Status: Hey, to whoever reads's probably horrible C:


Imagine: Tony Perry

You had just got home from work in time to pick your daughter (*Name*) from the bus when she started to tell you about her day. She explained her new friend Mitch, and how she wanted him to come over and play. You told her you would have to meet with Mitch's parents first, understanding your daughter ran off to go play in her room.

*The Next Day*

You got off work early enough to go to the school and pick up (*name*). She introduced you to Mitch and a teacher waited with him for his dad to come pick him up while you took (*name*) to the car, strapping her into her car seat. Your phone started ringing, "Hello?" You answered.

"Hey, this is Mitch's dad. (*Name*) wrote your cell number down on a piece of paper so I could talk to you, although I think Mitch asked her to. I wanted to know if you were busy at the moment, Mitch said he really wants to play over at your house but I said I'd have to meet with you first." He explained. You processed everything and then told him your address.

"Honey, Mitch and his dad are coming over." You said as you took your daughter into your house. "Go wash your face baby, you got dirt all over." Your daughter skipped down the hall to the bathroom to wash her face. Right on cue the doorbell rang and you went to answer it.

After answering the door, you were shocked and out of words when you saw the one and only Tony Perry standing on your doorstep.

"Hi, I'm Tony. This is my son Mitch." He said pointing to the little boy hiding behind his leg, "Mitch!" (*Name*) screamed from behind you. They ran off together giggling and you invited Tony inside. You walked into the living room and offered him something to drink, he asked for some water and while you were getting water, he started to look around the room. His eye caught a picture hanging on the wall, and it kind of made him laugh yet feel weird in a way.

"You have a picture of me." He said thanking you for the glass of water. You blushed, "Yeah, I got to meet you at warped when I was pregnant. It was a traumatic day for me..." You trailed off, remembering the day like yesterday.

"I remember you, (*Name*) right? Yeah, you were single, and 7 months pregnant. Jaime asked who had the baby in the oven." He said laughing. You laughed too remembering that awesome day.

"I know why it was traumatic," He said, grabbing your hand in his and then running his fingers over your hand. ", because of my calluses. Your dad used to play, until he passed, and you sat there for almost an hour crying into my shoulder holding my hand. I never forgot that, I hated myself for not getting your number back then. Here we are, both single with kids. Fate, is what this is. It's a sign."

You felt tears threatening to spill over your eyes at any moment, and when one slipped out, Tony wiped it away. He brought your lips to his and gave you a soft yet loving kiss. "This is insane." You mumbled.

*Beedo- months later*

"TONY!" You screamed from the bathroom, "What? Are you okay?" He asked running into the room. You had tears running down your face and a wide smile, you showed him the positive pregnancy test and he picked you up, spinning you around. You both shared a kiss.

*The Ending*

"I do." You said. Staring into Tony's eyes.

"I do." Tony said before kissing you. Everyone clapped and cheered, and just as you both turned to walk back down the aisle, you heard (*Name*) and Mitch say to each other, "My mom kissed your dad." "My dad kissed your mom." "ewwww" they both said. You and Tony both laughed.

You took Mitch's hand and Tony took your little girl's.

The 4 of you all walked back down the aisle together.

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Boring I know XD