Status: Finished, check out the seuquel though

Immortality Unwished For

Soccer vs Baseball

Edward just asked Bella if she wanted to play baseball with his family. Alice had gotten a vision of thunder and lighting the perfect weather for vampires to play baseball.

"We should ask Ella to come." Alice beamed.

"Yeah, she seemed a little depressed before we left." Bella agreed.

"It's settled then." Edward smiled.

{Right After Edward and Bella Left}

Ella stayed in her room, pacing up and down. She weighed her options. Charlie would eventually come home and she didn't want to risk his life or Bella's. Who knew how strong Edward really was.

She looked at the clock. 6:37pm. She had been pacing in her room for hours. Charlie would be home soon.

[I need to keep them safe.] Ella thought.

The phone rang and it made Ella jump. After four rings in went to voice mail.

"You've reached the Swan residence, please leave name, message and a number to contact you back." Charlie's voice rang through the empty house.

"Peace." Ella's voice said, Ella smiled at herself she had done that to make it seem more brighter.


"Ella, it's Josh. Hey... um... this is a bit awkward, sorry if you're listening Mr. Swan but I have to get this off my chest. Ella... I think I love you." Ella felt picking up the phone and asking him to come over but there was an obesessed vampire after her.

"I mean... I know I've only known you for... less than two weeks... but the impact you have left on me. It's driving me crazy... I-I can't think about anything for more than a minute because you just pop into my mind and.." He laughs as if what he saying is the most ridiculous thing in the world. But he continues. "Ella... call me back, please. I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out with this but I just couldn't look aside while other guys ogle you. Bye."

By this point Ella was crying. She needed to get away.

[That's it... I'll run. Somewhere where he'll never find me.] Ella thought. A small smile appeared on her face. She went to her closet and took out a duffle bag she used for soccer practice back home in Los Angeles. That's right, Ella was from Los Angeles not the city but the county. She lived in Long Beach, California, in the most dangerous part of Long Beach.

That's where she would run. Back to Long Beach. She would stay with her best friend Nancy for a while until she could sell her songs and hopefully make money.

She stuffed clothes, socks and underwear. She went through her drawers and took the notebooks full of songs. She put her acoustic guitar in the case. She grimaced when she saw her Le Paul.

"I'm sorry I can't take you." Ella sniffled.

She got some money from her stash and shoved it in her back pocket. It was the money from the gig yesterday. Hopefully she could get a bus ticket all the way down to California.

She thought of Charlie and Bella and it ached her to do this to them but it wasn't safe with her around. She went down stairs with her things. She quickly looked out the window and only her black Impala was parked outside.

But then she saw headlights and it was the cruiser of Charlie.

"Fuck!" Ella cursed. She hid her stuff in the coat closet next to the entrance door. Charlie was close to the door and used her speed to quickly go to the living room couch and turn on the t.v. Just in time too, Charlie opened the door.

"Hey kiddo!" He greeted Ella. Ella moved her head all the way back to see Charlie upside down and smiled.

"Hey Uncle Chuck." He kissed her forehead. "How was your day?"

"Well, the hiker murder was closed due to the lack of evidence." He frowned.

[Whoo!] Ella cheered.

"Sucks booty." Ella faked frowned.

"I'm going to take a long shower. Where's Bella?" He asked.

Ella shrugged. "I think Edward took her to meet Esme and the rest of the Cullen 'officially' ." Ella did air quotes.

"Mmh. I don't know about Edward." Charlie mused.

"He's a good guy, Uncle. He cares for Bella... a lot. I mean... I think he would take a bullet for her and more." Ella had to admit it. Edward looked at Bella with so much love and sometime she wished it was her. But she could never be as innocent as Bella; she had done too many mistakes and didn't deserve anyone like Edward, Josh or Jacob.

"Well see ya later kid." Ella tried her best to smile as she saw her Uncle go upstairs.

"I love you, Uncle Chuck!" Ella yelled.

"Me too, Ella!" He yelled back.

Ella smiled. She waited until she heard the shower running. She jumped over the couch and opened the door of the closet. She heard another car, Bella's truck.

"Oh que le chingada!" Ella cursed in Spanish. (It basically means "Fuck".)

She shoved the stuff back in the closet. And once more went to the couch.

"Ella?!" Bella called.

"Living room!" Ella raised her hand and waved it boredly.

"Hey." They greeted.

"Mmh." Ella answered absently.

"Hey, do you want to come and play baseball with us?" Edward sat on the empty spot next to Ella.

"Not really a fan of baseball. I'm more of a soccer chick." Ella nodded her head to Edward.

"Please come?" Bella asked.

"No thanks." Ella was determined.

"You're stubborn than a mule." Bella sighed and went upstairs.

"Love you too, Bella." Ella yelled.

Edward chuckled.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Edward asked.

"Yeah." Ella sighed. She looked at Edward for a moment and then looked away.

"What's on your mind?" Edward asked.

"Stuff. Yours?" Ella smirked.

"A certain someone." He smirked back.

"Is that 'certain someone' have brown hair, brown eyes and a chaos magnet?" Ella rose an eyebrow.

"No, this 'certain someone' has ornage slash red hair, green eyes and is the one that causes chaos." He teased.

"Hardy fucking har." Ella said sarcastically.

"What's your favorite color?" He placed his arm on the arm chair and his chin on his palm.

"And I thought I was random." Ella joked.

"Answer the question, Swan." Edward grinned.

"Purple." Ella answered.

"Favorite book?"

"The Giver."




"It shows that there are things that we don't believe but they are there. Some are born with special ability and some aren't."

"Good choice. Favorite romanticist?"



"I don't know, first name that popped in my head." Ella shrugged. "Are we done with my interrigation?"

"No." Edward smiled.

Ella narrowed her eyes. They looked into each others eyes for a moment without saying a word and with smiles on their faces. Ella didn't noticed Edward was on her face until she smelled his scent and his cool breath on her face and it tingled her tongue.

They moved in slowly without realizing what they were doing and for a split second their lips met but Ella snapped back and pulled away and then Bella was down stairs with a sweater on.

"I told Charlie, he said it was okay." Bella smiled.

Ella suddenly felt guilt and shame she let it get that far.

"Have a great time." Ella smiled.

Edward got up and went to Bella.

Ella waited to hear Edward's car, this time it was the Volvo, drive away. But her plans were ruined when Charlie went down stairs his hair wet from the shower and a smile on his face.

"Are they gone?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah. I'll go make some dinner. I hope you like tuna." Ella skipped to the kitchen. She opened canned tunas, corn and vegatable and mixed them in a bowl with mayonnaise. She got some plastic plates, salt crackers and some cokes. She placed it all on a tray and went to the living room where Charlie was watching baseball.

"Here ya go." Ella said placing the tray in front of him.

Ella picked up the control and changed the channel.

"Hey." Charlie said with a mouth full of tuna.

"Let's see some soccer." It was a Chivas vs. America, a classical game. Rivals to death.

"I can't understand what they're saying. It's Spanish." Charlie whined.

"You need to understand it. All it's saying are the names of the players and who is passing the ball to who." Ella looked over at her Uncle. "You see this is a classical game; the ones in the red and white are Chivas a Mexican team from Guadalajara and the yellows are America a team from Mexico D.F. the capital of Mexico. They're rivals to death. Muahaha." Ella said all melodramatic.

Charlie laughed. "That's entertaining. Well, it's never bad to try something new."


"Where's Ella?" Esme asked as Bella and Edward approached her. Alice immeditately came next to Edward and Bella.

"No Ella?" Alice had a sad tone.

"She doesn't like baseball." Bella said.

"What?" Jasper asked incredulously.

"She's half-Mexican." Bella nodded.

"Oh. I guess." Jasper shrugged.

[She's been acting weird. Something is up but I don't know what it is.] Edward thought to Alice.

[I hope it's not something serious. Um, Edward... did you try to kiss Ella?] Alice and Edward looked at each other.

[ *sighs*. I couldn't help myself. Her blood smells so delicious... sometimes I can't... help myself.]

[Be careful. Ella and Bella are close... they're family.] Alice thought back.

[I know. But when I look into her green, bright eyes... she takes over me and she doesn't even know it.] Edward looked over to Bella and felt his chest tighten.


{Two Hours Later}

Alice just had the vision of two vampires coming.

"I thought there was going to be three?" Edward hissed at Alice.

"I don't know. Now it's the red-head women and a dark haired man." Alice had her eyes closed.

Edward concentrated on their thoughts.

[Why is James so fixated on that stupid mortal?] The man muttered.

[James better finish her off soon.] The women thought.

"One of them is a tracker." Edward announced.

"Who is it tracking?" Carlisle asked.

Edward concentrated harder. He focused on the dark-haired man. A flash of Ella's face went through his mind.

Edward snapped his eyes open wide.

"Edward?" Bella asked.

"The tracker is after Ella."

"What?!" Everyone said.

"We have to go." Bella was panicking.

"We can't they're going to be here in less than a minute." Alice announced.

"Bella put your hair down. If anyone of us leave they'll suspect. We just have to get this over with as soon as possible." Edward said.


"Aha! You owe me ten bucks, Uncle Chuck. Two to cero!! Whoo Chivas, numero uno guey!!" Ella cheered and did her happy dance, which was the robot. "Uh, huh... oh yeah!"

"You sure know how to gloat." Charlie muttered. Ella flashed her uncle a smile.

"Hey, I leanred from the best... my dad." Ella said.

Just then Charlie's radio went off.

"Chief Swan? over" called a man.

Charlie got off the couch and went over to his radio. Ella didn't really pay attention.

"Ella! Gotta go! Emergency, Bella is suppose to come early!" Charlie yelled before he slammed the front door shut. Ella heard the cruiser ignition.

Ella suddenly felt alone, the stillness in the house reminded her of the night of the attack. A tear escaped her eyes and rolled down her cheek. She wiped it off. She went to the closet and picked up her bag and her guitar case.

What she didn't know was that a lustful vampire was waiting for her outside. Waiting to attack her. To make her his again. Because Ella was his singer and he wasn't going to let her go.