Status: Finished, check out the seuquel though

Immortality Unwished For

Full of Surprises

"I'll see ya around, Eddie." Ella said as she noticed the bell was going to ring.

On the other hand, Edward was confused why she was saying that. He had lost himself talking to Ella, he had lost track of time. The bell rang and Edward quickly remembered Bella and walked out the door to meet Bella outside her classroom.

Ella walked outside the class room and met Aubrey and Josh. She smiled at them and waved her hand.

"Hey." Ella greeted at them.

"Hey." They said back.

"So, where is the cafeteria again? I'm freaking starving." Ella held her stomach and showed a fake pained face. Aubrey and Josh laugh.

"Come on; let's feed you before you eat us or something." Josh joked; Ella gave out a nervous laugh.

[If only he knew] Ella thought and smiled at herself.

Ella looked around at the small cafeteria. She scrunched her nose.

"What's wrong?" asked Josh.

"It's... small." Ella said. "How many people are they in this school?"

"About 1,500." said Aubrey.

Ella's opened slightly in shock.

"How many were they in your school?" asked Josh, they were now in line waiting for it to move.

"Like five thousand." Ella said.

"How were you able to walk?" asked Aubrey in shock her eyes wide as a fish.

"It was a huge campus though... well freshman year it was then it was like... eh." Ella shrugged her shoulders. Ella got pizza and a hamburger. She paid the lady and picked up her tray of food.

"Ella!" A voice said. Ella looked around to find a face for the voice and found out it was Mike Newton, he was waving his hand at her. Mike liked Ella, she was different from Bella, she was happier than Bella and her smile made everything inside of Mike melt.

Ella, Josh and Aubrey took a seat on the same table as with Mike.

"Guys this is Ella Swan." Mike said gesturing his hand at Ella who gave a warm smile.

"Oh, so you're the girl everyone keeps talking about." said a Brunette girl, she seemed nice. "I'm Angela." She reached her hand at Ella who gladly took and shook hands.

"Hey." Ella said. She was introduced to everyone and Ella already remembered their names. But she was worried about being so close to so many humans. She was scared that if one day she lost control she would attack them.

[I'll have to feed more often then.] Ella thought and kept her smile.

"They look so cute together." Angela sighed looking over to a table with Bella and Edward. Ella stopped eating--more like attacking--her food and looked over to where Angela was looking at. She was Bella and Edward and she smiled to herself.

Edward drifted his eyes for a bit and they landed on a stuffed mouth Ella, whom waved at him slightly with two fingers, which he returned with a nod and a smile.

"You know Edward?" Jessica shrieked.

"Uh, yeah, he's in my French class." Ella said like it was no big deal.

"He talks to you?" asked Aubrey her face was shocked.

Ella gave them a confused look. "Yeah, why is it so...OHHH and stuff?" Ella raised her hands when she said OHHH.

"Because the Cullen's rarely talk to anyone." Josh answered.

"The Cullens?" Ella raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Edward Cullen, Emmet Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Alice Cullen and Jasper Cullen." Jessica lifted one finger with each name and then nudges her head to a table Ella hadn't noticed before.

There he was Emmet and that boy Jasper from Government. All incredibly gorgeous.

[Mmmh... I wonder... nah they couldn't be.] Ella shook the bad thought out of her head and laughed at the thought.

"What's so funny?" asked Mike trying to meet her dazzling green eyes.

Ella had forgotten she wasn't alone. "Nothing." She lied easily.

"So, why are you here? Did your parents sent you here as a punishment?" asked Lauren, Ella didn't like her.

"In a way." Ella said in a serious tone. "Just some bad luck." She added with a smile.

"What did you do?" asked Aubrey who seemed intrigued.

"Like I said just some real bad ass luck." Ella said her voice said to drop it and they seemed to get the memo.

"Did you like robbed a bank or something?" Lauren said.

"No, I stole some nice cars and sold them." Ella lied, if she didn't she knew they would eventually keep asking. "But I'm going cold-turkey from now on."


There were many movements at once and Ella could smell the blood bumping in their veins and arteries. She closed her eyes for a second until she knew they were back to their regular green color; she didn't want anyone asking why her eye color had changed. She looked at her schedule, she had Biology next; this was going to be an easy class because she already had biology.

When she entered the class she saw that Bella and Edward were sitting next to each other. Ella did the same routine with the teacher. Mike waved at Ella to seat next to him. Edward caught Ella's gaze for a moment and she gave him a sweet smile. Ella took the seat next to Mike.

"How come you didn't tell me we had Bio together?" He sounded hurt.

"Hey! I didn't know. I would've told you." Ella gave him one of her innocent looks which made Mike feel all weird inside. How could this girl get inside of his head so fast? He thought he was in love with her, she was so different from the other girls and she didn't even try to be this cool.

"Class, I assume you already know what we have a new student. Ms. Ella Swan." Ella had asked him not to use her full name and he agreed.

Hellos mumbled across the room.

"Hey." Ella said raising her hand and dropped it.

The teacher turned off the lights and there were those little yelps and Ella giggled as she recognized one as Bella's.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Mike whispered.

"Nope." Ella answered, this made Mike's hear jump in joy and a smile curled on his lips. "How about you?" Ella continued the conversation, hoping he wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"I'm dating, but not sure if she's the one." Mike grinned. Ella snorted. "What?"

"How can you be sure she's the one, if you don't give her a chance?" Ella sounded all formal and stuff; she had her smart moments.

"Well, there's this other girl. She's amazing, but it's too early to tell how she feels about me." Mike said, of course referring to Ella, but Ella was clueless.

"Give the girl time, maybe she just needs time to adjust to you or something." Ella gave him her best advice.

"Thanks." He smiled at her and she flashed one back at him. Ella and Mike started to talk about random things they would laugh every once in a while and the teacher would shush them, which only made them laugh more.

The bell rang and Ella checked her schedule to see what she had next... Ap Calculus. She groaned and threw her head back.

"What is it?" asked Mike as they walked out of class, Bella waved at Ella and Ella responded back the same way.

"I hate math with so much fiery passion." Ella pumped her fist in front of her face and snarled playfully. Mike chuckled.

"Join the club." Mike said.

"Sorry, I don't join clubs I make them." Ella grinned at her stupid comeback.

Ella entered the classroom, which was small because not a lot of people were as smart.

[Ha! I hate math.] Ella thought, she walked up to the sleepy teacher. Mr. Runder. His eyes were weary and red.

"Welcome to Forks High School." His voice was emotionless. "Take a seat next to Ms. Cullen." Mr. Runder pointed to a short-black haired girl. She was a Cullen alright. She had the same pale skin and looked stunning.

Ella gave a warm smile to her as she took the desk next to the girl Cullen, she quickly returned it.

"Hi, I'm Alice Cullen." She extended her hand at Ella and Ella took it.

"Ella Swan." Ella shook hands.

"Nice to see a new face." She said. Ella smiled. "Don't worry about this class. The teacher is always sleeping and rarely gives tests and when he does we can cheat because he never pays attention."

"Oh thanks goodness, cause I hate math." Ella had that same fury look in her eyes.

Alice giggled. "Then what are you doing in AP calculus?" Her laugh was so angelic-like, almost like she practiced her laugh, but Ella doubted this girl was shallow.

"Universe like the play with me. It loves to see me miserable." Ella nodded and Alice laughed a little loud.

"I like you, you're funny." Alice thought his girl was like no other, she was sincere and her hair was cool; fiery red almost orange because it was fading. She had her own style and she seemed like she didn't like the attention she was getting. But somehow, Alice could see this girl had suffered, she doesn't know how and what, but she can see the pain behind the smile she puts on.

"Glad to make you laugh." Ella laughed.

When the bell rang Alice and Ella exchanged phone numbers.

"Call me, we should hang out sometime." Alice waved good bye to Ella.

"Totally dude." Ella said placing the paper on her back pocket. Ella, then, headed towards the gym which was her last class and she was relieved.

Ella and Bella had the same gym class and so Bella helped Ella get her Phys. Ed clothes.

The teacher cleared off Ella. Mike was in the class as well. Mike was so happy to know that he had Ella for three classes. Mike, Ella and Bella partnered up for the Badminton game. Ella and Mike did most of the playing because Bella wasn't very.... coordinated with her feet. Ella and Mike won all other their games.

"I didn't think of you as an athletic." Mike said as they just beat the last team.

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Ella smirked, and Mike felt his knees weak with her smirking like that.

[Yeah, like at night, I'll be drinking some poor animal's blood.] Ella thought.