In the Beginning


It seemed almost predestined then, as Dumbledore; robes billowing out behind him like war banners caught in the breeze, that it should end this way, that it should end with fire.

All around him was a monstrous din, the melancholic wailing of children, clashing with the shatter glass cacophony that was spells burning through the air in bright vibrant displays which belied the deadly nature of each colorful volley.

A small half formed wisp of a patronous had only moments ago warned the venerable wizard that it was coming, before flickering out and dying at the same instant it's caster, a world away, ceased to breathe. And now the headmaster stood surrounded by many broken and bloodied bodies, youths whose lives where shattered in their prime.

With a decisive flick of his wrist, a hasty utterance from his lips an encroaching Death Eater collapsed in writhing agony clawing at their mask covered face in desperation. A tightly pack group of children pressed passed him then, backed by a professor and her teacher's aide who secured their retreat.

Rage boiled in Dumbledore's veins, a rage laced with self contempt. Placing his mind firmly upon the courtyard the wizard flicked his wand. Apparating, the world closed in around him compressing his ribcage and placing an immense pressure upon the man's eyes before his five senses maddeningly blurred into one startlingly surreal, and abominable form of consciousness, before he was once more whole.

Lifting his gaze he met the corrupted, inhuman eyes of Lord Voldemort, or as Dumbledore had known him before the wretched beast had divided his soul, Tom Riddle.

A wave of anguish and remorse washed over the headmaster as he gazed forlornly at the boy he had taken under his wing, cared for, and come to love; the boy whose innate curiosity he felt responsible to feed, his curiosity to fuel. It was Dumbledore who had divulged the dark and secret arts to him that know destroyed, and that weighty burden ripped at his heart.

The battle began without much pageantry, student and master locked in a mortal combat that seemed bound to determine the fate of all the world.

In a spectacular display they were defeated. The Death Eaters shaken by the loss of their commander were quickly routed, though the school would rest in ruins for many years.

The Order, a group of brave individuals who qouls long recall the bravery and sacrifices of that day would come to rebuild Hogwarts, sending letters of invitation to students from all over the globe as Hogwarts remains one of the last great wizarding schools to stand.

All seems well, and good a new life and beginning rising like a phoenix from the ashes and yet, to many the war has never ended. Becoming instead a secret war of sabotage, spies, and infiltration the Death Eaters have woven themselves into every aspect of the wizarding world and are preparing to make their move.
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