

"You're late." Sue says as Tyler walks into work. Sue has worked at Sal’s for 30 years. She is in her late sixties and Tyler was sure she only still worked here to avoid her empty home. Her husband passed away a few years ago.
"I can tell you're having a hard time without me." Tyler jokes. The diner they work in is empty besides Mr. Greg who sits at the counter everyday reading the newspaper. He only ever orders a coffee and a side of toast. Occasionally a few stragglers would come through – usually just to use the restroom and ask for directions.
Tyler heads to the kitchen to wash her hands and put on an apron before starting work.
"Hi Sal." She says to the old cook, and owner of the restaurant. He grumbles a hello.
"How is grans?" Sue asks hesitantly as Tyler walks back to the front of the restaurant.
"She's not doing so well. The doctor estimates only a few more weeks." Tyler says while her gaze falls to the floor.
"I'm sorry to hear that honey." Sue says and places a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. Sue was the closest thing Tyler had to a friend. Most of the kids she went to school with were unintelligent and going nowhere in life, at least in her eyes.
"I know, but I've been preparing for a long time." Tyler says.
"Be a doll and go take those lads orders." Sue says while gesturing to the booth in the far corner.
"Of course,” Tyler says while grabbing a couple menu's, glasses, and a pitcher of water. As she approaches the table she recognizes one of the young men, Ethan from the retirement home yesterday.
"Hi, welcome to Sal's, I'll be your server today." Tyler says while handing the gentlemen the menu's. She pours them both a glass of water.
"Hi Tyler." Ethan says. She watches as his the corner of his lips turn up into a smirk. His friend passes him a strange gaze.
"I'll take a coffee." Ethan says.
"Me too, thanks." His friend says.
Tyler nods and walks away.
"Handsome young men." Sue says and nudges Tyler's elbow. Tyler can't help but laugh.
"Think they might be a little young for you, Sue." She says while pulling two coffee cups from under the counter.
"But just right for you." Sue says with a wink.
"Very funny!" Tyler says and Sue passes her the pot of coffee.
Tyler walks to the booth and sets down the coffee mugs and pours them both a cup of coffee.
"Are you ready to order?"
"What are you doing when you get off work?"
Tyler hadn't realized she was zoning out until she was brought back to the real world. "What?"
"I asked what you're doing when you get off work.” Ethan asks with a raised eyebrow. Tyler glances to Ethan's friend standing by the door, looking a little impatient.
"I have some things I need to take care of.” Tyler says.
"Right..." Ethan trails. "I'm in town until next week. Here's my number if you want to do something." He says and hands Tyler a small piece of paper.
"Um, thanks, I guess." She says and tucks the scroll into her apron pocket.
"I really look forward to hearing from you." Ethan says before leaving.
Tyler is a little taken back by his forwardness. She walks to the booth and begins clearing the table when she notices something under the plate. She picks up the money and begins counting it.
"No way." She gasps. She's holding almost two hundred dollars. How could someone leave this much money?