Status: Finished, check out the seuquel though

Immortality Unwished For

Fitting in...

Ella wiped the oil off her hands with a cloth Jacob offered. They finished installing the muffler on the Rabbit.

Jake came back from the house with two sodas. She popped it open and gulped it down.

"I swear, sometimes I forget you're a girl."

She burps really loud and they break into a laugh.

"Oh, dad wants to see you."

"He's here now?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

The Black's house was crowded. But three boys stood out the most: Sam, Jared and Paul.

Ella felt like a little person next to them.

"Jared! Paul! Sam!" She beamed hugging each one.

"Ella!" Jared boomed and hugged her tightly again. "We missed you."

She giggled. "Aw, me too!"

Ella then met Harry and his wife Sue, they had two kids Leah and Seth. Ella greeted them both.

Ella also met Sam's fiancee Emily. When she looked at Emily she thought she was beautiful and didn't pay attention to the scars on her face.

"I didn't know Sam was engaged." Ella smiled. "That's so cute!"

"Thanks." Emily said.

"She's also the greatest cook." Paul cheered.

Ella laughed. "I can't cook for my life. Bella's the cook."

"How is Bella?" Billy asked.

Ella shrugged. "I haven't talked to her in about..." Ella tried to recall the last time she talked to Bella on the phone. "Three weeks ago, I think, no, yes...I was in Texas the last time I talked to her."

"Must be crazy being on tour, how was it?!" Quil quickly asked.

"Words can't describe...I mean the energy the people give you. I've never felt so alive...especially when I'm on stage and people sing to lyrics with me. It's the best feeling in the world." She explained.

Ella looked around the living room. She felt like these people were her second family. She fitted so well with them, they accepted her.

"Well, I have to go before it gets late and Uncle Chuck sends half his people looking for me. I left my cell charging." Ella stood up.

"I'll call Charlie for you while you go." Billy smiled.

"Thanks, Billy Bob." Ella smiled back.

"Hey, there is a bonfire tomorrow night. Would you like to come? We'll be telling legends of our people. Your father loved the bonfires."

"Oh yeah, he told me about them when I was little. Like about the wolf-men or something like that and the third wife, yeah..." Ella trailed off, she had forgotten about those story. "I would love to go. What time?"

"Come at nine tomorrow night." Billy said.

[It's in her blood, she's a Quileute.] Billy thought.

"Ciao, muchachos!" Ella yelled behind her as she got into Bella's truck and drove off.


She placed the keys back in the key hanger. She peeked in the living room, it was empty. She looked in the kitchen and found Bella and Charlie eating.

"Hey!" Ella beamed.

Bella smiled from ear to ear.

Ella and Bella hugged.

"I missed you." Bella said. "Well, your sarcasm."

Ella laughed and parted from Bella and sat on her usual seat.

"I'll serve you some chicken." Bella said going over to the cupboard and took out a plate.

Ella talked to Bella through out dinner. She told her of all the places she went and the stuff she got from the different malls and soveniers she got for them.

"Oh, Uncle Chuck, Billy asked me if I could go to a bonfire tomorrow night. Is it okay if I go?"

"Yeah, he called before you came and told me and sure you can go." Charlie said with a smile.

"Thanks Uncle Chuck."

"Alice misses you!" Bella said.

"I miss her. I'll probably go visit her tomorrow."

"You should the boys are going camping." Bella emphasized the word 'camping' and Bella winked at Ella.

"Cool." She said.


Ella found herself in the mood for writing some songs. She got out her pencil and notebook with her song ideas. She named the song 'Hallelujah'. She was pleased when she finished and tried to remember to tell her band members as soon as possible.

Her phone vibrated. She took off the charger and answered.

"Speak to me, baby." She said.

"Hey, it's Josh." Josh smiled.

"Hey, what up?" Ella said going to her bed and laid on her stomach.

"Nothing. You settled in?"

"Yup. You?" She asked.

"Yeah, hey, do you want to go out somewhere tomorrow?"

" was planning to visiting the Cullen's since I haven't seen them in two months and Alice and Emmett are getting desparate." Ella chuckled.

"Emmett's back from Africa?"

Ella slapped herself physically with her open hand.

"Uh, yeah, he came all the way to see me and stuff, plus Rosalie was complaining about the sun." Ella made it up really quick.

"Oh. Well I'll see you later, I guess?" Josh said, disappointed.


"Love you."

"Ditto." Ella answered and hanged up. She didn't like to lie so she didn't say 'I love you' to Josh quite often.


Ella groaned as her alarm went off. She had a long day ahead of her. She got dressed in her favorite purple skinny jeans and a bright yellow shirt.

She looked in the mirror one last time before going downstairs.

"Bella!" Ella yelled, she made each step down the stairs louder than the last and now she started singing Bella's name. "Oh Bellaaaaa...whereeee areeeee yooouuuuuu?!"

"I'm in the kitchen, and please stop singing my name!" Bella yelled from the kitchen.

"Iiiiiissssssaaaaabbbbbbeeeeellllllaaaaa!!!" Ella vocalized as she entered the kitchen and immediately closed her mouth when she saw who was with Bella.

It was Alice!

"ELLA!!" Alice shrieked.

Before Ella could process it, Alice was already hugging her close and tightly. Ella returned the hug. Alice knew she couldn't break Ella so that's why she held her so close.

"Okay, Alice...personal space." Ella said pushing her off gently.

"Right, you still have to breathe." Alice laughed. "When did you get back?"

"Yesterday afternoon."

"And you didn't visit?" She was insulted and faked hurt.

Ella laughed. "Sorry, I went to visit a friend and drop of their birthday present." She shrugged. "I spent the rest of the day with them."

"And now you're coming with us!" Alice cheered, she got hold of Ella's wrist and pulled her.

"I just want to see my baby." Ella beamed.

Alice gave her a look.

[Uh, Bella present] Alice said in her head.

[Uh, talking about my car, Alice, what the hell were you thinking?!] Ella said back.

[Nothing....Edward... Damn it.] She cursed.

Ella held her laugh through her mouth and snorted.

"What's so funny?" asked Bella.

"Your face." Ella answered quickly.

"Nice one." Bella scowled.

"Just kidding cousin." Ella made a baby voice.

"You're pathetic."

"You're retarded."

"You're....weird." Bella said.

"Damn proud too!" Ella screamed.


"Oh, Ella, it's good to see you." Esme said as she greeted Ella with a kiss on each cheek.

"Hello Esme, I've missed you too."

"How was tour, honey?" They sat in the living room.

"Incredibly wicked!" Ella exclaimed. "I loved seeing all the different cities and stuff."

"Is it true you were dating Synyster Gates?" Alice asked, curiosity in her golden eyes.

"Who the hell started that rumor?! I mean, it's like the hundredth time someone has asked me that. No, Brian and I never dated or did anything, dude he knows I'm only seventeen, which makes me illegal." Ella pointed out.

"That's a relief, that boy has a lot of tattoos." Esme said, remembering the picture Alice had shown her of this Synyster Gates.

"Not to mention he's like seven or eight years older than me." Ella added. "He's cool, like a big brother!"

"Well, we have a whole day to ourselves so let's get this sleepover started." Alice beamed.

"Whoa, no one said about a sleepover." Ella glared at Bella.

Bella tried to hide her face. "What?! I didn't want to come alone."

"Bella!" Ella growled then turned to Alice with a weak smile. "Sorry Alice, I promised a friend I would go somewhere with them tonight, so maybe after I can come!"

"But, why?" Alice seemed hurt.

"It won't take long, I promise!" Ella raised her hand.

"Okay, I guess." Alice sighed.

"Thanks." Ella hugged Alice. "But hey! I don't leave until nine so let's enjoy the party now."

"Did any of the band members hit on you?" Rosalie asked, Ella was doing Rosalie's nails for fun. Weird how Rosalie and Ella had become close in just a few hours.

"No, just a lot flirting and stuff, nothing serious." Ella shrugged.

"But you wanted them to hit on you?" Rosalie smirked.

Ella puts on an innocent face. "Maybe. Hell yeah! I mean they're all fucking hot....with their"

Rosalie and Ella laughed, whilst Bella gave them weird looks and wondered why they got along so great all of a sudden.

"Are you going to go on tour again?" Alice asked, she was doing Bella's hair.

Ella turned to Alice.

"I don't know, depends on what Tony has planned for us. Plus, I know near Christmas I'm going to Los Angeles again for a thing for a radio, it's called Almost Acoustic Christmas and a Breakfast with fans and stuff. But that's until December." Ella explained.

"Sounds like you'll be busy." Esme smiled, she brought hot coccoa for Ella and Bella. Who knew a vampire could cook? I mean, she wasn't an expert but she good.

"Yup, for a while."

"Have you thought about the future?" Rosalie asked and Ella knew what she meant.

"Yeah, I'm going to stage my airplane or something." Ella sighed in sadness. "But not, like maybe ten years from now, when they start asking questions as to why I'm not looking any older."

"Sounds...good." Alice said slowly.

"What?" Ella asked.

Alice hesitated. "Um, if you stage your death...wouldn't you like have to leave..."

"Everyone? I know. But sooner or later I'll have to." Ella shrugged.

"You say it like it's the most obvious thing in the world." Rosalie said, Ella looks at Rosalie.

"I know,'s the truth." Ella checked her watched. It was eight thirty and she needed to go now to be on time for the Blacks. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you later guys."

"Bye." They all said.

Ella went to the garage of the Cullens and recognized her keys from the hanger and took them. She was so happy to be back in her old Impala car. She missed it so much. She hugged the steering wheel and squealed.

"Ah, I've missed you so much, baby. Let's roll!"