Status: I had deleted this a little while ago, but we decided to continue writing it, so yay :)

Easier to Kill, Harder to Heal


Their eyes burned through me as the four beastly guys stepped away from the kid in the middle. He was smaller, much smaller than all of them. His skin was almost as white as mine, and had black hair swept across his face, covering his eyes.

“Who the fuck are you?” One of the larger kids questioned. I walked over to him, staying silent. We stood face to face, and all I could do was laugh. I grabbed his head in one hand and his shoulder in the other. He kept trying to break free, but I held him down with no problem.

“What the fuck are you doing, man?” his voice cracked as I leaned in towards his neck and sunk my teeth in while I proceeded to twist his head back far enough until I heard a snap.

I turned around to face everyone else. If they were smart they would have run away by now, but they all sat there staring at me, dumbfounded.

“Who’s next?” I asked, surprisingly calm.

One of the guys grabbed the kid from the middle and threw him towards me, “here take the fag!”

I rolled my eyes and sprinted myself so I was behind him. They all looked around like a bunch of idiots wondering where I went.

“If I wanted him,” I began, “I would have gone after him first. I like my prey meaty.”

I sunk my teeth so far in to the kids neck that blood sprayed out all over my face, and he was dead instantly.

Now, when the two that were left realized this wasn’t some elaborate prank, they began to run. That was a stupid idea because I quickly caught up to them, and I wasn’t fucking around. I grabbed both of them by the back of their necks and pushed them up against a wall.

“Now, we can do this the easy way, or you can try and run again and we can do it the hard way,” I hissed, pressing their faces harder in to the brick.

One of the kids was crying, he had to go first. He was making too much noise for my liking. I gripped the back of his head and bashed it against the wall as hard as I could. The shattering of his skull was satisfying. It gave me chills. His lifeless body slumped to the floor and I looked at the last one. His blond hair was matted, sticking to his forehead with sweat. ‘Bellewood High School Football’ was etched on the front of his grey hoodie. He was breathing extremely heavy, and I could feel the vibration from his heart beating. If I didn’t kill him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a heart attack.

 “Please don’t kill me! I’m trying to get in to Michigan State on a scholarship! I promise I won’t say a word about any of this. Please.”

Ignoring his pleas, I leaned in to lick the salty warm tears that ran down to his neck. He didnt say a word as I held his chin in between my thumb and pointer finger. I stared at him as I leaned in closer towards his face. To my surpise he moved his head closer to mine. Right before I met his lips, I quickly tilted my head so my mouth was now at his ear.

Whispering I asked, “who's the fag now?”

Returning fear engulfed him as his eyes widened. I swiftly sunk my teeth in lightly. He jolted slightly and kept mumbling, “please” as I continued to suck the sweet liquid from his neck.

Suddenly, I stopped, “go on. I think I’ve caused enough trauma for you tonight.”

His eyes widened, as he slowly got up. I was lying of course. He was going to bleed out before he even made it to the next block. He started to run as fast as he could, and just as he was out of my presence, I heard a thud from around the corner. I smirked as I silently stood there watching over the other three. I could feel the cold air drying blood that covered my body and clothes.
I took in the smell of dry leaves and looked around me. The kid I rescued was no where in sight. I didn’t give a fuck though, This was just an excuse for me to take my frustrations out. Everything was starting to spin. How was I still wasted? I knew I’d regret this tomorrow evening, but fuck cleaning up that mess. I just wanted to go home and sleep with my cat.

I licked the blood off of my mouth and started down the sidewalk, passing closed shops and eateries. I wasn’t sure of the time but it must have been late. I needed to get home and sleep, I was starting to feel sick. The hangover I would encounter the next day was going to be a bitch.

I got to the end of the street when I saw the kid, Alex, which I assumed was his, considering the taunts from earlier. He had scurried up a tree like a cat in an attempt to hide. 

“Hey, I can fucking see you, you know” I called up to him.

“Please leave me alone okay, plea-” I heard his foot slip and a branch crack. Before I knew it, he was falling from the old, leafless tree. I watched as he winced in pain and sat there. He was still shaking and I couldn’t tell if he was crying or not because his black bangs swept over his eyes. It was dark, but I could see he was wearing pants as tight, if not tighter than mine. He was also wearing a band shirt that read, 'Alseana'.

I pointed to it, “That's a shitty band.”

He looked down and then back up at me in confusion, “w-wha?” he managed to mutter.

He didn't take his eyes off me as I gathered myself. I couldn't walk home completely drenched in blood. I looked over at him and noticed his black hoodie.

“Give me your hoodie.” I demanded.

He practically ripped the hoodie off his body and threw it at me. I put it on immediately and zipped it up. There was still quite a bit of blood on my pants, but they were dark so it wasn’t so noticeable. I could feel blood drying on my face, but I’d worry about that later. Look down, and stay in the shadows I kept reminding my drunken self. The hoodie was extremely small. I was 6’2” and fit, while this 2006 emo kid had to be about 5’6” and I could break him like a twig.

“You don’t say a word about what you saw tonight, you hear me?” I looked him dead in the eyes, and he nodded, “or you’ll be next.”

I turned to walk away, but he muttered behind me, “U-um, yeah. Did you...are they all d-”

I interupted him, “yup. Don't mention it.” really, dont fucking mention it. “I’m going home, later bro.” I patted him on the shoulder, and began to walk away, but I heard faint footsteps behind me. 

Without turning around, I asked, “what do you want. You should be scared of me.” I said coolly, continuing to walk forward.

“I-I'm Alex.” his voice was soft, and I was slightly drawn to it. I turned to face him, he was now standing in the light of the street lamps a few feet away from me. All at once I could see straight again. I watched the white clouds from the cold air puff from his lips. I eyed him up and down until my gaze landed on his ghostly face. I could see one of his striking green eyes looking up at me through his bangs now. Each one of my heavy breaths was being taken away and I forced myself to snap out of it. I turned away and headed into the darkness of the night, taking one last look at the captivating human.

What the hell was that? 

I made my way down the path to my house, trying not to set on every motion light in my way. Everyone was asleep, thank god. I creaked open the bathroom door and turned on the light. I stood in front of the large mirror rubbing my eyes, letting them adjust to the bright light. My eyes focused and I realized how crazy I looked. I truly looked like I stepped out of the goriest horror movies of 1981 with dried blood smeared across my chiseled face. I looked like a psychopath, my pupils were dilated, making my iris’ look completely black. My black hair was all over the place, sticking out in every which way. But, I still didn’t look terrible. I thought I looked pretty hot.

I ran the water until it was warm and washed myself. I tried to make it quick and keep it under ten minutes, even though it was helping me sober up quite a bit, but not completely. On my way to my bedroom I picked up my cat, Salem. I brushed my fingers through her silky black fur as she dug her claws deeper in to my shoulder.

I closed the door and placed the cat on the bed. She just looked up and meowed at me as I rubbed her paper thin ears. I threw on a pair of boxers and hopped into bed. I closed my eyes and the image of Alex standing under the street light, looking at me with sheer terror kept running through my head. I don’t know why I kept thinking about him, maybe it was the fact that I was still not completely sober. But, I was sure I’d forget about it before I woke up.