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The Journal of a Simply Done Senior

Senior Year

Senior Year
A little over three years ago was when I made my all of my writing accounts. I was a naive, hopeful, lively eighth grader aspiring to become a writer. I had my whole life planned out. I would write a romantic teen novel that would become the next Hunger Games. A movie would be made based on my book, people would create a fandom and write fanfiction about my deeply troubled main characters, and of course I would become rich and known as one of the world’s most popular writers. If that plan failed then I would go to law school instead and become a successful lawyer. Or I would get a famous celebrity to fall in love with me. Now here I am three years later; a confused, unsure, and overly stressed high school student who is graduating a year early.
When I tell people that I’m graduating early they just stare at me. They ask: Are you going to go to college? No, at least not for another year. Oh, then what are you going to do? Um, well I want to work and then travel before going to live in Europe. Really? That’s a great plan! But like can’t you just do that after you graduate normally? Yea, but like I don’t really like high school. I just want to get out. Really?? Why don’t you like high school? It’s not that bad. Um…
Most conversations I have about my shocking choice to graduate early go like this. For the amount of people in my school who complain about high school all of them seem to ask why I want to get out early. Why wouldn’t someone want to? No more worrying about APs, or stressful regents exams that make you want to curl up in the fetal position and cry. No gym classes that are mandatory or judgy people who spread rumors all over the school. Yes, college is a whole new level of pain and suffering, but at least at that point you can say that you’re an adult. You can choose your classes and make your own life decisions.
And also as many high school students know, no one does anything their senior year anyway. Most people only show up to the school for about two classes then leave and go home. While having such a easy and light schedule does sound nice, wouldn’t you rather be doing something productive? Something interesting and exciting? Instead of wasting your days driving back and forth between hell and home wouldn’t you want to find a job and start to earn money? Or travel the world and gain life experience? There’s only one thing that I know for sure about life; life is short. And I don’t want to waste even a second more of mine in high school. There is so much to see and do in the world and I want to do it all. I want to be one of those people who can truly say that they did something that they wanted with their life. I don’t want to end up twenty years from now working some boring office job, in some boring town, regretting every choice that led me to be there. I want to live my life. And that’s what the people who ask me why I would cut my high school career a year shorter don’t understand.
That hopeful eighth grader who wants to do something with their life is still buried somewhere deep inside. Maybe my career goals might have changed and maybe I don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life anymore. But at least I know that there is adventure waiting for me out there. And all I have to do is take chance and grab it.