Status: Finished, check out the seuquel though

Immortality Unwished For


Ella read over the lyrics to the song she was going to sing to Bella for her birthday and nodded when she felt confident she knew the words by heart.

Her cell phone went off and she looked at the screen before answering. It was Brian Haner.

"Hey, Brian, watcha need?" Ella was going down the stairs. "Bye Uncle Chuck." She closed the door before he could answer; she was still hiding her piercing from him.

"I was bored." He slurred.

"You're drunk." Ella pointed out; she opened the door to her Impala and slipped into the driver’s seat, her guitar on the passenger seat. "Talk to me when you're sober, Brian."

"You're so hot--" Ella hanged up and shook her head.

When she turned on the radio "Pressure" was playing and she felt so excited to hear her voice on the radio.

When the song was over 'Fuel' by Metallica played and Ella blasted it. She felt cocky today and so she was going about ninety. She made a sharp right turn on the opening that led to the Cullen's house.

All the Cullen’s had heard her Impala about three miles away and Emmett grinned.

"Ella's coming!" He boomed.

Everyone was already in the living room.

Ella parked her and reached over for her guitar. Before she was at the porch Emmett was already waiting for her. She rarely saw Emmett since he was suppose to be in Africa with Rosalie.

Ella used her speed and embraced Emmett. Emmett spun her around and Ella laughed. Emmett loved how when Ella laughed it came from the heart.

"Okay, put me down!" Ella yelled when she felt dizzy.

Emmett brought her down to her feet. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah, I've missed you Big E."

Emmett kissed her forehead.

"Me too, Little E, you don't stop by anymore." He crossed his huge arms across his chest and pretended to be mad.

"Sorries!! I've--"

"When did you get snakebites?!" He pointed at her lips.

"On my birthday, Matt, Johnny, Jimmy, Zack and Brian paid for this and these." Ella removed her big jacket and she had a rocker tee on of A7X, she showed her flame around her upper arm. She raised the back of the hem of her shirt and showed her tattoo on her lower back and then she moved it over her head and showed her star on her shoulder blade.

Emmett traced his cold fingers on the star.

"How much did it hurt?"

"Much more than I expected, but it was worth it." Ella shrugged and she shivered when Emmett's cold finger ran down her back to her lower back tattoo.

"What are you doing?" Alice voice came from the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes wide and concerned.

Ella pulled back down her shirt.

"I was showing Emmett the tattoos that the Avenged boys paid for." Ella said.

"Everyone's in the living room." Alice said slowly and pointed to it.

Ella felt a bit of tension and picked her guitar and walk towards the living room. As Emmett was going to follow her Alice appeared in front of him.

She scowled at him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"I saw you kissing Ella." She whispered so low no human could hear.

"What?" He chuckled nervously.

"You're lucky I got down here on time." She poked his chest and turned her heel.

"Now, you can listen to an actual radio station without the static!" Ella threw her hands in the air with a smile.

Bella rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I drove your crappy truc--"

"It's a classic and it's older than yours!" Bella defended her truck.

"So! I mean, yeah it's adorable in a way but sometimes--"

"Can we drop the subject?" Edward suggested.

"Fine, it's my turn for my present, anyways." Ella ran to her guitar and was back before Bella could think. She strummed it. "Right, so this is for Bella. And... Uh... I think it's a song about how she feels towards Edward. I wrote it when Drake was alive." Okay, so she lied about the last part but what would the Cullen's think if she sang a song to Bella for Edward?

"Oooh," Alice said getting more comfortable next to Jasper.

Ella cleared her throat. Edward and Bella sat together in the love seat. Actually, she was sitting in front of all the Cullen's while she was in the middle of the living room in a chair.

"Take time to realize, that your warmth is...crashing down on in... take time to realize, that I am on your side... didn't I, didn't I tell you... but I can't spell it out for you, no, it's never gonna be that simple... no I can't spell it out for you." Ella strummed and paused for effect.

All of the Cullen’s were so drawn to her voice. Then, Ella began to play the guitar again.

"If you just realize, what I just realize, then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another...just realize what I just realize, we'd never have to wonder, if we missed out on each other now..."

Bella couldn't help but to smile, she loved how Ella's voice was so smooth and suave. And the lyrics were right on the spot.

"Take time to realize...oh-oh, I am on your side... didn't I, didn't I tell you... take time to realize, oh-oh, I am on your side. Oh... But I can't spell it out for you, non, it's never gonna be that simple... no I can't spell it out for you... If you just realize what I just realize, then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another... just realize what I just realize... we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other. But."

Ella paused again for effect and she was now singing with her eyes closed and feeling every single word she sang.

"It's not the same... no it's not the same...' If you meet me halfway, if you would meet me halfway..."

She repositioned her fingers on the neck of the guitar and strummed to the old beat.

"If you just realized what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another... just realize what I just realize... Just realize what I just realize... OH.... missed out on each other, now.... missed out on each other, now... missed out on each other, now... realize... realize... realize." And with a final strum she was done.

Echoes of applause went through the Cullen mansion. Bella looked like she was going to cry.

"So, am I off the hook for the thing in the morning?" Ella chuckled, changing the mushy feeling in the room.

Bella nods.

"Yeah, most definitely."

"Great, now my present is going to seem worthless compare to that." Alice whined and half-pouted.

The room filled with short laughs and Alice handed Bella her present. Bella stuck her finger under the gift wrap and when she pulled out.... everything went in slow motion and yet it only happened in seconds....

Bella got a paper cut and Jasper lunged at her. The smell of blood filled the air and suddenly Ella remembered she had not hunted in about a month and Bella's blood smelled so good to her.

But when Ella analyzed things, Bella was on top of shattered glass and Emmett got hold of Jasper, but Jasper struggled with all his strength, he wanted her blood.

Ella stopped breathing and her eyes wide as fish as she looked at the scene before her.

Carlisle ordered Rose and Emmett outside, Emmett still had Jasper and so he was dragged outside. Jasper snapped his jaw at his brother, his eyes filled with hunger and beyond the recognition of Jasper Hale.

Ella didn't realize she was standing until she found herself walking towards her cousin. She felt her eyes red.

[No! You can't! She's family, you do NOT hurt family!] A voice in the back of her said, but it was faint and almost like it didn't exist.

But her thirst was stronger than her will. No one was noticing that Ella was about to lunge at Bella until Edward looked over to Ella.

Ella had no specific expression, her eyes fixed on the Bella's bleeding wound.

"Ella?" Edward approached her slowly.

Ella barely heard her name, it sounded like he was underwater or a dream. Her eyes never left Bella's wound. She licked her lips but when she took another step towards Bella she bumped into a statue... Edward.

He grabbed her by the shoulder; it always surprised him how soft she was he shook her. But Ella was trying to look behind Edward; Carlisle was taking Bella to the kitchen to fix her up.

Ella used her speed to get pass Edward and lunged at Bella from behind her but before she could even be halfway she was pinned to the ground on her stomach with Edward on top of her.

Bella looked behind her in shock; she had heard another crashing of stones. It was Ella pinned to the ground, her eyes glowing red and fixed on her. She had never seen Ella like this, she was terrifying. Like Jasper she snapped her jaw towards her. Ella was lunged to the floor and scrapping it like a cat trying to get away from Edward's grip, but Edward held her down.

Edward turned Ella to her back. He got hold of her wrists and held them on the floor. His knees on either side of her hips. Ella wiggled, kicked but her efforts were futile, he was too strong for her.

[Ella calm down! Stop breathing!] He told her in her head.

"Take her outside." Carlisle was hurt to see Ella like this. It reminded him a lot like Jasper when he first started going vegetarian. How Jasper's glowed red, but what he wondered was why hers still glowed red when she was drinking animal blood?

Edward listened and picked Ella up. He still had hold of her wrists. He made Ella's arm wrap around her self like a strain jacket and brought Ella's back to his chest. He lifted her off her feet as he walked outside the house.

Edward ran deep in the forest, as far as he could.

Once he felt there was a safe distance and Ella had stopped fighting him he let her go. She dropped to her knees and hid her face in shame.

How could she let it get out of her control? She lunged at her cousin... looking to kill her... to feed off of her.

"God, I'm a freak... a monster." Ella whispered, she brought her arms down and hugged herself trying to keep herself from shaking because of the sobs.

In the night, Ella's tears glistened as the rolled down her cheeks and dripped down from her chin. Edward had a sympathetic look. He knelt down besides her and hugged her.

"You're not a monster." He whispered. "We all have our moments."

"Didn't you see?! I was going to attack my cousin! Your girlfriend! And all you can say is 'We all have our moments'?!" Ella was back on her feet and Edward slowly rose, she hated how he and everyone else towered over her short status.

Ella waited for him to respond. She shook her head and turned her heel to him and like in a soap opera; he spins her back around and crashes his lips on her. It felt weird to Edward to feel Ella's snakebites but it didn't bother him, he was too concentrated on her soft lips.

He loved to show his passion on her because he knew no matter how hard he gripped her she would heal faster than like a mortal. He wanted her so badly. Physically, yes, but mostly just to be able to call her his. She moved her lips with his in a synchronizing way like they were meant for each other's lips.

His hand slipped under the shirt and he rubbed her back, he memorized every part. Her hands went from his shoulders to down his chest where she memorized his every muscle.

For the first time, Edward's mind was silenced. He could hear no thought, he was at peace. Before he knew it, he slipped off Ella's shirt and Ella did the same to his.

They began to lower to their knees and Edward leaned in until Ella was on the cold ground and Edward was over her, his lips never leaving hers and then went down to her neck where he could feel the small and slow beat of her heart.

Everything became so... dream like for Ella. Yes, she had dreamed, well day-dreamed about this and now it was happening and she couldn't think of anything to stop her... she was letting it go... everything.

Soon, they were nude and Ella's breathing was ragged. Then, he entered her and she arched her back...