Status: Finished, check out the seuquel though

Immortality Unwished For

Problem Solved

Ella started to laugh uncontrably, she couldn't believe what Emmett had thought.

"Me---a teenage---mother?" She said between laughs. She slowly stopped and chuckled every now and then. "No, I'm not. Here's what I meant."

She parked in the drive way of the house. "Come and see what I meant."

Emmett followed Ella out of the car and walked over and found out what she meant. It was her car; Impala, 1967 and great body work.

"Whoa, gorgeous." Emmett awed. "It's a true masterpiece."

"Ms. Heranandez-Swan?" The man asked, he had a white uniform.

"Yes." Ella said approaching the man with the clip board.

"Sign here." He said pointing the X on the bottom of the page. Ella took the clip board and quickly signed her signature. "How long will it take?"

"To unload?" Ella asked and the man nods. Ella moved her head side to side debating with herself. "About two hours. There's food inside of you would like to something to eat."

"No thank you, I just had lunch. I'll wait inside my cabin of the truck and you can tell me when you're done." He suggested.

"Sounds wizard." Ella smiled, the man gave her a weird look by her choice of words. He slowly walks back to the truck but not without having a last look at Ella.

[Strange girl.] He thought to himself.

Ella turned her heel and walked to the back of the semi-truck, someone had already taken down her Impala and so the other thing was gone and the semi-truck was the only thing left.

She lifted the big door up, she doens't know how. Dozens of boxes were inside but at the back of the truck she could see her old piano. A feeling hit her straight through her heart. The memories were painful and vivid.

"Ella?" Emmett's deep voice brought her back.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"You okay?" He raised an eyebrow, he saw a pained expression flash through her face.

"Yuppers." She lied. "Help me with these boxes."

Emmett and Ella started on taking down the boxes and placed them inside of the house then they agreed that while Ella unpacked them in her room, Emmett would bring the boxes up to her room. Emmett read each label of the boxed: "Stuff", "Albums", "More Stuff", and one had catched his eyes in particular it read "Trophies and recognitions..Blah"

Ella was inside of the house so he took advantage and peeked inside. He took one out and the golden doll was a ballerina.

Best Ballerina of 1996.

So Ella was about six or seven years old. He picked another one. This was a soccer doll.

Best Player of Little Leauge of 1996

[So she dance and played soccer at the same time?] Emmett thought.

He looked through the rest. He was awestruked by the many recognitions Ella had. She had one for almost every sport known. She had student of the months and student of the year trophies. Then as he looked another box catched his eyes it also read "Trophies and Recognitions...blah." This one was more taller than the others. He quickly, and by quickly I mean with vampire powers, he scanned through the trophies.

"They're all for piano competitions." Emmett said to himself. Then one of them was of guitar.

[She's the pefect daughter.] Emmett thought. [But they all seem to stop after 2001.]

"Emmett! Boxes!" Ella yelled from her window. He quickly places all of the ribbons and trophies back inside of the boxes. He carried to at a time up to Ella's room. She was just taking out her important stuff.

When she was unpacking she thought of ways she could make fifteen thousands dollars.

[I could sell things... like the piano.] It hurt her just to think about it. [But who would buy it?... I know. Eddie! I could also...(gulps) sell my... c-car.]

Emmett came in with the last of the boxes.

"We're done, all that's left is that piano. It's yours?" He asked.

"No," Ella said sarcastically.

"Right, dumb question." He said.

"No, just dumb people." Ella joked and Emmett glared. "Hey, do you think Eddie, would like to buy the piano?"

"You're not keeping it?" He asked.

"Well, I don't exactly have the space." Ella said.

[This must be a way to get the fifteen thousand dollars for that Jason guy.] Emmett thought.

"I'll ask him." Emmett said.

Ella looked out the window as she heard a car approaching.

"No need to, he's here with Bella." Ella jogged outside of her room and the house.

When she got outside, she saw Edward gawking at her car. He was looking inside of the interior.

Edward doubled over to see inside.

[Perfect condition and low miliage.] He thought to himself.

[It's Ella's.] Emmett thought, Edward stood straight and in the reflection of the window she saw a smiling Ella, he smiled too.

"I see you're checking out my baby." Ella smirked as she walked to her car and leaned on it.

Edward faces Ella with a sleek smile.

"You're selling it?" Edward raised an eyebrow.

[This must be to pay that Jason. But this car is a master piece.] Edward thought.

[She's selling it for that Jason guy.] Emmett thought to Edward.

[I know.] Edward sighed in his head.

"Yeah, I am. I mean I don't think this car will survive here because of the weather." Ella lied, this car has gone through a lot worse.

"So? Ella this car is beautiful, you shouldn't sell it." Edward said.

Ella rolled her eyes. "Fine, but I know you won't say no to this offer. Follow me Edward Cullen."

Ella walked to the semi-truck and Edward followed behind her.

[If only I could read her mind.] Edward thought.

"Ta da!" She widened her arms and gestured towards the grand piano.

Edward's jaw dropped some centimeters and Ella smiled proudly. Edward got inside of the truck and went down to the end got good look at the Grand Piano. This was definitely a classic. He looked at the designs of the legs of the piano.

"I--how--this is...I can't find words." Edward chuckled. Ella was full of surprises to him and each one made him more attracted to her, but he just doesn't know it yet.

"It's said to have belonged to Mozart, my mom and dad bought it for me when I was four and have been practicing ever since... it's... priceless, but I'll sell it to you for about $5000, if you want I can go lower." Ella said but Edward was half-listening.

"Ella, you can't sell this. This is worth more than five thousand dollars, I mean look at the detail and the keys are... well kept." Edward eyed every single detail.

"Um, yeah, I can sell it because it's mine, plus Uncle Chuck has no room for a piano for this size and I'm sure your house has enough room for it." Ella walked to the piano and she felt guilty.

[Now I have to give up something else I love because of my mistakes.] Ella thought.

Edward looked at Ella's sad face.

[Why don't you open up like Bella?] Edward thought. [You're different from her, so different.]

Ella ran her fingers just above the keys and remembered the first time she played this piano.


"Eleanor, come down here, we have a surprise for you." Rose Mary called, her mom.

Ella was just four years old and was still living in Forks and she was going to start Pre-School pretty soon and she was so excited that she was going to start with her cousin, Bella.

Ella's long chocolate brown hair bounced up and down as Ella skipped down the stairs and a one-hundred watts smile on her face.

She skipped inside of the living room.

"Yes, mom?" Ella voice was innocent and angelic.

"Honey, we know how much you've taken a like to playing the piano. Mrs. Smith, told us how you play her piano when you go over." Jack said, her dad.

"I do love to play." Ella squealed.

"Well, we got you... your own piano!" Rose Mary announced as she moved a white sheet.

Ella had not noticed the huge thing behind them. When the sheet was off she gasped and started to jump up and down.

"Mommy! daddy! I love you!!! I love you guys so much!!!" Ella hugged her parent's legs and then ran to her piano and started to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

+++++End of Flashback+++++

"I'll take it. But if I pay more the five thousand dollars." Edward's voice, once more, took Ella back to the harsh world called reality.

"Cool, how much do you want to pay?" Ella asked recovering from her painful flashback.

"Fifteen thousand dollars." Edward said.

Ella blinked several times and cleaned her ears, while Edward chuckled, to make sure she had heard right.

"What?" Ella asked.

"I will pay fifteen thousand dollars no more less." Edward grinned.

[Great! Now I don't owe Jason anything.] Ella thought.

"Where are you going to get fifteen thousand dollars?" Ella wondered.

"You let me worry about that." Edward winked.

Ella scoffed.

"You're sure something Edward Cullen, you're none like the boys I've met before." Ella grinned.

They looked into each other's eyes and smiled at each other.

"And you're definitely none like anyother girl I've met." Edward smirked.

[Trust me, for someone who has lived for more than one hundred years, you're the strangest, Ella Swan.] Edward thought.

"So!" Ella dropped her hands like a wake up call for her and Edward. "Tell me when you can pick it up and pay me when ever you get the money." She turned her heel and walked out of the semi-truck and walked over to wake up the driver.