The Tale Of A Ferris Wheel

Chapter 7

"It's ok Cassie. I'll be with you." said voice
"Who are you!" I screamed.
"It's me Andrew"
I couldn't see a thing.
Everything was blurry and dark.
A tear fell to the floor and made an echo.
There was no answer.
The wolf appeared out of no where.
I started to run and scream.
I wasn't moving anywhere.
I was running in place.
"Cassie! Wait!"
I turned around to see the wolf at my heels.
I stopped.
The wolf started to get smaller and smaller.
It started to turn into a human form, my brother.
We ran up and hugged each other.
"Oh Andrew how I miss you!"
"I miss you too"
"Please don't leave. I need you!"
"I'll always be with you Cassie. Right in your heart."

I woke up, my hair was not knotted. My face was not drenched with sweat. "I miss you Andrew" I said before I cried into my pillow. I reached for my picture of us. I turned on my ipod speakers. A Bouncing Souls song came on.
I knew Andrew will always be in my heart. Soon I stopped crying. I walked downstairs. There was a lot of flowers already.
My mom was crying, fake tears, I can bet you 5 bucks they were fake tears. My dad never got emotional over these type of things, so he just sat in discomfort. I walked in the room, no tears on my face. I was only carrying my picture of Andrew and I. I grabbed a waffle and threw it in the microwave. I ate it like an everyday breakfast. My mom looked up and stopped crying in a second. Yep fake tears, I knew it.
I finished my waffle and walked outside. I started to walk over to Danielle's when mom stopped me. "Where you going?"
"For a walk. I'm getting Danielle. Were going.....on the nature walk." We were really going walking in a cemetery. I mean there so peaceful.
"Oh. Okay be back for dinner."
I walked over to Danielle's and then we walked over to the cemetery. We made a kinda of game out of it. Which was the oldest person in there. well one traced back to 1821. That was the oldest.
By the time we were about to go back, we thought that why don't we call our parents and go straight to the fair from there. We finally convinced our moms and started off. It was getting dark and when we left the cemetery, we saw an old man digging a grave. I was scared and clung to Danielle like a magnet the whole walk to the fair.
When we got to the fair the first thing we did was bump into the Mystery Guy. "Hey!" I said with a smile at him. "Can you hang out with us, it is the last night!"
"For a little bit. Only a little."
We did a lot. We went on some rides, and ate together. Traditionally, on the last night a band plays. I didn't really know the band that played, to well. They weren't famous at all. Just a local band from New Jersey. They were pretty good. I think the name of the band was 'My Chemical Romance.'
I liked them a lot, and me and Danielle got to talk to them. No one knew them, so it's not like they were surrounded by fans. They were just hanging out behind the poorly built stage. Since we were with the Mystery Guy, (He still didn't tell us his name) we could go backstage. They were all very nice. There were five people: Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray, and Matt.
We left them and went off to our last ride of the night, the Ferris Wheel. The Mystery Guy and I sat together, and Danielle sat in the car ahead of us. Our car got stopped on the top of the Ferris Wheel. "Hey, um Cassie, right?"
I was surprised I never told him my name. "Yea..."
"Um." He kept looking down and all of a sudden he came right up to me and our lips met. I was not expecting this at all. We kissed until the car started to move again. I broke apart from him and said, "Why did you do that? I don't even know your name." My eyes were still closed. "Well I think your a really pretty girl and I think that I like you."
I finally opened my eyes and said, "Not that I disapproved of your kiss, its just that, your moving with the fair and I don't know you and it's just not going to work out."
"I understand. That's why I needed a kiss from you."
We got off the ride. As soon as I exited the gates, I grabbed Danielle's hand and pulled her out of the park. "Dude what is up with you?"
I explained the whole thing to her on the way home.
"Whoa....." Was all she could say. I said goodbye, as she stared into space and walked up to my room. I plopped my head down onto my pillow and just thought about the kiss.