The Tale Of A Ferris Wheel

Chapter 6

I was dangling from a chandelier.
It set on fire.
It was all black below me and all I saw was red eyes.
The chandelier was burning and burning.
I heard music.
You don't know a thing about my sins
There was growling.
How the misery begins
I felt a sudden drop from the chandelier.
You don't know
I fell into the darkness, into the wolfs reach.
So I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning

I woke up. "What the hell! Why do I keep having a dream with a wolf" I yelled. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes. I put them on and walked downstairs. "Happy Easter!" said my mom. "Happy?" I said when I rolled my eyes. She handed me my Easter basket. I walked into the living room and looked at what was in the basket. Candy, shampoo, and pajamas. I looked through the basket to look at all the candy and I found a picture of Andrew and I. Tears started to flow from my eyes. It was the last day I saw him. We were having fun outside. Playing tag. My mom called us over for a picture. In the picture I was hugging Andrew and hold him in the air with me. A tear fell on the glass. I placed the basket down and went and sat outside with the picture. I held it close.
My mom came out and hugged me. "I don't need you right now. Go away." She didn't move. "I said GO AWAY!"
"Honey we need to talk about this. There was nothing we could do. He was already dead!"
"NO! He wasn't already dead. He was near dead. NEAR death! And you just let him go! You don't miss him one bit! Not one bit!"
"Cassie, your in denile. He was dead. There was absolutely nothing we could do. You just won't accept that. He is dead. God took him away. It was his time."
"NO! It wasn't his time. His time is when he's like 80 or 90 or even 100! Not when he's 5! He didn't achieve anything in his life. He never got a girlfriend or got married. He never had any children. He didn't even learn how to swim or ride a bike without his training wheels! It wasn't his time! It shouldn't have been his time!" I screamed.
I ran up to my room. I wanted Andrew back more than anything. He was my buddy. If he was here now, well I wouldn't be having this fight, and I would be able to talk to him about this. I would be able to talk to him about anything. He would be able to come with Danielle and I to the fair.
I miss him so much.
****That Night****
I walked over to Danielle's. I didn't want to see her during the day. Our parents are coming with us this time. "Oh joy!" I said when we were hanging in her room.
Danielle's family invited my family over for dinner. After we finished eating we went to the fair. It was only fun when our parents weren't around. I finally spoke more than a word to the Mystery Guy. He is cute.
"Hi. I'm Cassie, and this is my friend Danielle. Do you work here?"
He nodded.
"Oh your the one that fallows us home all the time. Why?"
He looked surprised.
"I don't know." His voice was kind and sweet. He was shy. A guy then came over and told him he had to come and help him on ride 3. "Bye." he said.

We went home in cars. I went up to my room.
One more day. One more day and my brother would be dead for nine years. One more day and the fair would be completely over. One more day of misery.