Her Double Life

In her parents eyes Ariel is everything they could have dreamed of, beautiful, intelligent, and has morals. Only her best friend knows the other side of her, wild, crazy, loves to party and boys with tattoos. She has kept her life balanced until she meets him, will her parents see that she isn't who they think she is or will she be able to keep it balanced out?
  1. introducing Ariel
    I smiled and went to hug dad. Dad put down the paper and told me he was proud of me. I asked if I could go see Lola. Lola is my best friend around my parents she is an angel but both her and I know the truth.
  2. Scoping the guys
    Then I seen that there was no piercing and I got turned off. I looked over at Lola and shook my head. He wasn’t my type. I liked them loaded with designs and rings to the skies. I smiled when the next guy came by.
  3. my plan worked
    He kept flipping his hair and it made me want to run my fingers through it. I walked over to him and he just grinned at his buddy. Ok now I am confused. I smiled my sweet smile and asked him to dance. Well soon our dancing looked like we were ***ing
  4. the decision
    “It would be nice to know your name.” I looked at him waiting on an answer.
  5. the green eyed demon that is making my life hell