Status: Finished, check out the seuquel though

Immortality Unwished For

Sure Thing

Another Hiker Gone Missing
Local Police Warn Community
Of Wild Animals Attacking

Ella read the headline of the newspaper on Tuesday morning. Her "play date" with Jacob had gone without a scratch and she apologized for her freaky behavior and he said it was all right.

"Ugh! I hate school." Bella groaned.

"No you don't. You can't wait to see Eddie." Ella said without looking a way from the newspaper.

"You're right." Bella said happily.

"You really like him, don't you?" Ella finally looked at Bella.

[She's glowing. God, why did I have to fall for my cousin's boyfriend? I hate the universe.] Ella thought as Bella nodded sheepishly as her answer.

Ella groaned.

"What?" Bella asked.

Ella, if she could, would've turned red.

"I f-forgot to ask Alice about my Calculus homework." Ella lied quickly, she had called Alice before she had gone to sleep.

"Oh. It's only one missing assignment." Bella shrugged.

"Right. Well, I've got to go." Ella said pulling the chair back and dropped her bowl of cereal in the kitchen sink. She went to get her coat and scarf, it was extra cold and it was sprinkling, so she got her hat. She got her keys from the counter and yelled her good bye to Bella. Edward was waiting outside for her so Ella opened the door enough to peek her head in.

"Bella! Bella! Ed, is here! Get your booty outside before he freezes to death!" Bella let out a chuckle. "What's so funny?"

Bella opened the rest of the door, still laughing.

"Isabella Marie Swan, what is so damn fucking funny?!" Ella barked.

"Nothing, Marie." Bella stuck her tongue out at her cousin.

They shared the same middle name.

"Mira tu sabes que me gusta que me llamen, Marie!!" Ella shouted in Spanish. {Hey! You know I don't like to be called Marie!!}

"What was that?" Bella asked, Edward had come out to watch the show.

"Damn it!" Ella cursed.

"She speaks in Spanish when she's mad." Edward answered.

[He remembered?] Ella thought and she smiled at him, he kindly returned it. Bella noticed this and grew suspicious.

"Well, I better get going. See ya at school." Ella waved and she went to her car. She puts in the key in the ignition and turns it on and her car came to life.

Vroom Vroom!!

Edward shook his head and let out a hearty laugh. Bella and Edward watched as Ella reversed and"vroom-ed" away.

Bella got in the silver Volvo with attitude.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked Bella reaching out for her face but she raised her hand up stopping Edward.

"What was that?" Bella asked.

Edward wished at times like this that he could read Bella's thoughts.

"What was what?" He asked.

"That! That moment between you and Ella. And how do you know she speaks Spanish, I didn't even know!" Bella said throwing her hands dramatically.

"I come to drop off something for Ella... and she was home and me and the boys---"

"Whoa, whoa... you came to my house, when?" Bella said.

"Yesterday... you know why I didn't go to school in the morning." said Edward.

"No! You won't tell me what happens when you're in the sun!" Bella said.

"Soon, trust me, when the sun comes out again." Edward promised. "Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. So, why did you go to my house?" Bella wouldn't let the subject go.

"I was giving her the money for the piano, Emmett and Jasper came along. Ella talked to us and we talked for a while and she told me she's half-Mexican." Edward explained.

"Yeah, my Uncle Jack. His name real name was Jose, but all of us called him Jack." Bella smiled as he remembered her Uncle. "He was... cool." Bella all of a sudden became quiet. "She hasn't told you has she?"

"Tell me what?" Edward asked.

Bella shook her head as in "never mind".

"Her parents... never mind. We should go." Bella said.

Ella parked next to the convertiable that belonged to Rosalie. Emmett was still there with Rosalie.

"What up, Big E?!" Ella greeted trying to sound ghetto.

"Ella, please save yourself the embarrassment and never do that again." Emmett smiled.

"You just mad 'cause you can't do it like me!" Ella tried her best OG pose and then just laughed. "No wonder, I'm too freaking weird."

"You're special, not weird." Emmett placed his arm around her shoulder. Ella could feel Rosalie's eyes boring into her behind her but she could care less.

"Ready to go to first period?" Ella asked.

"Sure, let me say good bye to Rosalie." Emmett pulled his arm back and Ella suddenly felt empty, like Emmett was this shield keeping her from not just the cold.

He went back and said good bye to Rosalie by placing a peck on the cheek.

"See you at lunch." Emmett said and the jogged, but it was more like walking for him, next to Ella.

Rosalie watched as Emmett and Ella walked away from the parking lot. She didn't like Ella one bit.

"Alice, is there something going on between Ella and Emmett?" She asked.

Alice, Jasper and her were walking together.

"I doubt it. Plus, I can't see Ella's future for some reason, everything she does in unpredictable." Alice said.

"I think she's immune to our powers. Edward can't read her mind and I can't control her emotions." Jasper said.

"But why, I mean... even Jasper can control Bella's emotions and Alice can see her future, why not Ella?" Rosalie asked.

"Edward thinks she's a vampire." Jasper said.

They reached the school and started talking in fast whispers.

"Impossible, I've seen her eat... okay she's pale, I'll give her that, but... I don't think she is." Alice said.

"Mm." Rosalie said.

Ella and Emmett arrived at their first period and Ella's smile dropped as a certain someone was talking to Aubrey. Aubrey was giggling.

Ella stomped her way to her seat.

"Get the fuck out of my seat, Shawns!" Ella reffered to him by his last name.

Jason smirks up to Ella. "Well, hello there babe."

"Don't 'babe' me!" She spat. "Get the hell out of my seat and stay away from my friends!"

"Ella, don't be so rude, he's the new kid." Aubrey batting her eyelashes to Jason.

And Jason blows a kiss to Aubrey and Aubrey turns red from the cheeks.

"We need to talk." Ella said.

"Ms. Swan, please take your seat so I can start my lesson." Mrs. Mosley scowled.

Jason got up from her seat and Ella sat down. Jason then took the seat in front of her and she cletched her hands into fists until her knuckles looked transparent.

"Ella." Emmett reached to her and took her hand. "Calm down."

"Right." Ella relaxed her hand.

Ella couldn't wait until the bell rang for the next period. Jason was starting to walk away when Ella caught up to him and slammed him against the lockers.

"Oh, you know I like it when you take control." Jason grinned.

"Ew. Not in this lifetime. I'm here to warn you, Jason." Ella said.

"What about?" Jason looked irritated.

"Get the fuck out of this town or I will make your life a living hell!!" Ella threaten.

"Now, why would I leave?" Jason asked.

"This town is pure and I don't want you to mess it up by bringing drugs! If I see one ecstacy I swear I will kill you Jason!!" Ella looked dead serious and she was. She didn't want him to corrupt Forks.

"Well that's not fair." Jason teased with a fake hurt look.

"Stay away from La Push as well, Jason. If you want to sell drugs do it at some other state or even country. I'm keep my eyes on you." Ella said.

"And I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on you." He licked his lips.

"This isn't a game, Jason! I care about these people and I will not let you ruin their lives." By now the passing students were looking at us weird.

"You should be more discrete, you don't want them to know who you really are, now do we?" Jason said.

"Don't you threaten me." Ella hissed, she narrowed her eyes.

"These people don't know the real you. I know the real you. I've seen your dark side and it isn't pretty." Jason reached out his hand to touch Ella's face and she smacked it away. "That's the second time."

"Get used to it." Ella stormed off to her government class.

Mr. Milder gave her a disapproving look as she entered right after the bell rang.

"Sorry." She apologized and took the seat between Josh and Jasper.

Mr. Milder started the lesson.

Jasper leaned over to Ella.

"You all right?" He asked.

"Just dandy." She snapped. Jasper was taken back by her reaction. "So sorry, Jas, but... it's Jason!"

"He's here?" He sort of gasped.

"Yeah." While Ella was talking the door opened the Jason came in.

"Students, we have another new student his name is Jason Shawns."

Ella let out a low growl and Jasper caught it.

[What the?] He thought.

"Welcome." Mr. Milder said.

This time Jason took a seat far away from Ella.

"Where were you after english?" asked Josh.

"I was catching up with an old friend." Ella said. "Sorry."

"It's okay. Hey! Me and some guys want to start a band but we need a singer... can you sing?" Josh said.

This had made Ella's day.

"I don't know, I'll let you guys be the judge." Ella said.

"Cool. Meet me outside the library after school." Josh said.

"You have my cell right?" Ella said.

"Yeah." Josh said.

"Cool." Ella was now more happy. She needed something to distract her and starting a band was just the right thing.

The rest of the morning went uneventful; Ella didn't mind the silence, in fact she needed it. Though she missed the sirens at night, she thought some peace and quiet could do her some good.

At lunch she sat with Mike, Josh, Aubrey and the rest of the gang, while Bella sat with the Cullens. Ella didn't mind, she was happy for Bella, but she secretly wished it was her holding Edward's hand.

There was no denying it, she had fallen for her cousin's boyfriend and she fell hard. She knew how wrong it was but she couldn't stop herself from falling for him.

[Stupid Edward and his good looks.] Ella cursed in her mind.

Josh waves his hand in front of Ella's face. She blinks several times.

"What?" She asked.

"You seemed... out if." Josh said.

"Sorry." Ella apologized. Her eyes landed on Aubrey.

She kept looking up and down between Ella and her food.

"Do you want to tell me something Aubrey?" Ella asked.

Aubrey laughs nervously. "Well.. no... yes!"

Ella cocked an eyebrow, it was funny to see Aubrey all flustered.

"Someone asked me out." She whispered picking her food.

"Aubrey that's great, who is it?" Ella leaned in closer with a smile.

"Jason Shawns." Ella's smile drops.

"No." Ella said.

"Excuse me?" Aubrey asked.

"Aubrey, I know Jason. Don't go out with him." Ella ordered.

"Why not?! He likes me! Who are you tell me who to date?! When you like someone forbidden!" Aubrey took Ella by surprise.

"What are you talking about?" Ella asked.

"You don't think I see you when you're looking over to the Cullen table?" Aubrey pointed out.

Ella shook her head. "I don't think so." Ella said.

"Whatever. I needed a little support from my friend but I guess I'm not getting it." Aubrey stood and so did Ella.

"You don't know him like I do! He's dangerous, Aubrey. I'm only trying to protect you!" Ella half-yelled.

"Do you have a past with him?" She asked.

"Yes! That's how I know he's dangerous!" Ella said desparately.

"Talking behind my back, Hernandez?" Jason said.

"It's Swan now, you idiot." Ella barked. Jason went next to Aubrey.

"Don't listen to her babe. She's just burned from our past relationship." Jason said.

"What we had was far from a relationship, Jason." Ella snapped. "I know you, Jason and I warned you to stay away from my friends."

"Or what?" Jason said as he started to walk away.

Leaving Ella with her anger, her hands shook. She stormed out of the cafeteria and went around the back of the building and she leaned her head back against the cold brick wall.

"Ella?" Edward called.

Ella wiped the forming tears under her eyes.

"Hey Eddie." Ella tried to put her best smile.

"Why are you crying?" Edward asked.

"Sometimes I get so angry I start to cry, it's not because he makes me sad, but he get me so.. so... furious that I can't contain it!" Ella narrowed her eyes aimlessly. "Sorry about dropping this on you. Do you need something?"

"I just want a favor." Edward said.

"Anything." Ella said as she wiped her nose with her sleeve, not blow on it but wiped.

"I'm going camping with my family tomorrow. Look after Bella for me?" Edward asked.

"Sure thing." Ella smiled.