Status: This is my NaNoWriMo 2015 attempt. Let the horror begin!

To Kill a Ghost

She is a killing machine...

Dedra is a professional. A Select few have seen her face, there have never been any photos taken of her, and she is the best at what she does. Kirkland, her father figure, saved Dedra from a bad situation, trained her, and gave her the life she deserved. He runs an investigation agency, so when people want something done…

She has been hired...

When a mysterious woman says Sara Smith sent her to the office, Kirkland knows something is wrong. Research must be done...but are they researching the right man? Has this woman found a way to beat the fool-proof system?

He doesn't exist...

Dedra goes after people. She hunts them down, and she does what she is told to do. How can she do her job when he isn't real? She can't find him, but she won't give up. She hasn't failed before, and she isn't about to start failing now. What happens when the assassin is the one being hunted?

Or can he play the game better?

Layout credit goes to the wonderful Alex Moore.
based on this ©Lady Nikki Nightmare || NaNoWriMo 2015.
