The Tale Of A Ferris Wheel

Chapter 1

I kept running. Screaming "Mom! Dad! Where are you!"
Whatever was chasing me wanted me.
I ran to a tree. Dove under it and thought I wasn't seen.
All of a sudden I saw a big black scary thing with four legs.
It had red eyes and it was very tall.
It was a wolf. My worst fear.
I screamed harder and harder for my mom and dad.
No one came. I started to cry.
I could feel the wolf's breath over me.
I shivered out of fear.
The wolf saw me.
He started to come closer and closer.
I screamed harder and harder.
No one heard me.
The wolf opened its big mouth, full of teeth and.....

I woke up in a cold, dark room. I was sweaty. "What a nightmare." I said as I sighed. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to my mirror. I was still panting. I was a mess. My dark brown hair was tangled from me tossing and turning in the night. I forgot to take my eyeliner off, so of course that was messed up.
I walked downstairs, into the kitchen. I grabbed a pop-tart and threw it in the oven. "Good morning honey!" said my mom, just as jolly as she always sounds. Oh how that pissed me off. "Morning" I grumbled. "I heard you screaming in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?" No mom I was having a wonderful dream full of lolly pops and gum drops. "Yes" I said. She gave me a hug and told me to just relax for today. She walked out of the room and I sunk into my chair.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cassie. I am alone. That's right, no husbands, finances, or boyfriends. I was alone, and I hated it. My mom was so annoying. I love her, but not in that way. More of a stay away form me and I'll be a lot more close to you, kind of love. I love my dad though. He stayed away from me but held me when I needed it.
I didn't have that many friends. There was one, Danielle. I loved her to death. I came to her for anything, whether it was for a piece of candy or if I had another problem with my parents.
It was about 1:00 in the afternoon when I got out of the shower. After I got dressed I grabbed my coat, told my mom I was going over to Danielle's and walked out the door.

I was there in about 10 min. She lived about 5 blocks away. I knocked on her door and walked in. I walked up to her room. "Hey Danielle!" I said with a smile.
"Hey! Big fair tonight!!!!" she said before we gave each other pounds. It was our hand shake. You know it, knuckles to knuckles.
We go to the annual fair by our house every year. It was our tradition. It was only annual, and it stayed for a week. We have so much fun that we go for the full week.
After about 10 minutes of talking about what we are going to do at the fair tonight, Danielle saw that something was wrong. "Hey, what's the matter?" "I had a bad dream last night. I was getting chased by a huge, black, wolf."
"Aw! Your worst fear." She came over and gave me hug, which soon turned into a noogie. We laughed so hard.
"Hopefully that wolf won't come back into my dreams anymore!" I said to Danielle.