, “To help you win,” winked at Alex, and walked off. Jack figures she must have overheard them talking about the bet in their biology class, since she sits at the table in front of theirs. He doesn’t even question why she chose to help Alex over him, because it’s become common knowledge that Alex is first choice when it comes to girls. However, on the bus, Alex brings up the fact that Jack rejected her in the seventh grade when she asked him to the Halloween dance, and that she's probably holding a grudge. Jack is of course still worried he’ll lose, is pretty much expecting it at this point, but he doesn’t feel disappointed about not getting a kiss from the not-so-lovely, ever-resentful Jordan in her cargo pants.


It’s plain to see Jack is sulking as he sits on his bedroom floor, staring up at the ceiling with a hard expression. Alex decides to call him out on it, which has become a regular occurrence now whenever Jack is feeling grumpy and Alex isn’t up for dealing with such a bitchy attitude.

“Can we not do this right now? I’m trying to do homework.”

“Do what? I didn’t even say anything.”

“You know what I’m talking about. I can tell you want to go off on me by the look on your face and if we’re about to do this whole thing for a third day then I’ll just leave now.” Alex’s expression is blank and his words are serious, sounding fed up with Jack just from remembering their past arguments.

“I’m not trying to fight with you tonight.” Jack shakes his head, laying back on his carpet. It’s silent for a minute and Jack wonders if Alex really is about to pack up and leave. After a moment, though, the sound of the pencil moving across paper resumes and Jack lets out a breath. things are still relatively silent and awkward, though, so he doesn’t feel completely at ease just yet.

It’s quiet for seemingly so long that Jack nearly falls asleep on the floor. He’s startled from his half-dreamy state by Alex’s loud voice and a light and playful kick to his side. Opening his eyes irritably, he looks up to see his friend towering above him with a stupid grin.

“I finished my homework, loser. And I think it’s time we get you laid.”

Jack’s eyes widen at Alex’s words, sitting up a little to lean back on his elbows and giving the other boy an understandably confused stare. He knew he was meant to kiss girls and all, but Alex had never mentioned anything about going any further than that. He’s only fifteen years old, is he even ready for that kind of shit, when the most he’s ever done is a quick kiss? What will Alex do to him if he says no, though? He’s hardly even able to get a kiss from someone, how in the world is he possibly meant to-

“Okay, you’re not really getting laid. But you do need to get more than just that one kiss from Erin. It’s kind of sad how easily I’m beating you at this thing.”

Right then, Jack really has the urge to confess to Alex that he never even really kissed Erin, and is still at zero in terms of points for the stupid bet. He doesn’t mention it, though, because Alex probably already sees him as nothing more than a total loser. Admitting to lying about such a simple and petty thing as a kiss probably really won’t help his case.

“What are you talking about?” Jack mumbles, sitting up properly to avoid the carpet digging into his skin.

“Zack texted me and told me that Grieco told him that Angela said she and a bunch of her friends are going roller-skating tonight. And I don’t even know any of Angela’s friends but really, this is better than nothing. So I think we should go because it’s almost Friday and you’re basically almost all out of luck. You should really thank me sometime for being such a considerate friend and doing my best to help you win.”

“Roller-skating? What, are we ten years old or something?” Jack scoffs, rolling his eyes in disinterest.

"No one even skates while they're there, it's just a place to hang out. And, guess who I heard is gonna be there? That girl Sam you like. You can totally kiss her for the bet."

Jack is confused for a moment, wondering how in the world Alex got the idea he likes that girl. He knows her, sure; they're in the same math class. But whenever she asks how to do a problem or asks for the homework, he's only talking to her out of politeness. To be honest, she's kind of intimidating and just isn't really Jacks type. But he doesn't tell Alex any of this, mainly because he's not given a chance to. The other boy starts pulling on his arm in an attempt to get him off the ground. Jack really doesn't want to get off the ground.

"Come on, get up and get ready, because we're going. We're getting a ride with Zack."

He leaves the room then, probably to go change into some of Jack's clothes without asking if it's alright. Jack is left to just sit there hunched over a little, wondering how in the world he always manages to place himself in all of these stupid situations.


There's shitty pop music playing loudly, Jack is sitting alone in a booth under neon lights, and Alex is nowhere to be found. Jack paid eight dollars to get in and do absolutely fucking nothing. He swears this might be the final thing that drives him to drop Alex as a friend. Not that he'd ever actually do that, because between copying biology homework, sharing lunch, and their countless sleepovers, Jack kind of needs him. But in his pissed-off state with the throb of his headache matching the pounding beat of the stupid song that's playing, he feels like he's really considering it.

From his spot in the snack bar, Jack can see Alex approaching from the arcade just a little ways away, looking a little disheveled and positively elated. His smile is wide, his cheeks are flushed, and worst of all, he's being followed. Jack is about four hundred percent not in the mood to deal with this right now. When Alex gets close enough, Jack can make out pink, sparkly lip gloss smeared on his lips and a little bit around his mouth. He doesn't even have to ask or wait for Alex to say so himself- that makes girl number six.

"Why are you over here all alone?" Alex asks, pairing a confused smile with a raised eyebrow. The girl behind him gives Jack some judgemental sort of stare, leaning all over Alex and resting her head on his shoulder. Her pouting lips having a pink shade on them that matches Alex's; everything about her makes Jack feel annoyed.

"Because you fucking left me, remember?" Jack snaps, glaring at Alex and hoping the other boy sees it in the low lighting. He apparently doesn't see, or maybe he does and just doesn't acknowledge Jack's anger. Either way, his grin doesn't falter and the girl doesn't leave his side. Alex grabs Jack's arm and attempts to pull him out of the seat.

"Come on, you need to stop moping around. I just saw Sam in the arcade, so get out there and kiss her."

"Why would I kiss her in a fucking arcade at a roller rink?"

"Because that's what people do there! Half the games are broken and the rest are so shitty that no one goes in there to play anything."

This information puts Jack off a bit, because he doesn't feel like he's really the type of guy to just push someone up against an old air hockey table and take control. But this fucking girl won't stop staring and Alex looks like he's excited for Jack, for whatever reason. Before he knows it, he's practically manhandled by Alex until he's surrounded by dusty old game machines and sketchy people making out in the dark corners. He feels dirty.

Alex leaves him there and Jack is really considering leaving again. He could just call his mom and ask to be picked up like the loser he is. It seems like a sound and solid decision that he's made and he finally feels like he's about to get out of the stupid place. But before he can even go looking for his phone, someone is tapping his shoulder and talking way too breathily in his ear.

"Alex told me you'd be here." They say, and Jack has never turned around so fast in his life. He finds himself face to face with maybe one of the last people he wants to see; a girl with hazel eyes, freckles across her nose and faded, patchy blue hair. It's not that Jack has anything against her, really, just that he doesn't really feel up to kissing someone he doesn't even know. He realizes that's the point of the whole bet, but the more he stares back at her grin in the low light the more he feels a need to get the hell out of there.

"Yeah, I um-," The words catch in his throat, and at any other time, Jack would be embarrassed about how nervous and uncomfortable he is. But he figures that he has a right to feel this way because Sam is all up in his business and he's honestly not feeling it.

She doesn't seem to mind his inability to speak, because it doesn't really seem like she's hoping to just have a light chat, anyway.

The moment Jack sees her eyes slipping closed and her face slowly moving towards his, he starts to freak out. He suddenly has a lot of respect for Alex for being so brave about this kind of thing all the time, because it's sure as hell a lot scarier than Jack thought. Alex wouldn't be scared, he thinks, so why should he be? Maybe it's not even his fault for being scared, but Sam's fault for being so undesirable. He wants Alex here with him, to tell this weird girl to fuck off and fix her faded blue hair. He wants Alex to make him laugh and reassure him that it's fine that he doesn't want a kiss. He wants Alex to tell his mom to pick them up so they can drive away from the stupid roller rink and just hang out comfortably as his house. He just wants Alex.

At the last second, Jack decides that it's really not worth it. This girl's lips look chapped and dry and she's honestly not all that pretty. In the few seconds that she's advancing blindly, Jack manages to back away and make a break for the bathroom door that's a few feet away from where they're standing. He pushes the door open and rushes inside, not bothering to look back and see if Sam has noticed his quick escape yet. With his back against the door, Jack's heart beats way too quickly considering what just happened. He feels stupid because it's not as though he ran a marathon, just ran away from his fears like a coward. For a moment he worries that Sam might knock on the door and actually even try to venture into the bathroom to find him and get what she wants, but after he waits a few minutes, it's clear to Jack that she probably doesn't want to kiss him as much as she led on. Besides, by this point she's probably being led behind the claw machine by some other much more willing and probably much more attractive guy.

After a quick search through his pockets, Jack realizes his phone is left forgotten on his bedside table at home. So with no way of telling time, he isn't sure how long he stays in there just hanging around, waiting things out. He pretends to be washing his hands or tries his best to just look casual whenever someone comes in to actually use the bathroom. Soon enough, just as he figures Sam has long forgotten about him and it may be safe to finally go back to the snack bar, the door to the bathroom is pushed open again, and in comes Alex.

"Oh, dude, there you are! I've been texting you trying to find out where you are."

"I left my phone at home." Jack says, hoping his voice doesn't sound as nervous as he feels. When impressing Alex and seeming cool enough for him became so important, he's not sure. But in that moment, it's all Jack can think about. Did Sam spread the word that Jack is a pussy and totally chickened out? Is Alex about to laugh in his face or will he just secretly judge him while laughing on the inside? Fuck, what if he uses it as blackmail at some point? He can hear it now; "Jack, you better do all of my history homework and buy me lunch or I'll let everyone know you're too much of a wimp to even kiss a girl."

"Hello, are you listening to me?" Alex looks a little annoyed, waving his hand in front of Jack's face to get his attention. "My mom's here to get us." Jack feels a little relieved, nodding and heading out the door behind Alex. He figures that maybe if Alex hasn't mentioned it yet, then he just doesn't know. The thought eases his worries a little and fortunately, his theory turns out to be true.

"Oh yeah, so how'd it go with Sam?" He asks as they exit through the front doors, the cool quiet of the night outside making a huge difference for Jack's headache compared to the still blaring music inside.

"Um, she was alright." Jack bluffs, offering Alex a half smile and a shrug to further show how mediocre he thinks the fake kiss was. Alex nods, seeming pleased enough with his answer, and they almost completely drop the conversation as they hop in the car parked at the curb, greeting Alex's mother once inside. She's never been too fond of the two of them getting together with girls, let alone kissing them and whatever else, so they try to keep it all on the down low.

"You still have a chance at winning, maybe. If you can get to seven by the end of the day tomorrow." He smirks as he buckles his seatbelt in the front seat, peering back at Jack and apparently not noticing his friend's worried expression. It's right then that Jack understands he is completely and entirely fucked.


On Friday, on Alex’s bed in the dim light, the humming fan next to Jack does nothing to help stop his sweating. The TV is the only light in the room, giving them both this weird glow on their faces, and if Jack stares at Alex’s face long enough, it starts to morph into this creepy monster.

“You ready?” Alex asks, like something huge and exciting is about to happen. Jack guesses that it must be exciting for Alex, winner of everything ever. He nods his head and watches Alex bounce a little on the mattress, feeling sick to his stomach. Jack personally thinks it’s dumb for them to even do this, tally up scores and declare a winner, because it’s clear who kissed the most people. But Alex insisted, claimed that he thinks Jack may have kissed some people on the side and isn’t revealing it until now. Jack would definitely tell him if that were the case, but since he’s lied about two kisses already he understands how Alex suspects he could be withholding information. So he just rolls with it, since he hasn’t got much of a choice anyway.

“Alright, so I guess I’ll start. Okay so Katie, obviously,” He begins, putting up his first finger as he lists the names, “Then Mary, Harper, and Jessica, and uh… Oh right, Jordan. When did that one happen? Was it Tuesday or… Okay, right, doesn’t matter. And then last was Allison and Janie last night.” He ends up with seven of his fingers lifted in the air, showing them off proudly with a smirk, most likely tasting his victory all ready. Jack feels his stomach jump when Alex looks at him with an eyebrow raised expectantly, and realizes that it’s his turn.

“Can we just skip this part? I’m not trying to humiliate myself in front of you this early on.”

“What are you talking about? Just say who you kissed! Maybe I’ll make an exception for you.”

“I doubt it, but fucking fine, whatever.” Jack rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, opening his mouth to mark the start of his day of torture, before he glances at the clock on Alex’s bedside table. “Wait, didn’t you say it all ends at 7:30?”

Alex looks over his own shoulder at the alarm clock as well, before turning back to Jack, confused. “Yeah, I guess so,” he shrugs, “But that’s only like, fifteen minutes away. There’s no time to go anywhere and school’s already-,”

He’s cut off abruptly, and his eyes are wide open and he really, seriously did not expect that. Jack almost didn’t really either. They sit there with their lips pressed together awkwardly for a whole painful three seconds, Jack trying to wait it out and see if things get better while Alex is still so stunned that he isn’t sure what to feel. They pull apart soon enough, and they’re both terribly embarrassed. Jack looks down to his hands in his lap and doesn’t plan on looking back up maybe for as long as he lives.

“So, I, um…” Alex fumbles for words, his cheeks flushed and feeling unsure of what to say or do.

“Alright, well, let’s be fucking professional about this. How many does that make for you?”

And Jack figures he could just lie and get off easy, but it seems like he’s in way too deep now to ever think about trying to dig himself back out.

“One.” He admits quietly, watching his fingers fumble. He wonders what Alex’s face looks like, how he’s reacting to all of this, but of course he doesn’t dare look up.

“What? B-But you told me… What about Erin? And Sam last night? Why did you just make that up?”

“Well, you were the only person I wanted to kiss.”

The air feels unbelievably thick and though the fan is all but useless now, Jack is glad it’s next to them, still humming. He’s also glad for the TV creating background noise as well, because if it were silent he thinks Alex might just hear how fucking hard his heart is beating. This shouldn’t be as big a deal as he’s making it out to be, but it is. Actually, it shouldn't have even happened; he really should have just kept his mouth shut and forced out a lie. God, what was he thinking? Alex will think he's so weird now! Jack should have just-

“Is that why you got mad all those times?”

“I, um… I think so. At first I didn’t really know why, but the more girls you let kiss you the more I realized that I wasn’t jealous just because you were winning. I-I wanted to be in their position. And especially last night, Sam was all up on me and trying to kiss me but I couldn't stop thinking about you. Which sounds so stupid, God, I’m really sorry for even bringing this up, you’re probably so pissed at me…”

“No, no, it’s not stupid, I’m just... surprised, I guess.”

“Right. Well, it was still a little stupid of me to just not kiss anyone because now I lost and I have to do whatever you say for a whole day.” Jack laughs a little, but it’s weak and forced because he’s still feeling humiliated; his cheeks are still red and his hands are shaky. But he does finally let himself steal a glance up at Alex. And when he lifts his head to look at him, he sees the other boy smiling back at him. His heart feels like it’s crawling up his throat- that’s the look Alex always gets when he has something planned.

“Yeah, that was pretty dumb of you, wasn’t it? Now you’re totally under my control.” Alex giggles, still smiling, leaving his friend to furrow his eyebrows worriedly. “Your first order as my slave for a day,” he leans a little closer to Jack, “Is to kiss me again.”

Neither of them were expecting Jack to react so quickly, but the sudden press of their lips doesn’t go unwanted. This time, Jack feels more prepared and confident, feels like he actually knows what he’s doing now that he knows Alex wants it. And Alex just sits there feeling a lot more content than he thought he would, enjoying the kiss as his lips move against Jack’s. He really didn’t think he’d like it this much, but the whole day has just been full of surprises, so he just goes with it because there’s no use in trying to deny how nice it is (or how cute Jack is with his still flushed cheeks and nervous hands). As Jack shuffles closer and the feeling of their mouths moving together becomes more prominent, Alex realizes and is sure of only one thing.

He likes Jack way more than Katie or Jordan or any of those those other girls that he didn’t even like at all and only went after to try and beat out Jack in their little game. And there's actually a second realization- Jack is a much better kisser than them, too.
♠ ♠ ♠
wowowowoow. i've had this idea for like half a year and i finally got around to it.... buuut it seemed way cuter in my head. oh well, i guess. i didn't mean to make it so stupidly long either, omg.... but oh well oh well. pls tell me what u think bc i did this instead of a lot of my schoolwork ¯\_(ツ)_/¯