Work in Progress


I sat in the waiting room, bouncing slightly in my set impatiently. I just want to get this over. I really don’t think it’d help, but if it made Lindsey happy then why not? Besides maybe it might help. Knowing my luck probably not. But I guess miracles can happen.

“Gabriella Andrews?” I was snapped back into reality by a male voice saying my name. Standing by the doorway into the therapist office was a man. His pale skin was contrasted by his black hair. “Are you ready?”

“No,” I sighed as I reluctantly stood up. “Let’s just get this over with.” He smiled gently at me as he stepped aside allowing me to walk in the room first. I astonishingly felt comfortable and at ease. Not an ounce of nervousness as in the waiting room. That’s a good sign right?

“So Gabriella,” he started to say sitting down in his chair behind a desk. He smiled broadly at me. “Hi.”

“Hi?” I raised my eyebrow at him. This guy is way too damn cheerful to be a therapist.

“How you doin?”


“That’s good.”


“Why you here?”

“Well you know how to kill the mood,” I muttered under my breath, casting my gaze to the ground. I could feel his stare on me. I just continued sitting there looking at the ground. He didn’t say anything. I glanced up at him and he was just there waiting patiently for me to speak. I frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?” He seemed genuinely curious. That made my frown deepen. Why does he care? Oh yeah he gets paid too. “You don’t trust people easily do you?”

“Nope,” I answered flatly. He drew in a deep breath.

“You’re not going to be an easy case are you?” I grinned cheekily. He sighed, shaking his head slightly. “So Gabriella, why are you here?”

I paused for a few minutes. “I was raped.” He nodded his head and stood up.

“Very good, you’re free to go.”

“That’s it?” I scowled. I’ll admit, I was somewhat disappointed. Talking to him was easier than I thought it’d be.

“For this session yes,” he answered with a smile. Almost sadly, I stood up. I made my way to where he was standing by the now open door. “I will see you again next week?”

I nodded my head causing him to grin. I wonder if he’s always this happy when a patient of his tells him they’re coming back. With a final goodbye, he gently pushed me out the door and closed it. I stood there for a few minutes. I didn’t want to leave. However, I forced myself to walk away.